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Teddy - Chronic Rhinitis/Sinusitis


Community Member
Oct 29, 2022
  1. Your pet's name – Teddy Bear (Teddy)
  2. Approximate age – almost 13 years old (DOB 12/19/2009)
  3. Sex - Male
  4. Neutering status – neutered at 8 months old
  5. Breed – Maine Coon
  6. Approximate weight – 8.2 kgs. (18 pounds)
  7. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood) – B = sweet boy, loves hugs and kisses, sits on the recliner with us, sleeps in bed with us. E = improving, doesn't just sleep all the time now, starting to get interested in things again. A = great, loves to eat. I feed him seven times throughout the day. M = loves to be around us, doesn't like to be alone.
  8. Diet – raw diet as of June 2021. I feed him either raw ground beef or raw ground chicken made with Know Better pre-mix (I am planning on switching to Feline Instincts pre-mix) and a squirt of Norweigan salmon oil. His treats are pieces of cooked chicken liver.
  9. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication – he received a 3-year rabies vaccine from producer ZOE on 02/29/2020 (soon due) and FVRCP vaccine on 03/02/22 (he won't be getting that vaccine again). He received 50 mg. of Cephalexin two times a day for eight days starting on 12/03/2021. Starting with a new vet on 02/23/2022, he received the following injections: Convenia injections on 02/23, 03/15, 03/31 and 05/09/22. Famotidine injections on 02/23, 03/15 and 03/31. DexChlor injections on 02/23, 03/15, 03/31 and 04/19/22. Prednisolone given from 02/23 – 03/21/22 (ten 5 mg. Tablets total). FVRCP vaccine with Dexchlor injection given on 03/02/22. Pre-anesthetic injections and Propofol on 06/01/22 when the vet flushed his ear and then referred us to the specialist. He was on Doxycycline from July 9 – September 21. He had general anesthesia and a CT scan on August 30. He had general anesthesia and teeth cleaning (no teeth needed to be extracted) for moderate to severe periodontitis on November 8. Supplements I am currently giving him are 1/4 teaspoon of L-Lysine once per day, ½ scoop of Mushroom Complex from Dr. Mercola once per day, ¼ scoop of probiotics twice a day, and ¼ scoop of Pet Health OPC Formula twice a day.
  10. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time – chronic rhinitis/sinusitis. He also hasn't been able to hear since June of this year (I think it is because of the fluid in his ears). When we picked him up from the breeder eleven years ago (he was 1 ¾ years old), other cats there were sneezing and sniffly. Teddy has always had respiratory issues, but we managed them using natural supplements.
  11. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc? I can't pinpoint anything that makes his symptoms better or worse.
  12. Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them) – CT scan on 08/30/2022. Findings: on CT images of the head, there is increased soft-tissue density material present in the nasal cavities bilaterally. There is partial lysis of the nostral nasal turbinates bilaterally. The right frontal sinus is partially filled with soft-tissue density material. The bullae are partially filled with fluid. There are no masses visible in the pharynx. There is no lymphadenopathy in the region imaged. Impressions: The CT findings are most compatible with chronic, mildly destructive infectious/inflammatory rhinitis and sinusitis. There is fluid in the bullae bilaterally indicating current or prior otitis media but there is no evidence of an aural mass or polyp at this time. Nasal neoplasia is possible as well but is considered less likely.
  13. Current and previous treatment - Teddy became very sick with respiratory symptoms and didn't want to eat on 12/01/2021. Our vet was one who normally only needed to come to our house every three years to give Teddy his rabies vaccine. However, when I called and spoke to his wife, she told me the vet was ill and not treating patients. She did tell me I could purchase Fishbiotic (Cephalexin) and give him 50 mg. twice a day for eight days, which I did. He was much better, but not quite his usual self. In February, Teddy again became very sick with sneezing, nose closed with mucus, and didn't want to eat, so we took him to a new veterinarian. He was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection and a right ear infection. I listed in the medication history above all the drugs and injections he was given over the next couple of months. His respiratory symptoms improved for about two weeks, but then returned. The vet also could not cure his ear infection, so he did a culture on 05/19/2022 which did not return anything. He then referred us to a dermatology specialist. She did a culture which showed Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, and Teddy was on Doxycycline for two months. When she did his re-check, she was very concerned that he might have polyps in both ears, so Teddy had a CT scan on 08/30/2022. As a result of the CT scan, Teddy was seen by the internal medicine specialist on 09/29/2022. However, she wanted to do a rhinoscopy with biospies and a nasal wash for a definitive diagnosis. She said if it was chronic rhinitis, Teddy's prognosis was poor because all they can do is try to manage the symptoms. As I thought about this later, I could see no reason to put Teddy through that. When I talked to my friend the next day, she told me about colloidal silver and gave me some for Teddy. The CS really helped improve Teddy's symptoms. I then came across the BrightHaven website and had a consultation with Gail Pope. She helped me find a homeopathic vet for Teddy, and we started him on Silicea 30 c remedy on 10/20/2022. He initially seemed to have a positive response to it and it seemed like sometimes he had some hearing, but he is still having symptoms. His remedy has been changed to Lycopodium Clavatum 30 c, which I should be starting tomorrow. I wish I had known about homeopathy a long time ago, but I am trying to learn all I can now. I will only allow the rabies vaccine anymore, and I will be very careful what injections and drugs I allow. My question is, how long should I expect Teddy's healing journey to take and what might I see happen along the way? Would using a humidifier help him?
  14. Other health concerns – Teddy was diagnosed with hyperthyroid on 03/15/2022. At that time, his T4 level was 7.2. After one month on Felimazole 2.5 mg. twice a day, his T4 only went down to 6.1. After one month on Felimazole 5 mg. twice a day, his T4 went down to 1.1. However, his T4 was just tested again and it was 2.1 – so it went up one point in only five months. Is it possible to treat hyperthyroid with homeopathy, which would be our preference? If not, should we have the I-131 treatment done? I think the conventional vet only expects Teddy to live a couple more years, so they think the pills are okay. I expect Teddy to live for many more years, and the way his T4 is rising, it seems like the pills will only work for a short while. I'm so confused about the best way to treat his hyperthyroid. Also, I asked my vet which Rabies vaccine they give, and they said it is a Merial 2-year non-adjuvanted vaccine. I believe from what I read on the Holistic Actions! Website that you recommend giving Jackson Galaxy's Vaccine Detox two weeks before and two weeks after the rabies vaccine?
Welcome to the HA! forum Ruth, and thanks for making your first post.

Is it possible to treat hyperthyroid with homeopathy, which would be our preference?

My question is, how long should I expect Teddy's healing journey to take and what might I see happen along the way?
Great question! In general, the longer a condition has been going on then the longer it takes to resolve. The healing journey is lifelong.

What you may see depends a lot on his body's ability to detox (and heal). In addition, the symptoms you will see depend partially on areas in his body that are especially imbalanced. For example, with chronic nose symptoms it's common to see transient sneezing and nasal discharge.

Would using a humidifier help him?
Yes. An ionbox could also help (login to the HA! member site for a discount):

What does Teddy love? Is he a big purr-er? Any specific foods/treats or activities that he loves?

This weekend you can help optimize his healing by focusing on his Happiness Protocol and Love Therapy:

I forgot to say in my original post that we have Air Doctor air purifiers for both levels of our house. Would we be able to use an ionbox, or would the air purifier and ionbox work against each other?
we have Air Doctor air purifiers for both levels of our house. Would we be able to use an ionbox

The concentrated stream of negative ions only travel ~1 foot so try to keep it near his face as
much as possible.
We thought Teddy wasn't very active and was instead sleeping much of the day because of his age, but we now know that if his BEAM is good, he should still have energy and be playful regardless of his age. We are trying to get his energy level up. I would welcome suggestions on how to get him to play and be awake more often and active again.
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