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Supplements or foods that increase and decrease bile production


Community Member
Jan 3, 2021
Another incident of not wanting breakfast for Blossom, about 6 years old but seems older as she walks slowly. At about 1:30 PM I took her for a short walk and she started to wretch and vomited bile--so the poor appetite preceded, no interest in breakfast offered about 11AM.She also seemed a bit down emotionally as usually she seems happier lying out in the sun. So this is about 5th time in a month this happened. I believe it started when I ran out of the digestive enzymes because they stopped making them. I did not find one to replace it but was giving her the Adored Beast probiotic. i did not think probiotics and enzymes were the same but an earlier discussion confused me as some were suggesting a probiotic. I had ben giving her one chicken gizzard for about 4 days, raw---I know an earlier discussion suggested more raw things. So I am back to looking for a digestive enzyme. I thought 4 leaf rover had one but they have ox bile in it. I read ox bile INCREASES bile and I do not want her to increase her bile. Are there other supplements or foods that increase bile that I might be giving her like silymarin since it is for the liver.
homeopath seems to be on vacation but thought he said i could give nux vomica so I gave this to her last time and today but after the episode. My other dogs in the past if one had upset stomach as a regular thing, I gave nux vomica for about a year and that worked. Should I give her nux daily? She is also on carbonica calcarea once a month Pancreatic Lipase test was normal last week. Potassijm was a bit high at 5.7 lowering her Na:K ratio to 26 Reticulocyts were a bit high at 148

This vomiting onset is new and wonder what questions to ask myself regarding food or supplements could be encouraging this problem. I did switch to raw primal venison/turkey/chicken with added sardines occasionally from the prior discussion where we discussed high copper. She now only gets beef or bison at supper. And is she really getting digestive enzymes from her raw food if it is HPP which changes things. i think the guy at the pet food store said they do not do the hpp for anything other than poultry. And thought he said the venison is from New Zealand and not HPP . Do not know what to believe and feel this dog is not getting a good diet, albeit it is expensive. She is still too heavy at 63 lbs. She can't seem to lose the weight. i feed her in a smaller bowl so less food goes in. I do add calcium to her food 1/4 tsp in spite of the commercial food because i do not feed her the full amount for her weight.
I do not want her to increase her bile. Are there other supplements or foods that increase bile that I might be giving her
Sorry, I don't quite understand what you're asking here. In general, fatty foods slow gastric emptying and therefore increase exposure to bile.

Maybe these will help:

regarding food or supplements could be encouraging this problem.
Fatty foods and almost any supplement can exacerbate this.

In the past (now I use only homeopathy) I've used this for similar situations:

I saw the prozyme which looked good but it is as needed. I wonder if the fish oil I was giving her when I remember contributes to it. So the ox bile in the 4 LeafRover product would not contribute to her bilious vomiting. Like my initial post on this---I hate when manufacturers add all this stuff because it only takes one ingredient to eliminate the product as in the case of 4 leaf Rover which initially looked good. Maybe I will just get the RxVitamins digestive enzymes afterall. i need SOMEthing for her. Thanks!
Fish oil will increase bile secretion because fat is what triggers it -- bile is used for fat digestion.

Morning bile vomiting can sometimes be helped by feeding a small snack right at bedtime. For some reason some dogs' tummies like to have something to work on overnight.

This may not be exactly what you want in your particular situation, but my favorite *general* tummy supplement (which I formulated and am very proud of!) is Only Natural Pet Complete Gut Health. It has prebiotics, probiotics, and digestive enzymes, so it covers all the bases. It took us 3 years to get it into production, it was hard to find someone to manufacture it to my specifications. But it contains all the helpful digestive supplements I recommend in one product, so you aren't juggling a zillion things every day!
Dr. Jean, YES, this product looks good and knowing it has your blessing makes it even better!.... I think I used to order from Only Natural Pet years ago and kind of forgot about them... do believe the bilious started after giving her the fish oil. I was giving it to her for her ligament/joints I know it is beneficial for such things but if she cannot tolerate it, then I will have to give her other things. I also think I was feeding her greasy ground beef, even though I skim and drain it---now I rinse it because it is somewhat cooked and put on her raw food. Thanks for this post and actionable suggestion....
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