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Stress/poop on bed


Jun 24, 2021

My indoor outdoor cat (Boochu) had surgery on Wednesday (he got attacked by another cat outdoors). I have two other indoor cats. (His kids). They are feeling the stress from everything that’s going on. My indoor outdoor cat Boochu is an alpha cat and gets easily grumpy with other cats.

For the first time ever one of the cats pooped on my bed. I think it’s one of the indoor cats because they are stressed out. Then I discovered urine on my bed.

Any advice on what I can do to help support my indoor cats? I can start giving rescue remedy more frequently but don’t think this is cutting it.

I washed my down comforter and duvet. Any advice on how to deter them from the comforter moving forward?

Thank you very much!

I love and appreciate this forum and all of you so much.

I am not certain what the protocol is for tagging the doctors on threads. Pardon me if I’m doing this wrong. I also don’t know what each vet specializes in.

First rule of peeing cats: protect your stuff. Put a tarp over your bed. No, it's not pretty, but it has two advantages: no extra laundry, and you can easily get a urine sample to make sure it's not crystals or some other problem.

The bed is the safest place in the house because it has your scent so strongly, so this is just an attempt to help that cat feel safe and secure and bonded to you. Can't really blame them!

You might want to try Stress Stopper, Peacemaker or Safe Space for the cats. I don't think you need "Ultimate" Peacemaker since it isn't a direct conflict between cats, but the original might still be useful. Read the descriptions to see which fits best. Stress
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