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Stage three soft tissue sarcoma


Community Member
Oct 23, 2018
I have a young (2.5 year old) intact female Saluki, imported from Germany so vaccinated prior to export from Eur, who recently had a massive surgery to remove a very large, invasive mass that had attached to heart, lung, diaphragm and had eaten away at four and a half ribs, which were removed Pathology came back as stage three soft tissue sarcoma. I have always done natural for my animals but at this point am willing to do integrative. I can upload all her files here. This mass appeared in October and grew quickly. The margins of removal were thin (1mm) and vet recommends radiation. I know this is not holistic but at this point I want I do whatever will work for her

Her BEAM is excellent right now and she recovered quickly from surgery and is a hundred percent like her old self prior to any of this.

We are having Bengston done and homeopathy with Dr Loops.

Oncologist cannot really give me answers if the conventional treatments can be curative, or just buy time.

She is on Ayush Co-curcumin, Pet Wellbeing Life Gold and their mushroom blend, turkey tail, Maitake, Shiitake, and I am looking at Im'yunity, which I have used with success in the past for a different dog (with hemaniosarcoma though). I have been giving the CBD from Rx forPets (Forte) and am looking into CBD with THC from King Harvest. She receives energy healing and shamanic work. She has communicated that she is willing for either or both conventional treatment and natural treatment..basically whatever I offer for her, she will fight this. She is sweet but a warrior princess.

Oncologist told me the horror stories of what happens to 75% of dogs if I do not treat with conventional methods.
Human oncologist is looking into data with human patients for me...

I have not been able to find any cases of dogs surviving stage three soft tissue sarcoma and did not find anything in here...I am seeking any support or help or clues or tips that could help Nuraya and I on this journey.

Dr Loops office says that the remedies can slow progression.

Thank you.
You are such a trooper with these challenges, Cassandra.
As you know, there is no right answer.
Ignore the horror stories since the oncologist has no idea of the natural healing possibilities.
Keep meditating on what feels most nourishing and needed now.
You are certainly doing all that I would suggest.
This should be especially responsive to Bengston - maybe listen to his original lecture again, and the Eric Bates on Bengston - more recently.

Dr. Christina
Hi Cassandra. I'm sorry to hear about your young pup's challenges.

Regarding survival, I agree with Christina that we don't know what is even possible for the natural healing process. Especially when it is stimulated by classical homeopathy.

That being said though, this might be a situation where local radiation therapy, combined with everything else you are doing, is something to consider...
Also Cassandra, a thought came to me last night about your pup.

In addition to your whole mushroom blend, how about adding D-Fraction of Maitake? It is well-researched and I've found it to be clinically useful for dogs with various cancers:

Thank you both. I am truly torn over this decision as everyone is basically writing her off if I don't do chemo and radiation or at least chemo, though that is to buy 1-2 years. Quality of life is most important to me, but if I can get quality and length it would be best. Cure even better. I will immediately order the mistake extract @Dr jeff, thank you.
I have exhausted myself over trying to figure this out...

Have either of you or anyone seen stage three STS cured by natural processes? Dr Loops said the hope is to slow it down. The woman doing the Bengstin for us said that young people with aggressive cancer are where it works best and a young dog is like young people...but doesn't really have any statistics on this cancer and stage three at that.
cured by natural processes?
Usually the multimodal approach works best. You've already removed the growth (Step 1). Fresh food and meat based nutrition, medicinal mushrooms, high dose vitamin C, etc. work well with homeopathy and other energetic modalities for your other steps.

Also maximize time outside, joy, love and cycling (Bengston) at least twice/day.
@Dr Jeff, you mentioned though radiation since we got thin margins...I think less than or just at 1 mm . I am torn whether to do the suggested radiation in conjunction with holistic therapies or just go holistic. I am truly torn =, worn out, and having all the emotions. I want quality of life. But also to give the best chance. I am re reading The Dog Cancer Survival Guide. I also have ozone therapy as an option. I need to decide quickly as we are more than a month out of surgery... Thank you, Cassandra
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