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Something to give for hairballs?


VIP Member
Apr 21, 2021
Hi again Bettina!

About how often do they vomit?

How's their BEAM after they vomit?

Are there any other health challenges

There are lots of hairball treatments on the forum (which you can find by using the search area in the upper right of this web page). Here's one thread that discusses some of them:

Hi @Dr. Jeff

I've been keeping a diary for a week now.

On July 10, my boy cat threw up a hairball, first a small hairball and shortly after he threw up more hairball.
My girl cat ate grass in my garden and shortly after she threw up. It was only liquid that came up.

July 12 My girl cat ate grass in the garden and shortly after she threw up, only liquid came up.

July 13 My boy cat ate grass and shortly after he vomited. Only liquid.

July 15 My boy cat threw up hairball when he was out in the garden. Shortly after he threw up more, only liquid there.
When he had vomited, he defecated in the garden, seemed to go fast, usually he always goes into the cat tray and does it .

July 16 My girl cat threw up a hairball.

July 17 My girl cat ate some grass in front of my house, shortly after she threw up twice, only liquid came up.

I've been giving them a little coconut oil every day.

They have been as usual in their behavior and eating as usual too.

My girl cat has had feces on the 10th, 12th, 15th and 16th of July.

My boy cat has had feces on the 12th and the 15th of July.

Today I bought Vaseline as recommended by @Dr. Jean Hofve . So I will try it instead of the coconut oil.

What are your thoughts on this?

I talked to my own vet today about the week I described to you. And she thought it might be too hard for my old cats to eat raw meat.
My cats are 12 and 13 years old.
They have been on raw meat for the last 5-6 years.

Unfortunately, this has been going on for a long time without me reacting to it. (Many years now) It was common, so i did think it was normal. And so I didn't think much more about it, or was aware of how often it happened. .
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Dr. Jean Hofve

VIP Member
Aug 19, 2020
It is very normal for cats to vomit after eating grass. I sure wouldn't blame it on a diet they've been eating for years, since most of the episodes you listed are related to the grass.

Here's some more info on hairballs:
Hairballs | Little Big Cat - Dr. Jean Hofve


VIP Member
Apr 21, 2021
Technically, the inside of the intestinal tract *is* outside the body. I use vaseline (petrolatum) because it is inert, indigestible, and because of that, perfectly safe. In my my 30+ years as a feline vet, I've found nothing that works better.
Hi @Dr. Jean Hofve . I have now for 4 days , every day trying Vaseline. My cats will not lick it. What else can you recommend?


Community Member
Mar 3, 2021
Nice article, Dr. Jean:) Our family cats, when I was a kid, were fuzzy guys, and got ever so many doses of Petrolatum, or Petromalt, which of course worked a treat. I got really good at jamming it down them:) Never knew anyone to actually LIKE it.

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