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Slow bleeding abdominal mass


Jun 16, 2024
Hello! My 14 year old cockapoo Biscuit (25 lbs) was just diagnosed with a large abdominal mass from an x-ray. We took him to the vet after we noticed him acting unusual for a couple days (little appetite, very tired, panting, black feces, etc...). They said there was mild fluid coming from the mass so we put him on Yunnan Baiyao to stop any bleeding. We also put him on a Turkey Tail supplement (Pet Wellbeing Immune Gold) and Nordic Naturals Fish Oil supplement for small dogs. Just a day later he already started eating again, huge appetite, walking around, no more blood in his poop, less panting, etc. I just ordered Vet Classic's CAS supplement as well which comes tomorrow. I have him on a high protein zero grain diet as of a couple days ago (NO kibble. I only feed him chicken, salmon, bone broth, beef, sweet potato, and a grain free "Just Food for Dogs" meal. I scheduled an appointment with vet specialists in at Cornell University Vet Specialists to discuss surgery and further treatment. Today he isn't doing as well as previous days. This is urgent as my generic vet told me he won't have much longer with us but I truly don't feel it's his time to go as just a week or two ago he was his normal self. I was wondering what your supplement suggestions are, diet suggestions, and how I can cure/help him. I really need all the help and suggestions I can get to help him get better fast! I'm willing to purchase anything to get him better. Let me know, thank you so much!

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Alena!

Welcome to HA! and thanks for making your first post. I'm super sorry about the circumstances and Biscuit's health challenges.

When is he seeing the vet at CUVS?
told me he won't have much longer with us but I truly don't feel it's his time to go as just a week or two ago he was his normal self.
I agree with you!

It's our job as vets to present the worst case scenario rather than look at the possibilities for healing.
I was wondering what your supplement suggestions are, diet suggestions, and how I can cure/help him.
Thanks for asking! You're already doing many of the food and supplement (physiologic stuff) changes that help support his body.

IMHO, removing the tumor is the most supportive thing you can do at this time. The reason is that these big masses are often bleeding splenic or liver masses which bleed unpredictably. That's probably why your vet said this is urgent.

Even more commonly, they bleed intermittently. You then can see a syndrome like you described where he'll worsen then improve, then plateau, or worsen again, or....

With only physiologic support (even surgery) the typical prognosis is poor (< 6 months):

However, you'll be using both physiologic as well as energetic treatment. The two combined both supports the body while it tries to heal as well as reduces the underlying energetic imbalance (which is often emotionally induced in people).

I really need all the help and suggestions I can get to help him get better fast! I'm willing to purchase anything to get him better
Yes! I wish it were possible to buy or do one thing to eliminate this nasty dis-ease. However, I think the very best thing to do is to get him outside and engaged as often as possible.

Frequent periods of happiness/joy and love are what he needs most right now.

Is there anything he loves to do (or eat) more than anything n the world?



Jun 16, 2024
Hello! I just wanted to say thank you so much for recommending CUVS for Biscuit. They were able to do the surgery and remove his large mass, it was attached to the spleen so they removed the spleen as well. This surgery essentially saved his life and bought us more time with him, so I cannot thank you enough for recommending CUVS, their surgery department and team was amazing. Biscuit has been a new dog ever since surgery. He has his full appetite back, his energy and personality back, he is so much more alert and fast, goes for walks and up and down stairs and couches with no problems, and even plays with his toys again. His quality of life is amazing. For a 14 year old dog it feels like a miracle.

With that being said, the biopsy of the mass did come back that it was a rare cancer of the spleen, specifically Splenic Stromal Sarcoma. Biscuit was noted to have 10 mitoses in ten 400x fields. They told us they see no sign of metastasis from the tests they have done. They did a liver biopsy as well and they did not detect any cancer in the liver and no signs of any metastasis in the liver. They did X-rays and ultrasounds and see no signs of other masses or metastasis, but they cannot be certain that the cancer is no longer in his body and likely could be. They told us it was a good sign they saw no other masses and no signs that it spread to the liver, but they cannot be certain that it's not still in the body and won't come back. We were told by their oncologist that there is not a lot of data on this type of cancer and it is hard to say which treatment would be best for Biscuit. They recommended Chemotherapy which we are hesitant to do because of all the side effects they said he could have, and we don't want to affect his quality of life. As of right now we are continuing turkey tail supplements for Biscuit and vitamins.

I was wondering if you had any holistic or natural recommendations or diet recomendations for Biscuit to help slow down any possible metastasis or help kill any cancer cells. I would love to hear your input on this and any recommendation you have to help prolong Biscuit's life and help him keep a great quality of life. Thank you so much!!
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Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
For a 14 year old dog it feels like a miracle.
Yay, I'm so glad!!:snowman:😍🤗:dogrun:

They recommended Chemotherapy which we are hesitant to do because of all the side effects they said he could have, and we don't want to affect his quality of life
Yes. IMHO, Biscuit's happiness and quality of life come first.

I was wondering if you had any holistic or natural recommendations or diet recomendations for Biscuit to help slow down any possible metastasis or help kill any cancer cells.
Yes I do!

All of the actions start with happiness and love both of which will raise his cellular energy and ability to heal. Try to double up on doing the things that make him happiest and seem to bring him joy. This then will translate internally to his immune system keeping the cancer in check for as long as possible.

It sounds like he's on a good supplement protocol. I also like the Onco Support from Rx Vitamins and OncoPlex from Xymogen.

Diet wise just continue to minimize grains and any sweet or starchy veggies like carrots and potatoes.

Homeopathy and other energetic modalities are also great to use.

You may also want to watch the HA! webinars by Dr. Kendra Pope (she is a whole-istic oncologist) or contact her at:

Thank you so much!!
You're very welcome.😍💚🙏🦋


Jun 16, 2024
Wonderful! I will get those supplements you recommended. Thank you so much for your help!!

I have a few more dietary questions:
Are there specific foods/veggies that you would recommend for his diet plan? Foods to avoid?
I'm also wondering if you recommend a certain way to cook his food (boil, bake, steam, etc..)
I read a lot on cancer diet plans on this website, would you agree that a low carb, high fiber, high protein, zero grain diet would be sufficient for Biscuit?
Any high fiber foods you recommend?
I'm currently avoiding kibble, dry food, flour, and limiting grains.
Is there anything else I can buy to help healing, help stop metastasis, and help kill cancer cells?

Thank you again!!

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Are there specific foods/veggies that you would recommend for his diet plan? Foods to avoid?
Add cruciferous vegetables. Avoid carbs and sugars.
I'm also wondering if you recommend a certain way to cook his food (boil, bake, steam, etc..)
As raw as he will eat and enjoy it.
I read a lot on cancer diet plans on this website, would you agree that a low carb, high fiber, high protein, zero grain diet would be sufficient for Biscuit?
Any high fiber foods you recommend?
I'm currently avoiding kibble, dry food, flour, and limiting grains.
Is there anything else I can buy to help healing, help stop metastasis, and help kill cancer cells?
Perhaps start with maximizing his happiness and optimizing his quality of life.

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