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Seizure meds is affecting my dog’s Liver


Community Member
Oct 17, 2024
1. Evy, 11 years old, Female ~ adopted her at 8 yrs old (but who really rescued who). When I first adopted her she had really bad alopecia, collapsed trachea and goose honks/loud snoring, irritability, was much smaller in size.
2. Spayed
3. Pomeranian
4. Apprx. 10-11 lbs.

5. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood):

Her Behavior is mellow with occasional play. She’s always had some irritability. I don’t know her exact trauma/history. But I do know she faced her elderly human parents passing away. And I adopted her from a foster woman she ended up with.

Her Energy level has decreased since the prediction drug (phenobarbital) was given a little over one month + ago. She was extremely lethargic for the first few weeks which the vet Dr. said was normal initially. We had to help her stand, walk (she would lose balance or collapse a lot as well). It’s gotten better but she still sleeps way too much and it is due to the medication.

Her Appetite is very strong. It has always been pretty good but after this medicine (phenobarbital) it’s increased a lot more! To the point where I’ve never heard her cry the way she does when we’re mixing her food in the kitchen. She can hardly wait. She cries for her food now. Her thirst is also excessive ~ she can be at her water bowl for minutes drinking water nonstop. This is what first got my attention about her liver potentially getting affected just because I have some medical and nutrition knowledge from my own interest in human health over the years “just for fun”.

Her Mood. She has always had some slight irritability and prone to biting attacks at times. She doesn’t mean to and we associate this with PTSD caused by whatever past trauma she experienced. We work with her patiently and lovingly. She strongly dislikes bath time and feet when she thinks they are too close to her. Another time is when she wakes up abruptly and feels startled (bed mattress or blanket moves slightly, or you’re simply near her when she gets startled out of her sleep state somehow). She has definitely rushed 3-4 feet to attack or almost attack us. We really associate it with a fear, ptsd, past loss, etc. hopefully not past abuse. :( we love her so very much and she has her forever home/human parents. She has improved but it still can happen. Inconclusive whether or not mood has changed due to her being given the phenobarbital Rx.

6. Diet mainly consists of the Medical Medium Anthony William’s recommended “Honest Kitchen” dog food (dehydrated, prepared with warm water). We get the grain-free Beef meal as that one is eggs-free. I will also get HK toppers with pumpkin and chicken or Turkey. We got a new Berkey (gravity water filtration) as well per AW’s recommended water. For 1-3 months or so, giving a few liquid drops of “Vimergy” supplements such as Zinc, Goldenseal daily. And of this week recently, adding Vimergy micro-C powder, Spirulina, barley grass juice powder, Atlantic dulse flakes. Also various fruits as treats or snacks such as mangoes, wild blueberries, raspberries/blackberries, dragon fruit, melon, cucumber, applesauce (no sugar added). For veggies, we started steaming organic potatoes (usually russets) and organic carrots daily and adding to her food and supplies mixture as well (lessening the HK beef now lately). Sometimes also steaming something like organic broccoli which she seems to LOVE and prefer eating when that’s part of her meal!

Prior to her seizure, we were baking wild caught salmon and using just that as a topper over her HK beef meals. When we ran out once but couldn’t make it to the supermarket, we opened up a can of Wild sardines in spring water (no salt added) in place of her usual salmon ~ and that seemed to spur on the very initial seizure within the next 24 hr period or so. I suspect the heavy metals perhaps in the sardines may have caused her to seize. Stopped giving salmon and sardine completely ever since just to be safe. Right now still learning and trying asap to figure out a good way to prepare her food. It feels daunting. I really want to help her. I’m really afraid of doing something wrong and making anything worse for her.

7. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication:
I’m assuming she’s had all vaccinations for the 8 years up to my adoption (unfortunately). Upon adopting her, I felt I would ONLY vaccinate her if absolutely required by law and no other choice (rabies). I don’t believe in putting her through any unnecessary stress while she’s trying to continue healing for years.

I regretfully got oral flea medicine a few months back for her and our other dog. Every natural product we tried didn’t work. The fleas were strong so we eventually caved in and took them to the Vet Dr to put an end to everyone’s miserable itching. I need to get ahead of this before next summer and find a better and natural way that works. I hated having to do that. Basically infesting pesticides :( we were just desperate as the fleas were starting to eat them and us alive.

We do live in a community that likely sprays pesticides on the common ground grassy areas. Also trying to give their paws baths more often even if it’s not an entire full body bath (not easy to do every walk though but trying!) or we aim to walk mainly on sidewalks wherever possible.

8. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time:

I would say that’s the seizures. And would again say the wild sardines was the most suspect thing that she had around then. Subsequent seizures it’s hard to say. Sometimes it’s in her sleep in the early morning hours not sure what caused it. Another time I wasn’t sure if giving her homemade chicken caused it. It was free range, leanest meat, and boiled in water just for the doggies. It was good quality so I really don’t know why or if it was coincidental timing and unrelated. Her first seizure actually happened while sleeping. At first we wasn’t sure if it was a dream but she has drool, disoriented for a while, and it took many hours to walk with normal balance again and without collapsing. :(

9. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc?

I do not know but I try to keep the home extra cool as I have read that may be better for seizures. In addition, I had read per MM info that it is caused by heavy metals in the brain. So I try to be mindful of that and not expose her to hot weather conditions at all or for very limited time if necessary. I guess another seizure or two did happen when she missed me or my husband another time. She got so excited when I/he came home and seized. Note: we actually try to never leave her alone and always have one of us with her for comfort and monitoring since this happened 1-2 months ago. So she’s definitely gotten even more dependent on seeing us at home. She’s always been kindof sensitive to touch as mentioned above with mood or irritability never witnessed touch causing an actual seizure though (thankfully). We definitely are careful with any movement, feet, touch around her. That’s always been the case though! We never want to upset Evy.

10. Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them.)

Vet Dr told us her blood work was good before the Rx Phenobarbital was prescribed/given. There was no concerns. I was super happy about that and so relieved and grateful. Now 1 month after her being on phenobarbital the Dr said the ALP liver values are higher than what she’d like to see. She acknowledged it happens with this medication but she’d like it to come down.

11. Evy was put on 15 mg tablet phenobarbital for anti-seizure medication through her normal Vet Dr. And now the Dr has told us to lower the dosage to 10 mg. we had to get a liquid medicine of phenobarbital. The Dr hopes to find a sweet spot where the medication is helping her not to seize but also get her her liver APL levels down.

12. I’m concerned and don’t want her to be on any medication at all ideally. Or if so, more like natural remedies. Ideally I am really hoping there is something I can do for her through change of food/diet etc. I strongly believe in Medical Medium info. I just wish there were more details for pets (and dogs in my particular case). Aside from the 1-2 seizures or so that she may get per month now (a really new thing!) I am also trying to get her hair to continue healing and growing back. She’s done wonders! But her sides and tail and underbelly are still sparse. However her “before” was extremely short and patch and bald…. So we’ve made progress! Also her collapsed trachea issue~ I would say we’ve made TREMENDOUS progress on something that didn’t seem to be “supposed to” heal on its own. I don’t often hear the goose honks nowadays at all. Still some slight snoring loudly but also such drastic improvement there on a good note! I would greatly appreciate ALL thoughts and input. Please & Thank you!!! I would ideally love to wean my precious girl off these dangerous meds and safely ~ how to do so, and what to do next…. The Dr knows I’m veering holistic approach. She knows I want a weak off PLAN… and they are not really giving me a concrete timeline on how to do it yet. Sooo I will call and follow up yet again. I feel like I’m being ignored and dismissed and everything just indefinite for this 10mg dose. But I need her to HEAL. And I need to get us out of this (conventional) Dr loop as I call it. And…. Asap. Please help. Thank you Very Much in advance everyone. I’m new here…, wanted to provide as much info as I could think of. Sorry it’s lengthy! Thanks again from the depths of our hearts. Evy says thank you too!!!!! Looking forward to your responses. <3

13. Tag a doctor:
@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina @Dr. Sara @Dr. Barbara @Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Leisl











Dr. Jean Hofve

VIP Member
Aug 19, 2020
Hi and Welcome!

Well if Evy isn't the cutest little fluffball ever! Thanks for taking such good care of her after all her traumas!

Just a few thoughts...

Honest Kitchen is already very high in carbohydrate, and you are adding much more without balancing with more protein. It's a great food, but doesn't need supplementing because it is a complete food. Don't add more than 10-15% extra food of any kind (and I'd veer toward protein rather than fruits and veggies). Really, a proper "seizure" diet is ketogenic -- mostly fat and protein, very low carb (less than 10%). For right now, I'd recommend just HK without any extra veggies, particularly potatoes which break down to sugars very fast in the guts. It may be best to move to a different food, like Stella & Chewy's or one of the frozen raw diets that is very low car, over time.

BTW there are little or no heavy metals in sardines, they don't live long enough to collect them. Salmon and tuna (especially albacore) do accumulate metals.

Here is my take on seizures/epilepsy, there may be some other tips you can use. I'd particularly concentrate on taurine and vitamin B complex for Evy right now. Seizures and Epilepsy | Little Big Cat - Dr. Jean Hofve

Phenobarb does have a lot of side effects, and it does stress the liver. My favorite supplement for that is usually Livaplex by Standard Process, but there may be others in Evy's case. If you'd like, I can do a mini-consultation (for free!) relative to what Standard Process supplements might help her the most, just go here and fill out the dog survey.

Homeopathy is always the best route for deep chronic problems like this, but hopefully this will give you a head start on the healing process.

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