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Community Member
Jun 24, 2021
My friend’s dog tested positive for roundworms and the vet gave deworming pamoate to treat it. The dog is negative for giardia. She gave the dog medicine yesterday and will again in 2 weeks, and the vet said they have to clean everything to prevent reinfection. She said to Lysol everything and took all the bedding to the laundromat and got carpet cleaners to steam clean the soft surfaces but can’t really do that every day until she’s negative again.

Is there a non toxic or less toxic treatment?

What’s a good cleaner and how often she should do things. If it’s every day or every other day or multiple times a day?

So far she’s washed her food and water bowls daily with soap and water, and floors with swiffer, and Lysol on everything else. Lysol is toxic also. 🤪

Thank you so much!!

@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Barbara @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Jessica @Dr. Leisl @Dr. Linda @Dr. Sara @drdragos

Dr. Jean Hofve

VIP Member
Aug 19, 2020
Not sure what parasite the vet is thinking of, but imo roundworms are not that dangerous! They are transmitted in poop, by a dog sniffing, licking, or eating it or eating something (like a tennis ball that has rolled through poop) in contact with it. Frequent cleaning is not necessary, though that one-time thorough going-over is good. Tell her please don't stress, one thorough cleaning is enough. Roundworms are everywhere so do a good cleanup of the yard, and maybe do periodic testing if she goes to dog parks or other areas like that.

Pyrantel pamoate is an effective, time-tested, relatively mild drug that will take care of it. The adult worms in the dog's system are already dead. The second dose will kill anything that hatches in the meantime. Dog is not shedding now, and will not unless re-infected sometime in the future.

Certainly, building up the dog's immune system through all the means we recommend, Happiness Protocol, healthy diet, and all that will go a long way toward protecting the pup in the future from this and other parasites!

So, no stress, no worries!

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