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Right Height for a Cat Fence


VIP Member
Jun 3, 2021

We wish to build a wood and wire fence around our property to protect our indoor/outdoor cats from predators in the forest. Does anyone know from personal experience what is the minimum height for a fence to keep a cat from climbing out?

There is a big price difference between a 5ft tall and a 6 ft /7ft tall fence for 525 linear feet. We will probably add a cat fence guards above the fence line Existing Fence Conversion System Kit for Cats

I would like to know what has worked or not worked for cat guardians who use a fence to keep their kitties outdoor and protected.

Many thanks!
Great question Farah!

@Gail Pope may have some experience to share.
It's not so much height, as construction. Take a look at Purr...fect fence: www.purrfectfence.com Note the wire fencing bent in an L at the bottom, and the overhang at the top. I have used one of these and it works. Our cat did manage to climb over the garage (to which the fence was attached), but not over the fence itself.
It's not so much height, as construction. Take a look at Purr...fect fence: www.purrfectfence.com Note the wire fencing bent in an L at the bottom, and the overhang at the top. I have used one of these and it works. Our cat did manage to climb over the garage (to which the fence was attached), but not over the fence itself.
Could you share how tall was your fence and what was it made of ( all wood, chain link, wood and wire)? Thanks!
The fence was probably 6 ft. + overhang. It was done with plastic mesh in the mid section, wire at the bottom (staked down), and mesh on the overhang. The overhang and the wire at the bottom are crucial. Cats can climb almost anything. We had a wood privacy fence for the rest of the yard (6 ft. high), and no way that would have kept any determined kitty in or out.
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