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Rescued our feral yesterday, she got fixed today & got 2 vaccinations. She has fleas, need advice please!!


Jun 24, 2021
Hello friends,

We trapped our feral yesterday & she got fixed today & was given 2 vaccinations. I am giving her homeopathic medicine (arnica & staphysagria) for post surgery pain and bruising (thank you, Dr. Judy Herman) and pet rescue remedy for stress. (She is in my bathroom until she goes to her forever home Saturday night).

She is friendly enough that she let me flea comb her even on day 1 of surgery but I couldn't get all the fleas due to underbelly incisions. She was given Rabies & another common vaccination (can't remember off top of my head). As much as I don't want to give her flea medicine, I think I have to because she is loaded with flea dirt and fleas. I cannot risk another flea infestation (just had one 2 months ago) and my other 2 kitties.

How bad is it if I give her Revolution on top of having had surgery and 2 vax's? I am certain her new cat dad will give it to her because he has 2 cats and can't risk it also. Is this the worst thing we can do to her? Should I wait til Saturday (to give her 3 day recovery period) or does a day or 2 not make a difference? @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff @dr_ judy herman @Dr. Sara anyone have some advice asap? I really appreciate it!!

Also, @dr_ judy herman Does giving Thymex and Parotid help clear the surgery medicine and vaccinations? I know you told me to give it to. my other kitties for a week after a dose of Revolution.

Thank you all!!!!

Hi, @AnnaH, sorry, it might be too late - you wanted a response before Saturday - curious what you chose to do? It is a hard decision to make - you obviously care for the kitty and don't want to overload her with unnecessary chemicals AND time is not your friend in this case and you don't want another flea infestation.
I don't think there is a clear answer here - I hope @Dr. Jeff can chime in.
In my opinion, it all depends on the cat's vitality - if she came in as a strong vital cat, chemicals may not affect her much and her body will recover with proper care, however, if she was already weak, it can affect her system greatly. SO I really hope for the first scenario. If she lets you brush her, I would probably have tried a bath and diatomaceous earth first, as you said, to give her body a little bit of a break from vaccines.
You have a strong intuition and your logic around the decisions is very sound, so I trust, Anna, that whatever you chose came from the right place. And fingers crossed that flea free and in the new healthy environment the kitty will recover quickly and thrive.
How bad is it if I give her Revolution on top of having had surgery and 2 vax's?
Aruna is 100% correct that the answer depends on the young kitty's vitality (which is usually pretty high in young pets and people).
I am certain her new cat dad will give it to her because he has 2 cats and can't risk it also. Is this the worst thing we can do to her?
Not at all.
Should I wait til Saturday (to give her 3 day recovery period) or does a day or 2 not make a difference?
The answer depends on whether you saw any abnormal symptoms associated with the first stressor.

In general, the longer the recovery period between stresses (like a vaccine, Revolution, etc.), the better.
Hello friends,

We trapped our feral yesterday & she got fixed today & was given 2 vaccinations. I am giving her homeopathic medicine (arnica & staphysagria) for post surgery pain and bruising (thank you, Dr. Judy Herman) and pet rescue remedy for stress. (She is in my bathroom until she goes to her forever home Saturday night).

She is friendly enough that she let me flea comb her even on day 1 of surgery but I couldn't get all the fleas due to underbelly incisions. She was given Rabies & another common vaccination (can't remember off top of my head). As much as I don't want to give her flea medicine, I think I have to because she is loaded with flea dirt and fleas. I cannot risk another flea infestation (just had one 2 months ago) and my other 2 kitties.

How bad is it if I give her Revolution on top of having had surgery and 2 vax's? I am certain her new cat dad will give it to her because he has 2 cats and can't risk it also. Is this the worst thing we can do to her? Should I wait til Saturday (to give her 3 day recovery period) or does a day or 2 not make a difference? @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff @dr_ judy herman @Dr. Sara anyone have some advice asap? I really appreciate it!!

Also, @dr_ judy herman Does giving Thymex and Parotid help clear the surgery medicine and vaccinations? I know you told me to give it to. my other kitties for a week after a dose of Revolution.

Thank you all!!!!

Sorry to chime in so late but I have been away. Totally agree with what has been said so far about the fleas. I would use the same protocol for this kitty as you did with your others with the parotid and thymex. These supplements will help her deal with all the chemicals.
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