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Rescued a tiny kitten in a shed after rainstorm. Need guidance!


Jun 24, 2021
Need help asap. I rescued a tiny kitten that was crying since last night in a rainstorm and a shed full of garbage rumble. It was stuck. I did not see any other kittens or a mom. it was a hard decision to make to take the kitten because from my understanding once you handle a cat the mother doesn’t want to take it back? But the cat was crying from last night. I’m walking over to the vet right now to pick up some formula. I do not have any experience with infant kittens. Can you please give me some advice? Or some resources to read up on this? I Happened to have a jar of pure chicken baby food on me because I was going to feed a feral cat. I asked the vets first and gave it about less than half a teaspoon of food.

Thank you so much! Also, I am not comfortable with giving a flea bath. But if I take it home, I probably have to do this, right? My vet does not have any openings today. Hopefully they can see the kitten tomorrow.

Also, I know they need to be kept warm. What happens when they’re this young and they need to go to the bathroom. Do you just put PP pads down?

As you can see, I am very new to this. Thank you for your guidance.

@Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff
I think the kitten is only about two or three weeks old. It’s eyes are open and it has fur. It was very hungry and had some of the formula but did not want anymore. I offered some pure food. It was eager to eat.

I fed her and she was full of flea dust and blood. I did not see any fleas, though. I have never given a flea bath and I’m nervous. I bought some dawn soap. I’m going to ask a friend if they can help me give her a bath.

I was given instructions on how much to feed formula based on her weight. It’s 11.6 ounces. But it seems like it wants to eat soft food more so far.

How much do I feed a kitten this young wet, canned food?

I set her up in my bathroom. I put a carton tray from canned food as a litter box with no litter. Just a Pee pee pad.

Do Kittens this young need water? It was very stressed out because it endured a scary rainstorm through the night and was stuck by itself last night and all day today until I found it. I gave it some rescue remedy calming drops. Is this OK? The bottle says it does not matter the age or the weight or the species of the animal.

I don’t have any extra experience and need all the advice and resources I can get. Thank you so much.

Also, is it OK for the kitten to be left alone for about three hours in the bathroom with everything Kitten proofed and secure?

@Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Jeff
some resources to read up on this?
Thank you Anna for rescuing this kitten. Here's some info:

I probably have to do this, right?
A thorough flea combing may suffice IMHO.

How much do I feed a kitten this young wet, canned food?
It depends how often you can feed. Perhaps start with offering 1-2 tsp. every few hours and see if that satiates her or is still hungry (in which case you feed her a bit more at each feeding). Dr. Jean may have more specific guidelines.

Your other questions may be answered in the links above.

Have fun watching her grow!
Hi, thanks so much for rescuing this baby!

Dr. Jeff gave you some good sites for info. A 2 or 3 week old kitten needs to be fed at least every 4 hours around the clock. Yes, set your alarm, sorry!

Kitten formula is best up to about age 3 weeks, when they can start to eat solid food. Try to can get KMR at Petsmart and a little bottle if possible. Solid food/meat/canned food may cause serious diarrhea. If that happens get veterinary attention right away, dehydration can set in very fast

After feeding, use a soft damp cloth and gently rub the genital area front to back to stimulate peeing and pooping. They cannot do this on their own until they are 3-4 weeks old.

You can leave her alone for a few hours but not past feeding time!

BTW do NOT use Dawn soap on a kitten. It's much too harsh.
Thank you so much for this valuable information. The kitten urinated on its own one time. Then I stimulated her and I believe she urinated twice. I rescued her yesterday around noon. She has not had a bowel movement yet. I hope this is OK? it is eating some formula but more interested in the pure chicken baby food that I had on hand. I think the kitten is four weeks old based on the YouTube video by kitten x lady who takes care of NATO kittens and does tutorials on this. If indeed choose four weeks old, is it OK for her to have a half a teaspoon or a teaspoon of chicken baby food or kitten soft food mixed with formula or water in combination with formula?

Yesterday she weighed 11.6 ounces in this morning she weighed 13.1.

I have not bathed her with Dawn soap or any other soap. Would it be OK to bathe her with fragrance free seventh generation nontoxic soap? I fed her. There was a lot of flea dust candle, but I did not see a live flea. Or should I skip bathing ?

Thank you @Dr. Jean Hofve
So glad the kitten is doing well! At 4 weeks she can have canned kitten food, but not so much the baby food because it has no calcium or other important nutrients a little one needs. Adding formula is fine, too. She can eat as much as she wants. Feed her up! 🥰

Skip the bath for now, you can get a pet shampoo if you need it later. But all human soaps are too harsh and will strip all the skin oils, leaving her vulnerable. We are evidently much tougher!

She may not have had much to eat before you found her so there wasn't anything to make stool, but she should start producing pretty soon now that she's been fed. If she seems like she's straining or having problems getting poop out, a little dollop of Vaseline by mouth should solve that. I've used it on tiny kittens for constipation, it's very safe. Just give it between meals.

You're doing a great job, thanks for saving her!!

The kitten is 6 weeks old now. She was loaded with fleas and as much as I combed her I would find them on her again. The vet gave her half the dose of revolution. As much as I didn’t want to do this I felt I had to get it under control asap as I have two other pets the house. She’s still quarantined in my bathroom. I’ve never had a kitten before let alone with two other pets.

I need some guidance please. I’m going to make an appointment to get her tested for feline diseases. Once I get the results I will know if I can bring her out of the bathroom in a huge cat playpen. That’s going to be another question about how to integrate her with my two cats.

I know she needs to get vaccinated. Please let me know which vaccinations she must have (being that she came from a feral mother and was in the alley). Also, should I space them apart?

Unfortunately she has lost appetite which I’m pretty sure is from the revolution medication. Yesterday she threw up twice. I gave her nux vomica. She’s not eating enough like her usual self the last couple of days. I think I’m going to try aconite homeopathic medicine. What are your thoughts? Any suggestions and guidance is deeply appreciated. I don’t want her to get underweight.

Thank you very much!!

@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve
I know she needs to get vaccinated.
That depends on who you ask, and what her true risk is, e.g. if you are in the midst of a feline distemper outbreak...
Please let me know which vaccinations she must have (being that she came from a feral mother and was in the alley).
IMHO, just distemper at 12 weeks or older.
Also, should I space them apart?
Perhaps just one at 12 weeks then 3-4 weeks later.

Unfortunately she has lost appetite
What have you offered her to eat?
which I’m pretty sure is from the revolution medication. Yesterday she threw up twice. I gave her nux vomica.
What potency of the Nux? Were they dry or water doses?
She’s not eating enough like her usual self the last couple of days.
In what way exactly (acting hungry but turning away from the food, taking a bite then walking away, etc.)??
I think I’m going to try aconite homeopathic medicine.
What are the symptoms that indicate Aconite?

Anna, are you working with a vet homeopath?

It may be best to wait on dosing.

Have you tried offering her any human baby food?
Hello Dr. Jeff,

Kitten’s mom and kitten came from an alley of a big colony of ferals. I don’t know if there is distemper in this area. I will wait til 12 weeks then and space apart. I’m going to get her tested today for any feline diseases because I want to know if and when she can come out of the bathroom and be exposed to my other cats. I have offered her many different food options, chicken from weruva, wellness brand, and a few others. Today I’m going to try a pea sized amount of Honest Foods (dehydrated). To answer your question about appetite, she seems happy to see the food but then would take a few bites and walk away.

I was giving her some baby food the first day I got her but vet said has no nutritional value but can offer again if she has loss of appetite. It’s better now, thankfully. The one time I have one dose of 30 c nux, dissolved one pellet in one cup water and swabbed gum (as I’ve been taught by Dr Judy Herman. Dr. Herman is my homeopath. I haven’t had an official session for kitten yet but have recently been treating my other two cats with loss of appetite and she recommended nux vomica or aconite and aconite has helped a lot. It also seemed to have helped kitten the one dose I gave. (30c one swab). The first time she threw up it was liquid. The second time it was puree like her baby food. The vet said she may throw up from the Revolution medication. So that makes sense but hope she doesn’t continue to have bouts of less of an appetite.

She’s been quarantined in my bathroom for 2 weeks. When is it safe and how can I introduce her to rest of house (I would only bring her out in a big cat playpen). I have two cats. One of them isn’t too happy since she first arrived. She hides when I open the bathroom door to go in. She only just started going close to the door last couple days for a minute.

I’ve been talking to her about why the kitten is here and asking her if she wants to meet her. I don’t want to keep the kitten if it’s going to make my cat(s) upset and depressed.

Thank you for your help and guidance. @Dr. Jeff
@Dr. Jean Hofve my adult cat is not happy I have kitten in the bathroom and it’s been 2 weeks. Should I give her the Jackson galaxy jealousy drops or scaredy cat? She’s scared of everything. Thank you!! Ps. The last three days she finally went near the door to sniff and investigate, and then walked away. She hides in the house and whenever I open the door to go to the bathroom where I have the kitten quarantine, she runs and hides. I don’t want her to be unhappy. Thank you so much.
I started scaredy cat as I have this on hand. The kitten has been in my bathroom for 2 weeks and my cat Jinxie is not wanting to go near the bathroom door when I put treats there as if she knows I’m trying to trick her to go closer. She’s making it clear she doesn’t want to meet her. I brought the kitten to my family’s house tonight and am thinking of letting my cat Jinxie go into the bathroom and sniff around. Is this a good idea? Is it time to try and introduce them and see how it goes? Should I hold the kitten in my hands and bring her out to the room or keep her in a carrier and introduce her like this? My cat hides anytime I open the bathroom door. I have been talking to Jinxie and telling her i rescued kitten from the alley and she needs somewhere to stay safe. I asked her if she’s willing to meet her. I told her I’m not 100 certain I’m keeping her but want to know how she would feel if we keep her. I don’t want Jinxie to attack kitten. Thank you for your tips and suggestions. @Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina
letting my cat Jinxie go into the bathroom and sniff around. Is this a good idea?
Is it time to try and introduce them and see how it goes?
Perhaps have the kitten in a carrier and try petting, talking to and feeding Jinxie nearby.
Should I hold the kitten in my hands and bring her out to the room or keep her in a carrier and introduce her like this?
Do not hold her, but yes to the carrier.
I asked her if she’s willing to meet her.
Great, what did you intuit from her? Also consider having a professional animal communicator try speaking with her. I bet Hana or Donna could help you learn more:


I’ve been following Jackson Galaxy’s protocol and reading Dr. Jean’s article about introducing a new kitten to adult cats. My two adult cats were formerly feral. One of them is indoor-outdoor and doesn’t seem as affected by the kitten because he is preoccupied being happy outdoors. However, I’m not sure how he will act if the kitten is loose in the apartment.

My indoor-only cat is very unhappy. She hasn’t seen the kitten yet, who is currently in the bathroom as her base camp. However, my indoor cat is clearly upset and avoids even being near the bathroom door.

When I first started fostering the kitten on October 25, I didn’t have plans to keep her, so I didn’t start trying to introduce her to my cats immediately. But as I grew attached to her, I began considering keeping her, which is why I started the introduction process later.

I’ve been working on feeding them closer to the door for about five days. Initially, my indoor cat refused to eat by the door, but eventually, she began eating reluctantly. She’s very attached to me, extremely shy, and afraid of most things and people. Unfortunately, three days ago, one of my cats pooped on my bed, and I’m unsure if it was her or my indoor-outdoor cat—but it’s clear someone is unhappy.

During the weekdays, the kitten is in her base camp in the bathroom at my apartment because my partner works from home.

I feel torn because I was strongly considering keeping the kitten and have grown attached to her. I did find her a potential home, but I’m heartbroken because I was hoping to make it work.

Should I keep trying? At what point can I transition to opening the bathroom door (perhaps using a screen or putting the kitten in a large playpen in the bathroom) to see how my indoor cat reacts? How long is it reasonable to keep the kitten in the bathroom before deciding this isn’t fair to her?

Also may be important to know that I have a studio apartment. There is not a whole lot of space.

I hope I’ve painted a clear picture.

Thank you for your guidance.

@Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff
It's up to you, but if you have a good home for her, that may be the best in terms of keeping the peace.

BUT remember it can take a long time, many weeks, to do a full introduction/integration. Cats ultimately take about 6 months to fully adjust to new situations.

If you are really attached and want to keep her, be patient and go very gradually. Your cat's comfort level will guide the pace.

I'd definitely recommend an animal communicator to see what is really going on and how they all feel about it. The kitten in particular may be happier in a less stressful environment, or at least that's what I'm picking up. My friend Kate Solisti is wonderful with cats. katesolisti.com.
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