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Raw for cat

Dr. Jean Hofve

VIP Member
Aug 19, 2020
Liver is great, organic preferable (but although the liver is a detoxifier, toxins are excreted and don't hang around in the tissue, so any liver is okay). Hearts are wonderful, cut them up *very* small or puree if your cats don't like the texture (they're a little tough). Gizzards aren't very appetizing, extremely tough. There are also organ supplements, this is the one I use (for me, too!): Grass Fed Organ Complex (oh, it's on sale! I better get more!).

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
I run a cat rescue that is raw-fed. One of our adopters just started feeding raw to their 15-year old cats a few months ago (who were on canned prior). One of the cats has been dealing with very elevated liver values and related liver values since this summer (maybe earlier). An internist has put the cat on clavamox on and off for months. It helps for a time, then the values go back up-we're talking into the 1700s, then "down" to 800 and trending down currently while on the antibiotics.
Is it safe for this cat to be on a raw diet OR should it be gently cooked? I'm getting push-back from the Vet (no surprise), but it does make some sense to me. They are feeding commercial raw brands like Primal, Steve's, Stella & Chewy. What can I tell my adopters?
Also, I need to post more about this cat's liver issues in the proper folder.

Thank you!
I would encourage them to become members of HA. At least take the free 101 class and then discuss it with them. IMO, cooked or raw will have the same impact on liver values.

Sounds like they would be well served, as most people with older felines, to be working with a great holistic veterinarian.

Dr Christina


VIP Member
Apr 21, 2021
Liver is great, organic preferable (but although the liver is a detoxifier, toxins are excreted and don't hang around in the tissue, so any liver is okay). Hearts are wonderful, cut them up *very* small or puree if your cats don't like the texture (they're a little tough). Gizzards aren't very appetizing, extremely tough. There are also organ supplements, this is the one I use (for me, too!): Grass Fed Organ Complex (oh, it's on sale! I better get more!).

Thanks for answer. I see where i normally buy raw meat from, that they also have whole one-day old chickens, there are minced.
Will that also be a good thing to give?

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Remember, also, to feed big enough chunks several times a week (that looked ground), to sink their teeth into for jaw and tooth health. In nature they do not chew food, so even the stomach benefits from some big chunks.
Dr. Christina

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