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Dec 28, 2021
Watching the Homeopathy courses (great, by the way). Need clarification: 200c is more potent than 6c, right? Am I correct in saying that it's been diluted MORE than 6c? So, to put a pellet (let's say 200c) in a cup of water, and take only a sip.... would that sip be more potent than taking the pellet alone? And for an old dog, would I want to stick to the lower potency (6c)?
Well, that depends:) To give a direct answer: yes, it's more potent (potentially). The succussion is a key part of this process, so putting any pellet in water WITHOUT succussing it does not necessarily produce a weaker or stronger potency. What potency you choose depends on the disease presentation and the vigor of the patient so, yes, you wouldn't want to overwhelm a weaker animal - however, this always depends - on the remedy, the symptoms, the patient, etc. I find Hamilton's book gives a good explanation of potency and how to approach dosing. But this is why you need an experienced homeopath who knows the case.
"Potency" is a notion wherein the genius of homeopathic prescribing resides. So...not a trivial question, nor an easy one with a set answer. For simple conditions like wounds, learn your first aid remedies and go for it. For chronic conditions, get expert help.
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