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Pot for Pets

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hi everyone-

On Monday's 12/23/19 Empower Hour! webinar, (the recordings and slides will be in your HA! member area after this date) we will be joined by Dr. Rob Silver.

Dr. Rob, also known as "Dr. Pot", is an expert in the veterinary use of CBDs and THC.

He literally wrote the book on the subject:

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Dr. Rob also formulated the Hemp Rx product which you can buy from his online dispensary:

Monday's lively discussion will dive deep into the science and clinical experience behind using medical marijuana and CBDs for pets.

This webinar is part of the HA! cancer series, so will have a special focus on the 2,500 year old history of marijuana, CBD and THC use during cancer treatment.

Here's the beginning of one of Dr. Rob's great articles with the story of the first possible use of medical marijuana for cancer:

A 2500 year old mummy was unearthed in Siberia in 1993. Known as the "Siberian Ice Maiden", her burial chamber contained, among other things, a pouch of cannabis. MRI imaging revealed that the princess had a primary tumor in her right breast with enlarged lymph nodes and metastatic disease. It has been speculated that the cannabis was used to manage her pain and other symptoms, or even had been used as a treatment for her breast cancer.[SUP]18[/SUP]

What if cannabis did cure cancer? Cannabis has had the popular "reputation" that it can cause cancer to go into long term remission. and that claim is repeated frequently on the internet. You have on the internet the phenomenon of "Rick Simpson Oil" (RSO), in which Mr. Simpson has cured his own cancer taking a concentrated oil extract he made himself from the cannabis plant. This recipe is available on the internet and there are claims from a number of people who had cancer who tried this approach and reportedly cured themselves.

The full article is here:

Dr. Rob also sent this detailed cannabis article, with many vet details and references:

An important part of the webinar discussion will be about optimizing quality of life during the final weeks of life for our beloved companion animals.

He sent another great article for discussion which is both posted in this thread as well as a separate one about palliative and hospice care:

Medical marijuana and CBD research is another important part of the Holistic Medical Decision Making process which we'll have fun learning more about and discussing on Monday.

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Thanks, @Dr. Jeff , I look forward to this EH. However, can we also discuss how CBD may, in patients undergoing homeopathic treatments, make symptom interpretation more difficult for palliatively manipulating symptom expression? And how we can integrate CBD "correctly" in homeopathy to minimize such difficult interpretation. Thanks!
Great concern, Kingsgrlie.

Any treatments or lifestyle changes can affect symptoms. One of the joys of homeopathic treatment is that the remedy is selected from the totality of symptoms, current and past.

I would not recommend starting CBD and a new remedy at the same time, so if you were already giving CBD you would have a baseline of symptoms.

If you had been giving homeopathic medicines you would know which symptoms seemed to be changing, especially the important BEAM ones. You would know which early warning signs were still persisting. Then you would start the CBD (or any other supplement, treatment or change) and it would not cause the deep healing possible with homeopathic treatments. You would see some symptoms improve, and would still have others to evaluate as to the homeopathic treatments.

Since Dr. Silver is not a homeopath, we will probably not address this on his Empower Hour. We can cover it in one of the general Q/A empower hours.

Dr. Christina
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