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Love Therapy for Pets With Cancer

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hi @everyone-

Let's start a discussion about the awe-some healing power of love. I'm starting this thread in the cancer folder but the approach applies for every other dis-ease (imbalance) as well.

We all feel and share the universal unconditional love of pets. The scientific evidence is tremendous, and continues to grow, that this love and positivity can help their physical health challenges in addition to improving their quality of life.

Every pet parent can develop and nurture these feelings by remaining in the re-Growth mindset of regenerative medicine where we know that healing and homeostasis (balance) are what nature intends for all living beings.

The powerful effect of mindset is also exemplified by the "Positive Medicine" movement based on love and happiness rather than the anxiety of uncertainty and fear of death engendered by the fixed mindset. Some MDs are now practicing and sharing Positive Medicine to improve resilience and over come health challenges.

Drs. Jordyn Feingold and Scott Barry Kaufman's handbook teaches some of these actions that help people transcend their emotional and physical issues:

Love, nature and animals are an important part of their resilience-building method.

We're super fortunate to already have this built into our lives. We live with, and love, our pets like our children. We also have actions that are based on love and happiness which many of us have seen can help them in many ways. Both physical parameters (like test results) and quality of life get better.

In addition to helping pets with a cancer diagnosis, these same holistic actions are also a great way to prevent and manage serious dis-eases (a love-energy imbalance)of any kind.

It may seem a bit odd that a science-based veterinarian is focusing on this concept of healing through love. But the research is there and the clinical evidence is clearly seen in our beloved companion animals.

I'll include the specific actions that we've seen which work (just browse the forum for many stories about this) later in this post.

I'd like to first quote the conclusion of the wonderful "The 1 Field" movie which shows some of this scientific evidence about love-energy and healing (or what Bernie Siegel writes about in "Love, Animals and Miracles"). The powerful words shared in this movie are:

"Love and Science Are Complements"

The science behind this effect is compelling and complex, but kind of boring to most people so I won't discuss it much. In addition, the article below sums it up in a wonderful way by saying:

Love is the "...simplest solution to every misdirected ill and injury ever perpetrated within our sphere of consciousness. Every problem, approached with Love, finds its proper solution; every injury, treated with Love, finds a spontaneous (sometimes miraculous) cure..."

Everything we share here at HA! is based on these same concepts and exemplified by "Love Therapy" and the "Happiness Protocol".

Here is a summary of these actions:

Love Therapy starts and ends with looking at, petting or playing with your pet and saying "I Love You" whenever you see them. The more often you say it, the higher the dose of love and the easier it becomes to beam the power of love from your heart towards your pet.

The stronger your loving intention the more powerful the effect. Sometimes you can see "miraculous" changes within moments.

Perhaps picture loving scenes in your mind's eye and "cycle" through them as per the Bengston Method:

All of the actions of Love Therapy harness the power of Chi (or prana, aka the life force) and what can also be called C.H.E (Connection, Happiness, and Engagement). The more we connect and engage with our pets, the happier we all get.

In addition to gazing lovingly at your pet you can even just call her name and tell her how much you love her.

Other actions include Love Massages and parasympathetic stimulation through humming, gentle petting, slow breathing through the nose where the out breath is 50% longer than the in breath, etc. (you'll find lots of parasympathetic stimulation techniques online).

Another unique love action which uses a simple tool that some pets love is the "Love Tuner":

Parasympathetic stimulation (as described by the Polyvagal Theory) opens a space in your heart to allow love to flow in and get beamed out to your pet.

..."The polyvagal theory proposes that the evolution of the mammalian autonomic nervous system provides the neurophysiological substrates for adaptive behavioral strategies. It further proposes that physiological state limits the range of behavior and psychological experience..."

In addition to Love Therapy, the actions of the Happiness Protocol can also help our pets heal.

The Happiness Protocol is super simple:

1. Identify what your pet loves most (food, treats, playing, petting, etc.)

2. Spend at least 15 minutes a day (the sicker and lower your pet''s BEAM the longer you should do these actions

3. Rinse and repeat (do them even more!)

Deciding which action is best to use for your pet is based on her individuality. This is super important and is also seen by the susceptibility (sensitivity) of each pet. In terms of the very concrete science of molecular biology, this individuality can even be measured and expressed as a molecular individuality of each pet. The goal of Love Therapy and the Happiness Protocol is to achieve the cellular joy that helps our pet's bodies work at their best.

This post is already too long, so I'll just say that this science is called exposomics and goes way beyond genetics to help us understand how every pet and person is different:

Like Love Therapy, the actions are also based on C.H.E and include things like:

  • Happy Meals - using super special treats that can make your pets jump for joy
  • Happy Dances - putting on ear buds and playing your favorite music and dance around holding (or near) your pet
  • Therapeutic sniff walks - Loose leash (where the leash is in the shape of a smile) walks where your pet directs where and when you go
  • Snuffle mats - harnesses the power of sniffing and engagement without needing to go outside for a walk
  • Hunt for treats game- break treats (like freeze dried hearts) into tiny bits and scatter them on the ground
  • Playing games - whatever game your pet likes best
  • Mini (5 min) walks and play sessions (da bird!)
  • More massaging (especially Tuina) and petting to induce purring (and healing)

Here's a bit more on healing through happiness:

Love, happiness and most of the actions which can help our pets heal and improve their quality of life come from the heart, not the head.

Test results, dis-ease names and diagnoses are all mental constructs that are merely associated with specific symptoms. A dog or cat with (add any diagnosis name here) does not have the symptoms because of the dis-ease but the symptoms are only associated with the dis-ease.

Knowing this may make it easier to only let the dis-ease name, diagnoses and diagnostic test results to inform us, but not scare us so we can be happier and more loving with our pets.

Along with our holistically minded veterinarians, we can lead our pets through happiness and love to healing. Follow your heart and intuition + modern vet med to mindfully harness the power of intentional love.

Heart Math is one of the awe-some research-based scientific communities that are showing us this in people. Dr. Allen Schoen is a leader in this field (as he was for acupuncture) with his C.A.L.M. (Conscious Animal Lovers Movement). You can listen to Allen below:

All in all tho and IMHO, it was the 4 wise sages from Liverpool who said it best:

"All You Need Is Love"

I've always wondered if the "spontaneous healing" that occurs sometimes in people happens because of a drastic change in attitude about themselves (love) or their place in the world. Scientists make guesses about this, but I'd place my pet on "love" and the letting go of traumas, angers, fears, and self deprecation. The mind-body connection is so strong. The key perhaps may be HOW some people are able to accomplish that letting go and letting IN of love, despite how many sincerely try.

Thanks for all of the resources and the great food for thought, Dr. Jeff!

You're welcome Kim! Thanks for sharing your message.

Yes, a drastic change in attitude is huge. Especially when it goes along with the support of others and community as described in lots of current work such as Dr. Kelly Turner's work on "Radical Remission" or the Blue Zones work on cities where the people have super vitality and longevity.

Love and Connection Happiness and Engagement are the common denominators for all deep healing (which is not the same as just eliminating symptoms).

Hi again! Dr. Allen Schoen (learn more about his C.A.L.M in the HeartMath podcast above) might say that I experienced a "universal chuckle" today.

After posting the Beatle's link last night, at the end of today's UU (Unitarian Universalist) service today an orchestra came up to sing and play "All You Need Is Love"! HA!

One thing I forgot to mention at the beginning of this discussion was how we can decide whether the holistic action we are using is helping?

That's one of the areas where B.E.A.M (Behavior, Energy, Appetite, Mood) can come in handy.

Since these symptoms seem to reflect health/quality of life via the balance of cellular energy then BEAM and balance go hand in hand.

Successful use of actions like increasing happiness and Love Therapy tend to increase BEAM. Sometimes dramatically.

Recent examples include a depressed, inactive kitty that wouldn't eat whose mood markedly improved and who started eating after doing a Happy Dance with her guardian and a forlorn pup who turned around after being given his favorite raw bone to chew on.

Other uses of the incredible power of love and happiness is BEAM-training where fostering high BEAM as the basis of training results both in behavioral and physiologic improvement.

Here's more about BEAM and energetic balance:

Does anyone have a story to share about love, happiness and BEAM in their pet?
It's perfect that Chase has now created a way where his life depends on my happiness and therefore continued awakening...

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