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Post-Dental Surgery: Holistic Care


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
  • Your pet's name: Kiki
  • Approximate age: 11
  • Sex: F
  • Neutering status: Neutered
  • Breed: Chihuahua
  • Approximate weight: 5.7 lbs.
  • What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood): Great!
  • Diet: Freeze-dried raw (Small Batch Dog)
  • Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication: None since adopting in 2018
  • Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time: Dental with multiple extractions
  • Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc? N/A
  • Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them.): N/A
  • Current and previous treatment: Post-surgical care
  • Other health concerns: N/A
Hello, everyone! My senior chihuahua, Kiki, had a dental today with multiple extractions. I have a few questions related to post-surgical care.
  1. She was prescribed Carprofen 25mg and Gabapentin. Are there any holistic substitutes for either of these? I'm not terribly concerned about the Gabapentin, but what about the Carprofen? I see in prior posts some talk of Arnica. Is that to use in place of one or the other (or both), and what is the potency/dose?
  2. Is a little bit of bleeding normal? There is some active bleeding in her mouth. How much blood would be too much (and in that event what would we do)?
Thanks so much!
Also, oddly, I just noticed this strange lump on the underside of her front leg. It's the same leg that the IV was in for surgery. Could it be related?





Hey Joanne!
Are there any holistic substitutes for either of these? I'm not terribly concerned about the Gabapentin, but what about the Carprofen?
Thanks for asking! Yes, there are homeopathic things that may reduce the need for post-op meds and alsob speed the healing. However, if you give doses of the remedy and she's still having any discomfort, then perhaps give the meds.

Arnica 10M (or the highest potency you have) is the remedy of choice after a dental. Make up a cup and dose 10/Q-tip (10 succussions/whacks of the cup and a Q-tip dipped into the solution then touched to her gums). Use it as often as needed based on her restlessness, discomfort, etc.

I agree about gaba. vs. carprofen (Rimadyl).

Is a little bit of bleeding normal?
what would we do)?
The Arnica should minimize the bleeding and optimize healing. However, if her BEAM drops, bring her to your vet for a recheck.
Thank you so much, Dr. Jeff! This is wonderful! Jessica is going to grab the 30c from Nature's Way (they don't have higher potency there) and will order the 10M online. We'll check out the articles as well and monitor her BEAM/comfort level closely! 🙏
@Dr. Jeff last night we gave her gabapentin via syringe because we wouldn’t be able to monitor her pain/discomfort overnight, but this morning when trying to do the Arnica via Qtip, she would not let us get near her mouth and she was getting stressed out/upset. Not sure a syringe would be any easier, but if so, could we do a syringe method with the Arnica? One of the articles you referenced said 1 tsp. Would that be the right amount for Kiki? Thank you!
could we do a syringe method with the Arnica?
It sounds like she really would prefer you not do anything to her mouth at this time.

Perhaps she will lick a few drops off a plate. If she won't, maybe try adding a few drops of milk or cream.
I have sometimes administered remedies by wetting the inside of the ear flap with the Q-tip. No worry about size of dose; just get it wet.
The lump on the leg is probably from the injection site. Send positive energy healing to it, and the arnica may also help resolve it. Normally will heal on own.

Pay attention to how Kiki is feeling overall. Gently and very slowly pet his head, talking soothingly. move towards his mouth, retreating as soon as any discomfort or neg reaction. do this several times a day, thinking positive healing thoughts.

A tiny bit of blood, especially in saliva, may look like a lot. Probably normal.

Lots of great suggestions given already.

For the future, once all is well, focus on preventing the need for another dental and work to bring vitality and balance as high as possible. Feed BIG chunks of meat, or chicken necks big enough to may Kiki'd jaw and teeth do some work, as they do when dismembering a mouse or bird or small mammal. Rub his teeth with your fingers after each time he eats.

Keep a journal (free) and try different approaches to build the vitality.

Dr. Christina
Thanks so much to everyone for your wonderful and thoughtful responses! Kiki has taken the Arnica remedy with a few drops of milk, her leg bump looks better, and there is no more bleeding. We'll continue to support her with the ways suggested going forward. 🥰
Yay Kiki! :snowman:
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