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Pit bull with ear infections and skin issues


Oct 13, 2023
Hello I have a 5 year old blue nose pit bull. She is spade and up to date on all her vaccinations. Her BEAM lately is a little lethargic, but she is eating and drinking with no issues. Right now she has an ear infection and she has a fungal skin infection on her fur and also skin infection under her arms and belly. We have been to the vet many times over the past couple years. They have always told us this is due to her food allergies and put her on steroids and antibiotics. She recently was given two rounds of antibiotics for her current ear infection which has not gone away. They also gave her a shot for the itching and inflammation, but it has worn off and her skin actually looks worse than before. Currently we are feeding her a limited ingredient dehydrated food from honest kitchen. It’s the white fish one. It’s been about 4 weeks that she’s been on that food. Before that she was eating their chicken limited ingredient one. I just want to help her and going to the vet to get steroids and antibiotics seems to be doing more harm than helping. I just don’t know what to do now.

Hey Jennifer!

Marley is a beauty and looks strong and fit as a fiddle (albeit with some skin and ear challenges) to me.

She also looks a bit scared in your first pic. What's going on there?
I just don’t know what to do now.
Doing HMDM first is what may be most helpful (see attached handout)!

If you haven't already done so, perhaps take the HA! 101 course.

Dermatologist Dr. Stephanie Chalmer's webinar about helping skin and ear challenges by balancing Marley's inner terrain may also be helpful:



  • HMDM 2023.pdf
    3 MB · Views: 2
Thank you for the information. I will definitely look into all of those. I just didn’t know where to start so I appreciate your help!

In the picture of Marley she was sleeping and I moved her to get a picture of her skin and I think she was annoyed at me for waking her up. Her ears are super sensitive too because of the infection and all the medication we’ve been giving her so she might have been scared I was going to put more drops in her ears.
You're welcome!

Is she food or toy (or both) motivated?

Does anything make her super happy?
Marley is such a cute girl.
You are in the right place and taken the most important next step - realizing there is something better than merely stopping symptoms.

There are two main approaches you can take at this moment - one is to start with what Dr. Jeff suggested, and also the resource library for ears and see if any of the topical suggestions is soothing. There is a bit of a learning curve (101 class) so the other approach is to work with a holistic vet now to guide you while you are learning more to do on your own, how to use HMDM and especially evaluate her responses to any treatment. (Read this article)

You mention she is a bit lethargic. That is important to track. See if adding the happy dance and doing more of what you know makes her happy, and having positive thoughts yourself brings her energy back.

You may also want to download the Journal to help your evaluations.

Dr. Christina
You're welcome!

Is she food or toy (or both) motivated?

Does anything make her super happy?
She gets super excited when we feed her, pull out her toys or take her for a walk. She’s also super excited when we come home after being at work or school. So even though she can be lethargic she does get really happy during the day.
Marley is such a cute girl.
You are in the right place and taken the most important next step - realizing there is something better than merely stopping symptoms.

There are two main approaches you can take at this moment - one is to start with what Dr. Jeff suggested, and also the resource library for ears and see if any of the topical suggestions is soothing. There is a bit of a learning curve (101 class) so the other approach is to work with a holistic vet now to guide you while you are learning more to do on your own, how to use HMDM and especially evaluate her responses to any treatment. (Read this article)

You mention she is a bit lethargic. That is important to track. See if adding the happy dance and doing more of what you know makes her happy, and having positive thoughts yourself brings her energy back.

You may also want to download the Journal to help your evaluations.

Dr. Christina
Ok thank you for the recommendations I will look into all this information. I’m just trying to find a way to help heal Marley instead of just giving her pills for a symptom, so I appreciate all the advice you can point me too!
You'll see this in the HA! 101 course, I think - but I would get her on a more varied diet, mostly raw or lightly cooked, and including different organ meats. You can do a much better job for the same or less expense as these designer diets. I would also not be afraid to stop all the meds, internal and topical. Even if she seems to exhibit more symptoms, please recognize that the meds only suppress them - and to some extent they will need to express as part of the resolution of her inner confusion. So, applaud the symptoms, and thank them for their help:)

And, yes, on the "happy dance", as well as with effusive expression of your love and approval. Love HER and ignore the symptoms; just see her beautiful nature through them.
You'll see this in the HA! 101 course, I think - but I would get her on a more varied diet, mostly raw or lightly cooked, and including different organ meats. You can do a much better job for the same or less expense as these designer diets. I would also not be afraid to stop all the meds, internal and topical. Even if she seems to exhibit more symptoms, please recognize that the meds only suppress them - and to some extent they will need to express as part of the resolution of her inner confusion. So, applaud the symptoms, and thank them for their help:)

And, yes, on the "happy dance", as well as with effusive expression of your love and approval. Love HER and ignore the symptoms; just see her beautiful nature through them.
Thank you so much for your response! It’s so hard to navigate trying to help Marley heal especially when we feel forced to give her medications. We’ve stopped all medications and topicals at the moment and I am looking into a raw diet right now. We also have started doing the sniff walks and just trying to help her with her happy dance. I really appreciate all the information I’ve been given on this forum so thank you again!
even though she can be lethargic she does get really happy during the day.
Fantastic! Try to help her into that state of "cellular joy" every few hours. That will help reduce the periods of lethargy and promote healing.
Hi Jennifer! Marley's issues sound very similar to my dog, Capain. He gets ear infections and has sensiti-ve/patchy skin. He has improved A LOT in 7 months. Am sharing what we did in case it can help: FOOD, we switched from chicken b/c I suspected he was allergic. He eats mostly raw-I buy a custom blend from soul'y raw dog company (45% lamb, 45 % beef, 10% beef bone dust). I also sometimes give Orijen dry food tundra blend. I also started him on some supplements: Vimergy B12, Vimergy Zinc, Vimergy Barley Grass Juice powder, Solid Gold seameal, Hawaii Pharm Anti allergy drops, Hawaii Pharm propolis, Hawaii Pharm dog skin aid. He gets these in small amounts once daily in the am. They have made a tremendous difference, and he is still healing. I recommend listening to Anthony William (medical mediums) podcast on pet health on Soundcloud. It is no longer on apple podcasts. Good Luck! : )
Thank you! I really appreciate all this information. I have the vimergy supplements I use for myself so I can try them for Marley. And I’ve been looking for a raw dog food so I’ll look into soul’y.
Hi Jennifer! Marley's issues sound very similar to my dog, Capain. He gets ear infections and has sensiti-ve/patchy skin. He has improved A LOT in 7 months. Am sharing what we did in case it can help: FOOD, we switched from chicken b/c I suspected he was allergic. He eats mostly raw-I buy a custom blend from soul'y raw dog company (45% lamb, 45 % beef, 10% beef bone dust). I also sometimes give Orijen dry food tundra blend. I also started him on some supplements: Vimergy B12, Vimergy Zinc, Vimergy Barley Grass Juice powder, Solid Gold seameal, Hawaii Pharm Anti allergy drops, Hawaii Pharm propolis, Hawaii Pharm dog skin aid. He gets these in small amounts once daily in the am. They have made a tremendous difference, and he is still healing. I recommend listening to Anthony William (medical mediums) podcast on pet health on Soundcloud. It is no longer on apple podcasts. Good Luck! : )
I’ll have to listen to the podcast thank you so much for the info!
Hi Jennifer! Marley's issues sound very similar to my dog, Capain. He gets ear infections and has sensiti-ve/patchy skin. He has improved A LOT in 7 months. Am sharing what we did in case it can help: FOOD, we switched from chicken b/c I suspected he was allergic. He eats mostly raw-I buy a custom blend from soul'y raw dog company (45% lamb, 45 % beef, 10% beef bone dust). I also sometimes give Orijen dry food tundra blend. I also started him on some supplements: Vimergy B12, Vimergy Zinc, Vimergy Barley Grass Juice powder, Solid Gold seameal, Hawaii Pharm Anti allergy drops, Hawaii Pharm propolis, Hawaii Pharm dog skin aid. He gets these in small amounts once daily in the am. They have made a tremendous difference, and he is still healing. I recommend listening to Anthony William (medical mediums) podcast on pet health on Soundcloud. It is no longer on apple podcasts. Good Luck! : )
Also, Emily, start working to rebalance the energy field since a balanced energy field will not have allergies to any foods, and will not need supplement on an on-going basis.

Dr. Christina
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