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Organon #19 and the Shift in Your Pets' Balance

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hi everyone-

This weeks Organon paragraph is short and sweet but super-important.

It discusses the importance of a change, in symptoms ("morbid signs"), being the key to knowing what to do to help your pets heal.

It also helps to be able to put the symptoms into context using HMDM Step 2: research.

This also "happens" to be the topic for Monday's Empower Hour! webinar.

Here's the aphorism:

Now, as diseases are nothing more than alterations in the state of health of the healthy individual which express themselves by morbid signs, and the cure is also only possible by a change to the healthy condition of the state of health of the diseased individual, it is very evident that medicines could never cure disease if they did not possess the power of altering man's state of health which depends on sensations and functions; indeed, that their curative power must be owing solely to this power they possess of altering man's state of health.

What do you think the practical implication of "owing solely to the power..." is?
Also important is "diseases are nothing more than alterations in the state of health of the healthy individual which express themselves by morbid signs". Here Hahnemann is reminding us (which is the opposite of what we normally think) that the symptoms ("morbid signs") are not the disease, so they are not what needs to change. They are the expression (language) of the internal state of the body.

True healing, then comes from altering that internal state. Clues to your pet's improved internal state are seen when the symptoms resolve and they feel better overall.

If you merely try to stop the symptoms you may not be curatively altering the internal state.

Dr. C
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