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Organic CBD oil?


Community Member
Jan 3, 2021
Does anyone have any experience with an ORGANIC CBD oil that I can give to my dog with spondylosis? I was going to buy the ElleVet one but it does not say organic on the label. When I questioned they said it was in the FAQ's. In my mind if it isn't on the label then it is not organic. So I am looking for an organic product that works. I feel these have the potential for toxins and heavy metals, so that is why it must be on the label that it is organic and not just stated on a website. Thanks!!
Lil, here's the Ellevet response to your query:

All ElleVet Hemp is grown organically and the only other ingredient is our sesame carrier oil is also organic, we have not been through the process to become certified organic and thus our label does not reflect that. We were just recently approved by the National Animal Supplement Committee (NASC) which holds the highest standards for quality of animal supplements. We have a COA for every batch on the website showing clear of any heavy metals or toxins.
Ok!! well that is a good thing. I feel better about purchasing it. Thank you for the complete explanation! Can you tell me what the CBD-A does. I wasn't taking notes during the empower hour and would appreciate the "cliffs notes" answer without going back to see the whole video:) Would like to purchase for JJ's spondylosis.
Sure, and thanks for asking Lil.

CBDA is the part of the CBD that has a stronger aspirin-like effect (anti-inflammatory) to better help stiff, arthritic, allergic, etc. pets.
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