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Omega 3 fish oil for kidney support of Bella


Community Member
Oct 13, 2023
Good morning! Since I have started using Aventi Kidney complete for my kitty Bella's kidney issues per recent homeopathic vet's recommendation, I noticed there is also an Aventi Omega 3 liquid supplement. I've been using Nordic Naturals Omega 3 pet (liquid oil supplement) per suggestion of a previous vet for a few years now. I was trying to do a comparison on what may be a superior product as far as potency and ingredients but it's hard for me to tell. Any experience with either?

@Dr. Jeff I actually am reading your post on SmartZYME after having posted my earlier thread above. Adding this to the mix.
Any experience with either?
I'd stick with Nordic Naturals as I know they have good, clean sources and that they have great products.
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