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Nutrient Balance, Nutrigenomics & Cellular Oxidative Stress

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
I am posting now because the information on these slides is very useful for today.

Even before Dr. Dodds discusses them tonight.

Here are the slides that Dr. Dodds will use tonight. They will also be shared in your Empower Hour! webinar follow-up email:

It would be wonderful to have questions all ready for Dr. Dodds!
Enjoy the slides.
Dr. Christina
Here's a few from Julie:

I have a 10 year old dog with allergies.

Seems like he is allergic to everything. It’s possible he has environmental allergies.

He has taken Dr. Dodds allergy test 4 times with different results every time.

I read in Dr. Dodds’ newsletter about the dangers of Apoquel.

She wrote that she uses Cytopoint and although there are no long term studies of this new drug, what is it that she likes about it?

How long has she been using it?

How long is it effective?

How often do the dogs need to be treated?

What side effects has she seen … she mentioned drowsy. How long are they drowsy?

What success stories can she share? What are the down sides to the body?

(Cytopoint is made by the same company that makes Apoquel which leads to me believe it can’t be all that good.)

From Joan:

Could you please address feline hyperthyroid and kidney disease during the discussion tonight.
Sera is also eating low calcium and low potassium foods (we think).

Joan, I don't know if Dr. Jean will have enough time tonight for such a deep dive, but we should definitely discuss these important topics!

Individuality and nutrigenomics can definitely help.

We can discuss more below, in a separate thread or during one of the future Empour Hours!
From Ishaa:

Can you address more on species specific diets for toy or small canine breed ( and others) .

Our toy chihuahua is thriving mostly on grain free food - she eats around three tablespoons twice a day.... store bought Organix ,tiny feast- which I chose due to clear history w no recall!

Our lil one primarily lives on organix turkey food - and some fruit ...and veggies .in this case ours is a tiny healthy unvaccinated toy chihuahua She’s 15??‍♂️yrs happy young and full ??? of Joy !
A beloved rescue !!!

Also please remind us of latest updated lists of foods -aside from the current known ones.....
(if the dangerous to dogs food list is changing) ....ie please mention the latest considerations onfoods , herbs etc that all dogs or some .... dogs ...or just tiny ones under a certain weight ....should not have or best only in tiny amount or totally avoided !!!! Esp for our tiny dogs!!!!

Thank you!
Sometimes I think there are multiple opinions on some avoidable foods or not a complete current updated list....
From Karen:

What are her recommendations regarding calcium and the feeding of bone content at various stages in the pregnant raw fed bitch?
Monique asked:

Please explain the difference & relationship between IgA & IgM on her hemopet report.
My dog was IgA reactive (which I assume was from eating kibble) but shows a weak or negative reaction on IgM for the same item (I assume is from our switch to a raw diet). But the recommendation was to still remove that item from their diet. Why?
Thank you!

Monique, in cass Dr. Jean doesn't get to this great question tonight, I'd like to share my answer.

IgA reflects past immune responses whereas IgM is the more recent reactivity.

From the Vitality and Balance point of view, you are interpreting this correctly, and the past reactivity reflected in IgA should resolve.

However, the general holistic vet answer would be to always stay away from this reactive protein because your pup will always tend to be more sensitive to it.

That is, unless you use homeopathy or TCVM to raise your pup's allergy threshold so that these dietary antigens do not trigger allergy symptoms.

But that's a different story than tonight's webinar.

Vitality, Balance and homeopathy is on May 4-5:

Here's what Stina asked:

what can I adjust to my dog's raw diet to lower instances of random pimples. I feed both of my dog's raw food, and one I notice occasionally gets a small random pimple - maybe one or two on his side, or on his neck or base of his tail.. they are tiny moveable and linger for a bit. Any suggestions?

Today's diet was pork rib, organ blend (kidney, spleen, and liver) veggie mix (kale, spinach, and carrot) - cooked and blended. Every other day we give a probiotic and a sprinkle of kelp (we offer occasionally).
From Bonnie-

I have a small American Eskimo. She used to be on kibble and over weight. I switched her to honest kitchen grain free dog food a couple of years ago. She lost her weight but she chews her fur. It looks like her hair has been cut but it’s because she chews it. Do you have any suggestions. And is this good good for her. Thank you ?
From Laura-

I have a 15 y/o female spayed Indoor at night and daytime outdoor cat who is starting to have dandruff and hair is separating at the base in clumps. Everything I read is saying she isn't getting enough protein but eats a 5.5 oz can of Blue Buff mature indoor cat food every day along with friskies and plenty of water. Do you have any suggestions? or recommendations?
Laura - I am assuming the friskies is dry?
Dry food is a big cause of dandruff and clumping.
It is important to try feeding some fresh food, probiotics and digestive enzymes.
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