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Nordic Naturals Cod Liver Oil vs Omega 3

Hey Hannah-

I bet that my friend @Dr. Liza could help with where to get supplements in NZ:

Do you want to contact her or have me ask?
Hi Dr Jeff,
Yes, thank you, I would love you to contact Dr Liza - I appreciate any help right now.
Hannah :)?
Done (I'll post her reply below)!

Have a wonderful Thursday Hannah.?
Hi Hannah-

I just heard that Dr. Liza uses the Nordic Naturals omega-3s.
Think I would like to try this Moxxor. Is it just one capsule per day or does it go by weight for dogs? Can you just put the capsule in the food or do you have to puncture it and put the oil directly in the food? I have been using Nordic Naturals for a long time. I have one dog with spondylosis and wonder if it would help him? Do they get loose stools if you give too much like what happens with fish oil? Thanks
I go sort of by weight but also by condition and history. Since he's been on Nordic there's no deficiency, so he could be transferred straight over. The human dose
is 1 capsule twice a day, which is based on 150 lbs. A small dog could take less, but given that he has a painful condition it would be reasonable to start him at 1 twice a day, see how it goes. If he improves a lot you could drop it down to see what his baseline need is. It is a very tiny capsule so you can just pill him, or coat it with butter or cheese and give as a treat. I haven't seen any problems with diarrhea. The milligram dose is very small, or more appropriately, "small but mighty!" Here's the TMI: MOXXOR Omega-3s | Little Big Cat. Don't forget to use the coupon code DRJEAN, you get either 5% or 10% off. (Different people tell me different things, but you do get to save some money!)
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