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Melanoma 'Vaccine'

How safe is ozone therapy in conjunction with the Oncept melanoma vaccine?
They should work fine together.

How did your appointment go with Dr. Basak-Smith?
They should work fine together.
:)I'm glad to hear that. Thank you for letting me know.

How did your appointment go with Dr. Basak-Smith?
Wonderful! We made a plan to do the Oncept melanoma vaccine and ozone therapy alternating every other week between the two. They took a fecal sample and gave Chloe GI relief meds to start the fecal transplant. He recommended the keto raw diet and medicinal mushrooms. I was given some ozone gel to put on the surgery site twice a day. I was so happy to have a plan in place!!

after I left the appointment, I received an email from our family's energy chiropractor, and from a list of alternate modalities, she mentioned two: ozone therapy and fecal transplant, and said they did not test as helping :(.
I'm not sure what to do from here. Comments?
Wonderful! We made a plan to do the Oncept melanoma vaccine and ozone therapy alternating every other week between the two. They took a fecal sample and gave Chloe GI relief meds to start the fecal transplant. He recommended the keto raw diet and medicinal mushrooms. I was given some ozone gel to put on the surgery site twice a day. I was so happy to have a plan in place!!

after I left the appointment, I received an email from our family's energy chiropractor, and from a list of alternate modalities, she mentioned two: ozone therapy and fecal transplant, and said they did not test as helping :(.
I'm not sure what to do from here. Comments?
IF we go ahead with the ozone therapy, they want to do two types of ozone therapy:
*Blood draw then they mix the ozone gas with her blood and put it back into her with an IV: "Major auto hemagheraphy" (sp?). Have you heard of this IV method and do you recommend it?
*Secondly, rectal insuflagion (sp?).
*And maybe at some point: 3 mL of ozone gas in the knees for the arthritis.

IF we go ahead with the fecal transplant, they said that they get the material for the Fecal transplant from donor dogs from Oakley and San Francisco, California. I believe the company is called Animal Biome Veterinary. Isn’t it better to get the donor dog from our area or a dog that Chloe lives with?

The chiropractor tested the oncept melanoma vaccine as helping 30%.
She also tested the Bengston cycling and felt that was very helpful.
OK, I have heard from many vets that the oncept melanoma vaccine is beneficial and safe. And, I know that homeopathic vets choose to go on a more natural path, however, can any one site any factual cases of the vaccine hurting a dog? I know I might be opening Pandora's box... but I am sooooooooooo torn about what to do for my wonderful Chloe. Please let me know. I was all set up to do vaccine one week/ozone therapy the next/ vaccine 3rd week, etc., and then I was told that doing that, might make the ozone therapy have negative effects.
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