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Megacolon and hyperthyroidism (and Free T4 Levels)


VIP Member
May 17, 2021
Hello :)

I am very worried and hoping I can get some clarity. My kitty, Jespa, has had ongoing constipation for years and I have tried many natural methods (I worked for years with a holistic mobile vet) but nothing has resolved it - maybe I wasn't consistent enough with herbs she prescribed (he is a picky eater and I wasn't always able to get him to take them). Recently, he was constipated for nearly a week and an x-ray showed a stretched colon - ugh. The vet (who is not holistic) told me it is not Megacolon but that he needs to be on Miralax and Lactulose for life (I had already started both but wasn't consistent since I was trying to control it naturally). I have been giving him both medications daily, for the past couple of months, along with herbal supplements and a probiotic, and have been able to control the constipation in that he is not straining, but he is still only going every couple of days - sometimes every other day. The good news is that his vomiting has stopped.

Earlier this month, I found an integrative vet near me to get a second opinion and he said, based on the x-ray, that it is in fact megacolon. :( In addition, his blood work shows high Free t4 levels - the total T4 is normal (about 2.8 - so at the mid to higher range) as it was when we did bloodwork about a year and a half ago with the mainstream vet (they did not test for Free t4, though) - I did note the Total T4, although in normal range, is higher than it was a year and half ago.

The new integrative vet prescribed Methimazole and a few new supplements (I am introducing them slowly) ... Magnesium and a supplement for the constipation that I have not yet started (the idea is to wean off the Miralax). I am also giving him the probiotic and the herbal supplements I mentioned from NHV natural pet products (Maris, Yucca, Felimm, and Resthyroid). I started the Methimazole last week and then stopped a couple of days ago when I read all the scary potential side effects. Agh. I would like to treat the hyperthyroid naturally if possible, but I am so worried that the Free t4 won't decline and that the total T4 will continue to slowly rise. I don't know what to do. I am also wondering if the constipation caused the overactive thyroid or the other way around. He had been diagnosed years ago with IBS (by mobile vet) but we never could determine the underlying cause. I should mention he is also prone to anxiety - he gets scared easily and when I take him to the vet he shakes (his mobile vet no longer does house calls), so I want to avoid lots of trips to the vet, which seems unavoidable now that we have to do regular blood work.

The only signs he shows of hyperthyroidism are a big appetite (he wakes me in the middle of the night) - he is not thin and actually needs to lose a pound or two - he weighs 13 lbs (used to weight 12). He does play w/ his sister :) but he sleeps a lot ... maybe more than is normal ... I am not sure. He is almost 10 years old. His pee seems to be a little more than usual ... I am not sure if I am looking for things or if it really has increased but it does seem to be a lot - I am also giving him water throughout the day (via a dropper) and water and bone broth in his food, so maybe that's why. His coat is very nice and he doesn't have any of the other tale-tell signs of hyperthyroidism - when I read the descriptions of over active and under active thyroid it almost seems like he has a combo of the two. I will attach his recent blood work. Praying I can treat this naturally..


  • Jespa's Blood test results.pdf
    55.3 KB · Views: 5
Hi, @NicoleA, thank you for giving so many details on Jespa's condition - let's help you figure out what Holistic Actions! you can take.
First, if you could give us a little bit more information on Jespa, the veterinarians would be able to help you out more:

  1. Jespa's neutering status
  2. Jespa's BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood)
  3. What exactly is Jespa eating
  4. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication
  5. Is Jespa's condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc?
  6. Does Jespa have any other health concerns/symptoms?
To start you off, here are a couple resources you may find useful:
@Dr. Christina & @Dr. Jeff, do you have any input on how to help Jespa?
Thanks Nicole for sharing such important and useful info. about Jespa!

And thank you Aruna for pointing Nicole to those resources.

Yes, you can treat him naturally.

Considering how normal his t4 (the main thyroid hormone) is, and also considering that the blood sample was "fatty" (lipemic) you may want to start homeopathy then repeat the freet4 (there probably are other housecall vets that come to White Plains).

Right away tho, I'd start using his individuality to determine how to help him heal himself through the Happiness Protocol which can increase his cellular energy to optimize all of his cells:

What is he eating?

For how long has he been waking you overnight, or has his energy been low?

Regardless, of your answers, it sounds like he should do fine on this natural path of vitality and balance. :D ?⚖️☯️
Thank you so much and that makes me feel SO much better. I am going to make a one-on-one appt with Dr. Jeff and work on everything you mentioned.
You're welcome Nicole!

I look forward to both following Jespa's journey here on the forum and helping individualize his symptoms to help hm heal.
@Dr. Jeff Me too! I have one question since we won't be seeing you for a couple of weeks. I am wondering if I should continue with the Resthyroid (the herbal supplement from NHV natural pet products for hyperthyroidism) ... it sounds like there's a chance he may not be hyperthyroid ... and I don't want to give him the opposite issue of hypothyroid if that's the case..
Yes! Continue to follow Dr. Seo's recommended supplements and perhaps do a trial of low dose methimazole for the next 1-2 weeks to see if it effects his symptoms.

For how long did you give it previously? Were there any observable changes?
I gave him the methimazole for 4 days and then, after reading potential side effects, took him off it. I did not notice any symptoms improving; if anything, he woke me up more in the middle of the night when he was on it -it seemed like he was doing a little better before I started it and his digestion was a better/more frequent and now it's back to him pooping every 2-3 days. I am really hoping to treat him naturally if you think it is okay for him. Thanks so much.
Hi @Dr. Jeff I clicked onto the Happiness Protocol page you mentioned above but I can't figure out how to get to the webinar..
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