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Livestream Thurs. 3/31 1pm ET: Another Way of Nourishing Our Pets

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
This is from Earth Animal:

As co-founders of Earth Animal, Dr. Bob and Susan Goldstein have dedicated themselves to healing companion animals and educating pet parents. Over the course of their 40+ year career working to improve, preserve, and enhance the quality of life of animals, people and the earth, the Goldstein's passionately believe in Another Way® of healing, protecting, nourishing and treating your pets.

One of the easiest and most effective ways we can help our pets to achieve health, wellness, and longevity is through the nutrition we provide for them. Dr. Bob and Susan will join Dr. Kris Hansen for a live discussion to share the building blocks of a balanced diet, plus their total nutritional program that provides the nutrients that cats and dogs need to thrive. Highlights will include how to choose the right food based on your pet’s individual nutritional and healing needs, the power of supplementing for certain conditions, the many chronic illnesses stemming from poor nutrition that affect millions of pets today, and much more. RSVP and watch here:

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