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Lip & nose dermatitis


Community Member
Nov 8, 2024
@Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff

I'm so sorry in advance. I tried to keep this as short as possible. :(

I adopted little Hugo from the pound 11 months ago - on the day he was scheduled to be euthanized. He's lived a rough life - covered in scars. He had calloused arthritic elbows, a nasty tail infection, a mouth full of pus & there's clear signs he's been mistreated by a man.

1. Hugo - estimated age 11 - male

2. Neutered at 11

3. Probable heading dog kelpie cross (cannot be sure)

4. 72 pounds

5. Appetite is always through the roof! Happy in himself. BEAM is great!

6. Lamb K9 Naturals (90% freeze dried raw meat, ground bone, offal & 10% veggies & fruits), plus I gently cook & mash vegetables, fruits, ginger, fish, sometimes beef or possum, egg & a little kumara with it. He also has either venison or lamb bone broth daily. A diet he's doing well on - that's been formed through trial & error. Also has a food-based multivitamin & mineral supplement plus daily soil-based probiotics in his food.

7. One parvo vaccine in March 2024. No other history. He's lived a hard life, as a hunting dog, & I doubt he's ever seen a vet.

8. Lip & nose dermatitis. Only just noticed this. (Picture attached)

9. Nose & lips cause no discomfort.

10. A vet has looked at the area & prescribed broad spectrum antibiotics, which I haven't used.

11. Medications...

He is on is Synovan - (a monthly injection of PPS & NAG) for his arthritic elbows. He also has Revolution monthly. I HATE flea treatments (I just comb my other boy) but Hugo has severe flea allergic dermatitis, which leads to obsessive compulsive itching, which quickly leads to scabbing.

This is a boy who, if you pat him at the wrong angle, you'll over-stimulate the nerves in his back & he'll begin scratching madly to eliminate the discomfort. That's how sensitive he is.

12. Medical issues...

Possible spondylosis (symptoms of discomfort noticed this week after some longer walks, which we're looking into).

Chronic colitis my vet suspects due to a life of neglect. If he eats a food - even a vegetable - that doesn't agree with him, the mucus on his poos will start &, within 12 hours, he will have bloody runny poos. This is very well controlled now with his diet. He's gained weight & his body condition is great. Vet agreed this week. He cannot even tolerate raw meaty bones.

Arthritic elbows (x-rays show).

Has had one e-coli bladder infection, which he took broad spectrum antibiotics for.

His rotten teeth have been removed & remaining teeth (which are ground down, with no enamel) have been scaled.

He seems to have Pica, which the vets suspect he's always had, based on the terrible condition of his teeth. He is a compulsive scavenger that will seek out anything rotten (so I can never ever take my eyes off him, of course). He will eat bark from the garden, LOVES grass, seashells (that's a new one).

He hasn't eaten anything rotten since I've adopted him - except a maggot-filled rabbit head, which the emergency vets helped eject before it could begin digesting.


Sorry for info overload! You can see this little boy was in a bad way. Despite this, he's a very happy little man. Very gentle & loving. Grateful for everything.

It's an allergic reaction to either a food or something in the environment, the vet says, &, due to saliva, is a little infected.

I don't want to treat him with any more antibiotics. Only thing different in his life, recently, is forest walks, rather than street walks.

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Thanks so much Brooke for rescuing Hugo. He's one lucky pup to have found you.

Skin stuff with great BEAM in the context of everything you described about him is a great thing. Maybe just a bit of topical aloe vera on his lip and nose. It's also good for his GI if he licks it.

Same thing for this product (tho it is not as soothing as aloe):

Thanks so much Brooke for rescuing Hugo. He's one lucky pup to have found you.

Skin stuff with great BEAM in the context of everything you described about him is a great thing. Maybe just a bit of topical aloe vera on his lip and nose. It's also good for his GI if he licks it.

Same thing for this product (tho it is not as soothing as aloe):

When his colitis flares up - which very occasionally happens now from a slightly larger amount of food in a day, or a little too much variation - I know how to adjust his foods & portions to settle things within 12 hours, so it never progresses beyond the mucus stage. He's not deficient in B12 & has no pancreatic insufficiency, no giardia. Just a life of neglect I guess. :confused:

The skin seems to be a new thing. It's interesting that I've noticed it at a time where he's finally maintaining a healthy weight & his body CONDITION has recently improved hugely. He was previously skinny, with a dull dry coat, which was why I asked for the above blood tests. He now has a nice covering & is shiny - just the skin eruptions there.

Thank you so much for your kind words, Dr Jeff, & this product recommendation. There's a lot going on with little Hugo, but I feel (I hope) we've come through the worst.

Am I doing the right thing treating him internally with probiotics daily - given his microbiome issues - or is that overkill? 🫣
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Am I doing the right thing treating him internally with probiotics daily - given his microbiome issues - or is that overkill? 🫣
Great question!

Daily probiotics is perfect. In fact, you may also want to rotate the ones you use (when 1 bottle runs out, order a different one).

You'll find lots of info about the microbiome and probiotics on the forum and inside your HA! member resource page.
Great question!

Daily probiotics is perfect. In fact, you may also want to rotate the ones you use (when 1 bottle runs out, order a different one).

You'll find lots of info about the microbiome and probiotics on the forum and inside your HA! member resource page

Thank you, Dr Jeff.

When you take on a senior dog, whose body has been worn out, it's always overwhelming learning about a multitude of issues, so I'm glad to have found HA.

I look forward to reading through the resource section & learning far BETTER ways to control Hugo's flea allergic dermatitis too, as I don't want to - & never have - relied on flea treatments before.

Thanks for your help. :)
You're welcome Brooke.
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