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Lily toxicosis


VIP Member
Oct 15, 2020

An incident happened this morning where my 1 year-old cat Citrouille chewed on a petal and a leaf of Inca lily plant. He didn't swallow parts of it but lightly chewed on it.
I rinsed out his mouth with water and he received activated charcoal. He's also on i.v. fluids as a prevention and I plan to keep him on the fluids for 48 hours if all goes well. He has no symptoms of intoxication at all yet, but knowing how toxic lily flowers can be to cats I'm doing all this preventatively.

Any remedy that could be given preventatively as well? I'm wondering about lily remedies, for example Lilium trigrinum (I'll have to see if I have that in stock). It's not a tiger lily he chewed on, it's an Inca lily, but it's in the same family... Any thoughts? Or should I just wait to see if he develops symptoms? Blood work was done today for a baseline (I don't have the results yet) and I will have his kidneys reassessed in a couple days probably before removing the i.v. fluids and I'll probably have the kidneys reassessed again within a couple weeks after removing the i.v. fluids just to make sure. Looking at Materia Medica information on Lilium tigrinum, I don't see acute renal issues mentioned in the urinary section, but maybe that's because humans are not as sensitive to these flowers as cats are and the provings are done on people...

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Véronique Messier
Hey Dr. Veronique!

I'm sorry to hear about Citrouille's potential intoxication.

Good thing he has a vet and homeopath as his guardian!

IMHO, I'd look closer at Ars, Nux, Puls. etc. rather than the Lily remedies.

However, @Dr. Sara and others may have different thoughts...
Since remedies are based on the individual's reactions, and there are no symptoms, I would focus on not worrying, sending positive intention and any energy healing you know, maybe paying for energy sessions if you have not learned any yet.

Reassessing the blood work is a good strategy.

Put all this in the journal.

Dr. Christina
Thank you Dr Jeff and Dr Christina,

It makes sense! The only reason why I was considering the lily remedies was for the etiological factor part of it, but for now he's doing fine and asymptomatic so I guess there is not even an etiological factor to consider for now. I will keep your remedy suggestions in mind Dr Jeff and I'll watch very closely for any symptom development that resembles them.

Interesting mention about positive intention Dr Christina, I just made a decision this morning in that direction I think. His iv catheter was fully functional since yesterday around noon until about 4h or 5ham this morning, but then fluids started going subcutaneously... I was really hoping to give him iv fluids for 48 hours and considered having another iv catheter installed in his other leg to continue that treatment, but thinking about the stress it would cause him and he was also stressed about being in a cage while on the iv fluids even if as a vet I was able to have him in a cage at home and monitor him myself. So I decided to continue giving the fluids subcutaneously for the remainder of the 48 hours; he had a good start iv and received a very good amount that way, so I made that decision to minimize his stress. I only did my Reiki 1 course, so my knowledge is limited in that sense, but I'm doing my best to help him energy wise as well and it reduces my stress a lot to be able to let him out of his cage and not have to worry about the iv catheter remaining functional and constantly watching the fluid rate to make sure he's getting the correct amount (I don't have a fluid pump at home so it made it more challenging...). So I think he feels positively my energy change as well.

Blood work was basically normal yesterday, only GGT was mildly elevated at 7 (n: 0-4 U/L) which might be an incidental finding I'm not sure, SDMA is at 7. Chemistry profile and SDMA will be rechecked in 2 days.

Thanks again for all your time!

You're welcome Veronique, and I look forward to speaking with you today.
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