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Labrador Bloating after Meals


Community Member
Apr 3, 2024
1. Your pet's name: NED
2. Approximate age: 9.5
3. Sex : MALE
4. Neutering status : Neutered
5. Breed :Labrador Retriever
6. Approximate weight : 55
7. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood) : Ned is high energy, animated, has hard time calming down especially around new people. Appetite is typical lab - healthy appetite. Mood is upbeat. Noted - walks lately he has walked slower than usual. Sometimes a bit mopey because of discomfort after meals (after whining)

8. Diet : Ned has been on a home cooked diet since fall 2021 because he had terrible skin issues the spring/summer leading up to that and had GI issues. He had been to vet numerous times and ruled out Addisons and Cushings. In Fall of 2021 we started with a new vet. His diet: turkey, pork or salmon or sardines; pumpkin or sweet potato; pinto or kidney beans; chard or collards or spinach; blackberries/raspberries, peaches, prunes, peas, carrots.

9. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication: Since 2021 no vaccinations - only titers to check levels. And only annual heartworm meds (generic Interceptor)

10. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time. Current issue: since end of Feb 2024 Ned has had bloat after eating. He had this isolated times last summer and fall but short lived (lasted a day). Now it is all meals. After meals he bloats up. He whines because he is uncomfortable. I massage him gently. I have fed smaller portions and he is now on numerous supplements. Most are taken once a day, some twice. There has been no change. I was travelling week of March 11th and went to a vet in MA - did xray and no issues. Recommended Gas X and an antacid. Suggested Ultrasound. Completed ultrasound on 3/13 at Cape Cod Vet Specialists - no findings. Suggestions are to check into cortisol levels and smaller meals. Ned has always been anxious. The breeder said he'd need reassurance. My life is unsettled in ways, but not majorly different than the previous months/year - i.e. no major upheaval. One pet healer told me once he didn't bond with his mother. I gave him a few gas x the last few days (40mg) because it seemed to help and none of the new meds (starred ones below) seem to be changing things.
*(Medi Herb) Livton Complex
*(Systemic Formulas) Enzee
*(Medi Herb) Colax
*(Natural Vet Remedies) Intesti-Tune Plus
*(Herbalist & Alchemist) Calm Adapt
Elektra Extract (Good body products)
Terraluna Bentonite Clay
Rx Naturals Essentials for dogs
Rx Naturals Nutritional Support
Lyme Formula Jing Tang
Allegany Nutrition Digestive Enzymes HP90v
Cardio Calmpound (Herbalist & Alchemist)
11. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc? Not really. Bloats with all meals.
12. Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them.) Attaching some.
13. Current and previous treatment. See #10. I want to help him and I feel my current course is not helping him. I am interested in more ideas to help him. This has been going on for almost 6 weeks and that is a long time!
14. Other health concerns. No. Stools are normal.




  • CCVS ultrasound report.pdf
    191.4 KB · Views: 2

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Jen!

Welcome to HA!, and thanks for making your first post.

I'm sorry to hear about Ned's bloating and discomfort after eating.

Yes, 6 weeks is a long time to have this symptom. And it is super clear that you and the vets have been doing your best to help him this entire time.

Ned's elevated liver tests show an internal area affected by the same energetic imbalance that is causing his bloating.

Symptoms are a physical manifestation of an energetic imbalance.

However, everything we learn in vet school is exclusively in the physiologic (and physical) paradigm.

Here's the energetic version of what we learned in school and a piece for vets with more recent research:

You may want to consider consulting with a well-trained vet homeopath to help energetically stimulate Ned's natural healing ability.

One proviso tho is that his homeopathic treatment may take a while.

Maybe schedule a Holistic Medical Decision Making call with @Dr. Christina or myself in the next week or two.

Drs. Judy Herman, Adriana Sagrera and Todd Cooney are excellent and experienced certified vet homeopaths that will work with you virtually or in person.


Community Member
Apr 3, 2024
Thank you for the quick and comprehensive reply, Dr. Jeff. We were led to you by Dr. Paul Herscu who has worked w our family for years. I will indeed make an appt with you or Dr. Christina. I think I just do that on the portal? Thank you, again.

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Jen, I want to clarify the appointments with us. These are 15 minute calls to help answer your questions. They are not to replace finding and working with a veterinary homeopath or good Chinese medicine veterinarian. To find Ned's primary holistic veterinarian, readholisticactions.com/select this entire article and patiently work to find the best match, or start at www.theAVH.org and check out Drs. Judy Herman, Adriana Sagrera and Todd Cooney and others to see whom you like the best.

When chronic problems are challenging, it can also help to keep a journal and read there or search on the HA! site about responses to treatment so you can add one treatment, diet change or supplement at a time, or start deleting some of the many supplements he is getting now for his best health.

Dr. Christina


Community Member
Apr 3, 2024
Hi, Yes i know this is only a 15 min appt. to answer questions. It seems like the logical next step. But I am under the impression that after this I can try to schedule a "real" appt with you or Dr. Jeff? Or would I only be able to do that with the others you listed like Dr Judy or Adriana or Todd? I worked with homepathic vets before in VA and CO, just not in CT.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
You're welcome Jen!
I will indeed make an appt with you or Dr. Christina. I think I just do that on the portal?
I do believe that that the link and coupon code are on the HA! portal in your dashboard. If you can't find them, or have any questions about HA!, Kim will happily assist you by email at:

I am under the impression that after this I can try to schedule a "real" appt with you or Dr. Jeff?
Yup! That is right!!

After we talk, if you would like to set up a 2-3 hour appointment to go through all of Ned's history (I'd review his records and test results back to puppyhood) you can start the new client process by submitting this info:

New Client Questionaire

Then you'd schedule an appointment here:



Community Member
Apr 3, 2024
You're welcome Jen!

I do believe that that the link and coupon code are on the HA! portal in your dashboard. If you can't find them, or have any questions about HA!, Kim will happily assist you by email at:


Yup! That is right!!

After we talk, if you would like to set up a 2-3 hour appointment to go through all of Ned's history (I'd review his records and test results back to puppyhood) you can start the new client process by submitting this info:

New Client Questionaire

Then you'd schedule an appointment here:

Great. Thank you for the explanations. See you tomorrow at 4pm.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Jen!

Yes, the paw5 snuffle mat was the one I mentioned when we spoke,

Small Batch Freeze-dried hearts are a great treat for crumbling into and hiding in the snuffle mat.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
YW Jen!


Community Member
Apr 3, 2024
FYI - Whole Foods doesn't carry the Boiron remedies any longer (at least the one on Grasmere). But, I found them at Vitamin Shoppe up on Black Rock Tpke near Shop Rite.

Also, you mentioned there may be dog owners who live near me that might want their dog to be friends with Ned. How do I connect to them? Or maybe, now that you've met Ned you can suggest someone. He tends to like playful girl dogs or a non threatening male. Thank you.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
I'll ask around.

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!


Community Member
Apr 3, 2024
Hello Dr. Jeff,
I hope this finds you well. We had an intake in April and Ned is still a bit bloated after eating - although it seems better generally. I filled out an update form a week after we started Lachesis. How do I do follow up with you? or do I? I am a little unclear. Also, it was not evident that you had all of his labs on file - I think you looked them over during our appt, but shouId I put Ned's PDF's into a portal or something? The forum seems a public place to deal with all of this, but you said it's the best way to get a hold of you. Also, perhaps I should make an appt with the local vet in Easton you recommended.
Also, I'd like to make his food cheaper and include some kibble or other type of food - it's so expensive buying real food for him. Is there a solution or path you'd suggest? I want to cook some food, but not all. Thank you for any insights. I began a heartworm pill last week.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Jen!

Great news that Ned is a bit better. 😍 :dog2:

Yes, this thread is in the public part of the forum.

You can upload and share any 1:1 stuff as a "private conversation" which is in a private patient portal.

Just click the envelope icon on the upper right of the screen to the left of the search field.
How do I do follow up with you?
Perhaps schedule a 30 minute follow-up for sometime in June. And please submit a new web update 1-2 days before it.



Community Member
Apr 3, 2024
Hey Jen!

Great news that Ned is a bit better. 😍 :dog2:

Yes, this thread is in the public part of the forum.

You can upload and share any 1:1 stuff as a "private conversation" which is in a private patient portal.

Just click the envelope icon on the upper right of the screen to the left of the search field.

Perhaps schedule a 30 minute follow-up for sometime in June. And please submit a new web update 1-2 days before it.

Okay. Thank you!


Community Member
Apr 3, 2024
where do i submit a web update? I have a 15 min call with you on Thursday. Thank you.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Jen!

The comprehensive web updates for client are at:

This link is at the bottom left of every page of homevet.com

For HMDM calls like we have tomorrow, the HA! member update is in the form when you schedule the call.

Since it's been three months since our initial evaluation of Ned, completing a full update today would be super helpful.

I look forward to seeing you virtually tomorrow. 😍 🙏😍:dog2:

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