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Kitten ate a third of a paper towel sheet, what to do?


VIP Member
Dec 28, 2023
My kitten eats paper ... is it due to a nutritional deficiency like lack of calcium?

I always aim to keep paper away from her. But I found a sheet of paper towel that fell to the floor without my awareness and she ate about a third of it: two strips on the right side and left side of the sheet.

What to do? I'm thinking of adding 1/2 tsp (is this too much?) of Vaseline to her food at lunch tomorrow and again for three days in a row, to get it all out of her system. How does this sound?

@Dr. Jean Hofve
How old is the kitten and how much does she weigh? How big were the pieces she ate? If small strips, she can digest it at least partially. Vaseline won't hurt, just give it apart from meals. We *really* don't want it to get stuck partway down!

There's no calcium in cellulose (paper), probably she just likes the texture. Is she teething (age 4-7 months)?
I'm uploading a photo now .... thanks so much for your prompt response
I have attached a photo of what she has eaten. The paper towel sheet is 11 inches by 8.5 inches ... so it's a lot that she ingested. The paper however is thin ... but I'm concerned of a blockage because of the quantity and it may absorb water inside her.

She is 4 months old and weighs 4 pounds, and she may be teething.

She had her dinner at around 9 am and ate 40 g of chicken mixed with 15 ml of water

Can I give her the vaseline now? If so, how much to give her and how to get her to eat it? Then how much for tomorrow and the next day?

Chewed up.JPG
Did you mean 9 pm (what time zone)? I.e., how many hours since she last ate, and was it before or after the paper towel? I'd like to see if she will vomit it up tonight. Cellulose is pretty irritating.

If she ate recently (after paper towel), leave at least 2 hrs after eating before Vaseline. Probably 1/4 to 1/2 tsp, if she won't eat voluntarily (many cats will) just smush it into the corner of her mouth between the back teeth.

See how she is in the morning. I will be out all day but hopefull one of the other vets can follow her.
9 pm Eastern Time (New York time zone). She ate the paper towel about 1 hour after finishing diner
So it's been about 3 hours since she ate her dinner and about 2 hours since she ate the paper towel
I'm concerned about giving her breakfast tomorrow morning and have the food intake lead to paper towel swelling more inside of her
I'm wondering if I should have an X-ray done in the morning? How will I know if the vaseline worked?
There is no sign of her going to throw up. Actually she has been very energetic, and running around.

Could you please let me know when I should feed her next?

Would there be any point in going to get an X-ray done and if so when would be a reasonable time to have it done? ... if she is not eating? or even if she is eating, just to see what is going on in there and how long then to wait to go for the X-ray?

Any guidance would be much appreciated
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Were it I, I'd just wait and see what comes out, at the normal rate she poops after a meal. I'd wait a reasonable time to see that poop, and evaluate from there. I don't think an xray is warranted, at least right now. Paper towel doesn't have much structural integrity, so I wouldn't expect a blockage, or even an identifiable image in a radiograph. Just wait and watch.
Thanks Ginny ... okay paper towel doesn't have much structural integrity so not to expect any blockage ... big relief

I usually add 15 ml water with her food, should I not add water at breakfast to reduce the swelling of the paper towel inside of her?
or then again the water may help push things through--not sure best course of action at this point

The thing is that it's been about 34 hours since her last bowel movement ... it may take a few days for that paper towel to come out

Dr. Jean, is it okay to give a 4 month old kitten 1/2 tsp of vaseline 3 days in a row?
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It's impossible to predict how this will go, too many unknown factors. If there were a good way to force her to vomit (without a $500 emergency vet bill) we would, but failing that...

Here's my best guess:

If she is acting normal in AM, give small breakfast.

If acting sick in the morning, wait. If the paper is irritating her tummy to the point that she will vomit, that would be the best solution. It is already as full of water as it will get.

We don't want to grease it up now and force it into the intestines where it could do more damage (less room to maneuver). If she doesn't vomit it out, then tomorrow we can think about Vaseline since it will be in the intestines at that point and we *do* want to skid it through.

A serious blockage takes time to develop (usually occurring at the junction between small and large intestines), she will be fine overnight.

I am *hoping* that she chewed it up small enough and has strong enough digestive juices that it will be shredded up by the time it gets there, and will pass. That is when Vaseline would be of assistance, if needed.

Paper will not show up on x-ray and we have no indication yet that it won't just go ahead and pass.

Try to relax and be patient. Kittens are unbelievably resilient! If it becomes a problem we have plenty of time to deal with it.
Thank you Dr. Jean for that reassurance...yes, I have not given her the vaseline yet, was still hoping she would throw it up ... but she is having too much fun still running around
so for breakfast I am to give her half her regular morning intake? and then half for lunch as well?
Yes, that's what I would suggest. We want there to be lots of room for everything to move through. If she's holding food down and not showing any signs of distress, you can feed other half of meal 1/2 hour later.

Start watching poop for signs of digested towel.

One of my cats at a 6' length of multicolored acrylic yarn. She pooped rainbows for days. Never had a problem.
Good morning, Bodhi slept right by my side at the head level, when before she would sleep at leg level. Then when she felt me stirring, she laid on my chest, licking my face and purring and then resting more on my chest and she groomed herself -- it doesn't look like the purring was sign of distress. The fact that she was grooming on my chest and not hiding anywhere appears to be a sign that she is feeling fine.
I will give her breakfast in a little while, half her usual amount. And if all goes well give her the other half as you, Dr. Jean, recommended. I will then wait two hours before giving her the Vaseline. As I am at my computer, she is sitting on my lap, purring.....
What about making a paste with slippery elm? That stuff is amazing. It coats the entire digestive tract with a mucousy substance. I have gotten raw bones to slide out. I would think paper towels would be a piece of cake for slippery elm. It is great to have on hand for times like these or for digestive upsets. I have even used it to help with a dog who had a piece of grass stuck in the throat...not bad enough to choke but caused some coughing.

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