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Kidney disease in dog


Jun 5, 2023
Hi. I just participated in the zoom 6/12/23 on kidney disease. My dog, M, is a 10 yr old American Pit Bull Terrier female spayed I rescued in August 2013. She weighs about 80 lbs and is over weight. Earlier this year I noticed she seemed to be drinking a more water than usual for her. She also seemed less active and just not herself like she didn't feel right. She would sometimes cry/whine when she was just resting and I could not see an obvious reason. She started crying more for no apparent reason and I just felt like something was wrong. I thought maybe a UTI since she's had them in the past.

behaviour: normal but less intense than normal, she's always been intense, playful, silly, mischievous, loves water
Energy: reduced but still active
Appetite: good - she loves the human food!
Mood: down, seems sadder, it takes effort to get her to good around but she will to a lesser degree than normal, Example she isn't as interested in swimming, she used to swim no matter what the temperature now it has to be hot.

Her past medical history includes: UTI's starting in 2016 (4x), 2017(1x), plus the following

2/2017: then an ultrasound to bladder found a congenital problem w her bladder: Dr. Sadanaga performed surgery on bladder plus sphincter of urethra defect, injected sphincter w filler position 11:00 to 1:00, Fixed diverticulum at apex of bladder, treated Bladder infection, rechecks at 3, 6 and 7 months post surgery - good

6/2019: M screamed while laying on bed - CBC, urinalysis, US abdomen, alk. Phosphatase slightly high, Tick tests - normal

09/30/2019: 5:00 Dr. Larkin - On exam her neck was stiff, she would not move into extension and had limiting side flexion, Neck xrays sent to radiology, recommends MRI, got pain meds (Tylenol w codeine) and muscle relaxant, continue using Metacam for inflammation, no stairs
Xray results show changes consistent with a disc problem

10/17/2019: VRC - M gets MRI for neck,
VRC – Dr. F. torn R cruciate, tore it 11/6 when she jumped on bed

12/23/2019: VRC – Dr. F TPLO recheck 60% healed , needs 4 walks 10 mins each, recheck 7 weeks

2/12/2020: VRC Recheck TPLO – good 85% healed, another 6 weeks and she’s free to go off leash
Also request tick blood panel because she still seems to be feeling sore/achy all over, especially joints, Please request the test Dr. Anastasio did,

Check between toes when asleep because she has a growth, may be another cyst like in April at VRC.

3/14/2023: Berks Animal Hospital – M not feeling well: drinking a lot, eating grass, hard getting up from laying down, crying a lot for no apparent reason, R side of abdomen near back leg seems sensitive. Feeding ground turkey & rice for 3 week
Exam Dr. Tishman: blood work: CBC, T4 thyroid, chem, 4 Dx,
Wait on blood work – meantime carprofen 100mg 1/day, amoxicilling 500mg 2/day, carprofen helped her moving around

3/14/2023: Dr. Tishman called w results:
Blood work: Creatinine borderline high, BUN normal, T4 ok, cholesterol high
4Dx - normal
Plan: urinalysis to check urine concentration. (Profound decrease in conc could be diabetes insipidus), Check urine/cortisol to R/O Cushings (Moderate decrease in conc may mean Cushings),
Diabetes insipidus – hormone deficiency of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), they have high cortisol, cannot regulate drinking or urinating even without ingesting water)
Urinalysis – ruled out Cushing’s disease

4/20/2023: Dr. Sadanaga at VRC – urinalysis

4/26/2023: Tick – right side of neck, engorged. Sent for testing - tick positive for lyme and babesia
Also small puncture on top of the L foot almost between toes, hurts her, licking it

4/28/2023: Dr. Hoy, Eagles Peak – new patient exam, checked foot- healing well,
Got simparico

5/2/2023: VRC – Dr. Wylie (internal medicine) MRI of abdomen – mass on spleen & liver, blood work, urinalysis

Fecal: 08/05/2013 Negative
Parvo test: 08/23/2013: Negative
Urinalysis: 02/04/2016 Amoxicillin 500mg 14 days BID
Urinalysis: 04/01/2016: ^WBC, clavamox 375mg 14 days BID
Urinalysis: 12/19/2016 ^WBC, clavamox 375mg 14 days BID
Urinalysis: 01/24/2017 Worse
Urinalysis Culture: 1/27/2017 Negative
Fecal: 3/11/2019
4Dx: 3/11/2019 Normal
4Dx: 5/8/2019 normal
4dx: 3/13/2023 normal
CBC: 3/13/2023
Chem 3/13/2023 cholesterol:high, creatinine:high, BUN: normal
T4 thyroid: 3/13/2023 Normal
Urinalysis: 3/22/2023 Ruled Out Cushing’s disease

DHPP: ??? prior to rescue
DHLPP: 08/05/2013 R shldr
Rabies(1yr.): 08/21/2013 R hind Tag no: 017020 ser no:s287243a
DHLPP: 09/04/2013 L shldr – reaction lump behind scapula
Rabies (3 yrs.): 08/27/2014 R shldr Tag no: 019208 ser no: S3078616
DHLPP (3 yrs): 08/27/2014 R hind
Rabies (3 yrs.): 03/11/2019 Tag no: 028620 ser no: 293127
Rabies (3 yrs);


Drontal Plus: 08/05/2013
Metronidazole: 150mg BID for diarrhea 08/21/2013
Propectalin: 1 tablet BID
Cerenia: BID
Tylan: 08/21/2013
Drontal Plus: 08/21/2013
Carprofen75mg.: 75mg once a day x 5days, 11/19/2013 for pain after surgery
Cephalexin 500mg: BID x 14 days for bumps on chin
Mometamax: BID R ear
Amoxicillin: UTI? 2/4/16
Cephalexin: 2/21/2015 500mg BID possible UTI ???? I’m trying on my own
Clavamox: 03/31/2016 BID UTI 14 days 375mg
Clavamox 375mg: 12/19/2016 BID x 14 days
Enrofloxacin 68mg 1¼ BID until culture comes back from urine 01/27/2017
Zyrtec: BID allergies
Zantac: BID reflux
Cerenia 60mg: 1/day for 5 days to help with issues if it is nausea
Sucralfate 1g.: 1 every 8 hours for 6 days
Doxycycline 200mg: 1 pill twice a day for 30 days for lyme
Amoxicillin 500mg: 1 pill 2/day 7 days – until blood work results
Carprofen 100mg: 1 pill 1/day 4 days – until blood work results
Amoxicillin 500mg: 1 pill 2/day – 14 days 3/13/2023
Carprofen 100mg: 1/day – 3 days 3/13/2023
Amoxicillin 500mg: 1 pill 2/day – 30 days - didn’t help change symptoms 3/31/2023

Diet: She had been on commercial dog food her whole life - Recently: Wellness Evolve turkey/squash dry plus wellness 95% turkey canned food twice a day. Distilled water for drinking freely. Now I feed her organic turkey or duck with organic vegetables using the recipe builder from Dr. Dobias, I also use the supplements from his site.
Dry – Earthborn Holistic Venture – Limited Ingredient Grain-Free Smoked Turkey &
Butternut Squash Dry Food – ¾ cup twice a day
Canned - Wellness 95% Turkey - 1/3 cup breakfast & supper
Old dry food: Natural Balance LID High Protein Turkey Formula - 3/4 cup at breakfast & supper

I've been getting chiropractic treatments once weekly for 2 weeks now too.

Her recent lab results are attached. I'm not sure what to do next. She still is not as energetic and happy as she normally is. She does have weakness in her back end that can be noticed when she gets up from laying down. She can still jump on the bed most times. I heard in the zoom meeting that backend weakness is associated with kidney disease. My dad died last year from kidney failure and I'm desperately trying to avoid it in my soul dog. I try to use Dr. Dobias's recipe builder together with the frensenius website for human kidney failure to figure out which vegetables are better for her, but I feel like I'm just guessing. I am considering a homeopathy consult for her, but I'm afraid of doing too much at one time and not knowing what is working or not. I'm not sure if that should be a concern or not. Maybe I should just add it in to try to do the most good? I don't want to do any harm.

I know I have missed somethings. Please let me know if you need anything else. Thank you for any help!


  • Clinical Summary may 2.pdf
    72.5 KB · Views: 1
  • Tick results 2023.pdf
    44.2 KB · Views: 0
  • VRC April 20.pdf
    67.4 KB · Views: 0
  • VRC ultrasound May2.pdf
    191.2 KB · Views: 0
  • VRC urinalysis April 21.pdf
    63.1 KB · Views: 1
Holy moly Ann! M (is this a nickname?) has been through an awful lot throughout her life.

I'm not sure what to do next
That's why we're here!!

The first thing is to take the HA! 101 course.

In it you'll see the importance of a varied fresh (ideally raw) food diet.

How much of her current diet is the dry food?

No matter what tho, it would be great to decrease thje chronic inflammation contributing to all of her problems.

The easiest and most effective thing to do now, is to help her lose weight.

Less food, no dry, no squash and less canned and more raw (especially heart-rich and non-HPP foods like Small Batch).

At the same time start using the Happiness Protocol for her by focusing on her "cellular joy" and those things she loves to do the most.

You may also want to add a trained vet homeopath and other energy-focused practitioners to her vet care team.

Most important tho is to "love her up" and watch the awe-some power of love help her heal.

Good luck, please keep us updated, and welcome to HA!
5-10 minute slow, Therapeutic Sniff Walks are also a great thing to add no matter what else to do.
Holy moly Ann! M (is this a nickname?) has been through an awful lot throughout her life.

That's why we're here!!

The first thing is to take the HA! 101 course.

In it you'll see the importance of a varied fresh (ideally raw) food diet.

How much of her current diet is the dry food?

No matter what tho, it would be great to decrease thje chronic inflammation contributing to all of her problems.

The easiest and most effective thing to do now, is to help her lose weight.

Less food, no dry, no squash and less canned and more raw (especially heart-rich and non-HPP foods like Small Batch).

At the same time start using the Happiness Protocol for her by focusing on her "cellular joy" and those things she loves to do the most.

You may also want to add a trained vet homeopath and other energy-focused practitioners to her vet care team.

Most important tho is to "love her up" and watch the awe-some power of love help her heal.

Good luck, please keep us updated, and welcome to HA!
5-10 minute slow, Therapeutic Sniff Walks are also a great thing to add no matter what else to do.
Thank you Dr. Jeff! Her actual name is "M". :) I did stop all of the commercial pet food as soon as I found out she was having potential kidney problems. So she is now on cooked and raw human food. So I do cook the meat and some vegetables, but she gets a mixture. Her food bowl looks like a human salad with lots of meat mixed w veggies. I try to get all organic although sometimes we can't find organic turkey. She had an allergy blood test years ago and she's allergic to beef and chicken. I am trying to help her lose weight too. I will read the articles you suggested asap. Thank you so much for your time and help!
YW Ann!
So glad you have already switched to fresh foods for M. She is blessed for all the good things you are doing.

Be sure to be nurturing yourself as you move forward.

Have you checked out the article on finding holistic vets? holisticactions.com/select. I know there are several in your area.
Dr. Christina
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