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Injury to my old sheepdog shoulder


Apr 14, 2023

My dog hurt herself racing around the garden. We realized that the day after because the day it happened there were no signs about that. It happened mid October and we immediately went to the omeopath. She said everything was fine and prescribed cannabinoids. She also suggested acupuncture and we did that for a couple of times because everything seemed to be better and better. At the end of October Memée my dog seemed nearly recovered then she jumped and she went back to clumsy unfortunately. Then we went to physiotherapist and she had laser, osteopathy, acupuncture and then she also started swimming to help muscles. We are now at the end of the month and Memée doesn't weigh on her paw yet. Seems even worse. I know evnergies are very difficult right now but I wonder if shoulder recovery is long and frustrating or whatever. Memée is having arnica heel Guna + boswellia + curcumin powder in her meal. Can I kindly ask for any suggestions? Sending gratitude. Andrée
Ps. Behavior appetite and mood are really good and high
Not sure about her energy
Hi Andree!

I'm sorry to hear about Memée's challenges. How young is she in spirit (her age)?

What does she eat?

What does she love doing more than anything else?
s having arnica heel Guna + boswellia + curcumin powder in her meal. Can I kindly ask for any suggestions?
If you can order Arnica 10M, just one dose may be more effective than the Heel combination remedy (which I do not use or recommend due to the possible palliation of symptoms). Boswellia and curcumin are great!

No matter what else you do, perhaps double her time outdoors and sniffing. And at least 3 sessions per day of snuffle mats using powdered freeze-dried Small Batch chicken hearts.
Thank you Dr. Jeff I'm so deeply grateful 💜 💜 💜
Memée is super happy and jolly but also lazy when she doesn't like a place.she is on a raw diet.
Sending gratitude
You’re very welcome Andrew!

I know that Memée will be the best she is intended to be. ✨ ✨💖
Dear Dr. Jeff,
thank you for you magical words!

I am looking for ARNICA 10M in Italy but doesn't seem to be easy because of the different system. After a long conversation with the chemist we found it ARNICA 10M K instead. Would you think it's the one you suggested to me?

Much gratitude
Thank you so much Andree!

I hope to post a 1 week update about Maya Marie soon.

I am sending love and light to you fantastic God's consiousness in dog's body.

Dear Dr Jeff even as a healer it's really tough because yesterday I went to my veterinarian who is part of my journey, since 1987 when I was a teen, who is 400km from here but I trust him deeply. After acupuncture, laser, osteopathy, omeopathy, I asked my conventional big hearted vet an x-ray and very bad type of cancer came up. Really unexpected because MEMEE's BEAM is great and a couple of intuitive healers did no feel the cancer. We have been doing Dr Dispenza meditations together as a family.

What would you suggest to do?

Integrative doctor who works with my conventional doctor has been preparing a plan. For the moment she says we will be using MELATONINE 1 mg COMPLEX

Tomorrow snuffle mats using powdered freeze-dried Small Batch chicken hearts will be delivered here in the middle of nowhere. Starting playing hopefully.

Have you got any suggestion? She eats raw but with whole rice. Shall I kepp it or not?

Much gratitude
I'm sorry to hear about Memée's tumor.
What would you suggest to do?
You may want to consider consulting a conventional oncologist to learn all of your options.

Also, maybe add a pure vet homeopath to her vet care team. Pure homeopaths are trained differently than most integrative vets. And you can work with one virtually anywhere in the world.

Drs. Adrian Sagrera, Judy Herman and Todd Cooney are 3 highly trained Certified Vet Homeopaths.

You can find their contact info and others here:

Thank you Dr. Jeff

I already written to Judy Herman because you suggested her to me lately. Waiting for her reply.
I am so grateful please keep Memee in your visualisation and if you do distant quantum healing I beg to tell me.

With love

It would be great if you could upload a pic of Memée.
Hello Dr Jeff,

thank you here her photo. Is it for visualize her healthy or for quantum healing or both? I'm so grateful 💜 sending love.


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