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Ingested Mushroom, elevated liver levels, throwing up

Gina M.

VIP Member
Feb 10, 2019
Hello all-

You probably have seen me post recently about my French Bulldog/Boston Terrier Mix Fudge (has IBD), well he has a super energetic sister named Sundae (same parents different litter). Sundae loves to have her nose down and licking anything and everything in sight. She is usually not super sensitive as Fudge. She loves to lick bird poop which I try to keep a close eye and keep her away and sometimes find rodent droppings. On Monday Sundae was outside in the backyard and ate a mushroom (I usually go out every morning and pick any mushrooms I see in the yard-i guess I missed the one) our backyard sees a lot of sun so by the afternoon the mushrooms are shriveled up and only Sundae can find them. She was totally fine and acting her normal self the rest of the day. Thursday morning she ate breakfast, right after breakfast she vomited. i took her outside immediately because I know with Fudge he has thrown up in the past if he is holding his pee/poop. She went outside and she pooped twice. I went to work and asked my husband to report back if she was acting any different. He left work an hour after me and said she was acting normal. I went back home around noon to feed both pups lunch and Sundae was a little quiet but seemed okay. I fed her lunch (not her usual amount), 10 minutes after feeding her she began to throw up. Fudge was refusing to eat so I had him settled back into his crate while I tended to her. She threw up about 12 times ( not large amounts) within the hour. I checked her crate and noticed she had thrown up and ate it while we were at work. If I saw that before feeding her I would have called the vet immediately. I called the vet and took her in, she was dehydrated - they ended up giving her an ant nausea shot and did blood work. She rested the rest of the afternoon. She was looking for food around 8pm I gave her a little bit of her food and some white rice. She slept through the night. Yesterday she seemed to have a little more energy, the vet called and told me that one of her liver enzymes was slightly elevated - she wanted me to take her in today (Saturday) to recheck the levels. She wanted to see if the levels have increased, decreased or stayed the same. She is calling me back tomorrow with the results. She pooped for me twice today, the outside is her normal brown color but the inside is a brighter orange brown color. We are hoping her levels are back to normal. If her liver enzyme level has increased or stayed the same - what is the next recommended step? Fudge does well with all the homeopathic remedies. Sundae has been fairly healthy so we have not had to use anything. Also do you think an Assisi loop treatment might benefit her?

Sorry to hear about Sundae's reaction to the mushroom, Gina. :(

Yes to your using the Assisi to treat around her belly.

Regarding your next step, that will depend on her BEAM and rest of her symptoms including the liver test results.

I may not get back online today, but please update us when you are able.
The vet called and Sundae’s liver enzyme went down 20 counts in 2 days. ??
Her appetite is back, her poop looked better and she is playing today .

Hopefully this will end Fudge’s hunger strike
Wonderful, Gina, that Sundae's enzymes and BEAM are back to normal.

Maybe schedule an animal intuitive call to see if she is willing to avoid all mushrooms in the future.

Dr. Christina
Sundae was doing well for 2 weeks then this past Monday morning at 5:30 am she threw up yellow bile (Fudge and Sundae both get a bedtime snack before bed). I took her out to use the bathroom, she peed and pooped. She went back to sleep. Her BEAM is perfectly normal minus the vomiting. Wednesday morning around 2am we woke up to her throwing up. I noticed in the vomit (which was brown like her food was a hair ball (my hair) I took her outside to use the bathroom and she slept the rest of the night. She was fine during the day. This morning at 3:45am I woke up to her throwing up - a very small amount of brown bile-I took her out to use the bathroom and she peed and pooped. She went back to sleep, peed and pooped this morning and ate her breakfast. Before the mushroom incident she seemed to sometimes have acid if she was running around the yard before a meal- she would make a coughing noise and be fine. I’m wondering if her gag reflexes are very sensitive now after the mushroom vomiting incident. When she went to the vet the day she was throwing up after eating the mushroom the vet gave her a famotadine shot and suggested I give her the oral version for a week. I didn’t do that. She also suggested we recheck her blood again in 2-3 weeks. I was planning on scheduling a recheck this week. Do you think maybe I should give her a small dose of pulsatilla q1 5/1 to rebalance her or is there another remedy that will be a better fit?
Hey Gina, sorry to hear that Sundae is still sporadically vomiting. :( But it's wonderful to hear that her BEAM is still fine!:snowman:

If you gave her Puls. after the ingestion, and it seemed to help, then yes by all means. Give it to her again.
I’m so puzzled why Sundae is vomiting only in the middle of the night, I’m assuming it’s only acid related. Sundae was healthy and no issues before the mushroom eating incident. The two supplement I have her take Is a probiotic in the morning Proviable Dc and I had her on the Vetriscience Vetri disc which I stopped since the mushroom eating throw up issue. I wanted her to get back on track. I did start back up last Friday 8/21 giving her half a capsule but stopped Monday 8/24.

The timeline of the vomiting in the middle of the night:
8/24 5:30 am Sundae threw up Yellow stomach bile sleeping on couch
Took her out to poop
Fed her a little bit of breakfast

2:23am 8/26
Woke up to sundae throwing up 2:15am
Hair in puke - brownish stomach bile
Went outside to poop

8/27 3:45 am woke up to sundae throwing up - she threw up a little bit of brown stomach bile- took her out to pee and poop. Fell back to sleep on couch. She peed and pooped in the morning.
Greg said she had head tremors (she was diagnosed with idiopathic head tremors as a young pup) and when he took her out she peed.

8/29 1:40am woke up to sundae throwing up- brown acid and brown sludge( snack) .threw up in back of crate and then again in my hands when I took her out. Took her out to pee and poop. Changed crate and dosed her pulsatilla Q 5/1 q-tip. Put her back to sleep at 2am to sleep in her crate.

8/31 woke up at 4am to sundae licking her lips took Sundae and fudge out to out to pee and poop. She ended up throwing up yellow stomach bile - dosed her puls q1 5/1 at 4:20 am went back to sleep on couch.

I scheduled the earliest appointment for blood work Wednesday 8/2 with her regular vet. She has been eating okay, playing during the day okay. She’s pooping, it’s not her normal consistency/color but it’s brown and formed. Sundae’s poop used to look like round grapes and dark brown, her poop now is brown but logs. She’s been peeing. The only out of the ordinary thing I’ve seen is that she isn’t telling us she has to go out to use the bathroom like she used to but she is starting to mimic Fudge a lot. He doesn’t let us know I notice him licking his lips so I take him out. Sundae will lick her lips a lot or sniff around. This is something new since Monday. She has been biting one of her rear legs a little but I noticed it’s also an indication she has to go out and pee. Should I mention to the vet and may have a urine culture done? She has been peeing in her crate in and off for a few months but she also isn’t a fan of her crate. I already know the vet will ask if I’m giving her antacids at night- I haven’t given her any antacids- Is there a supplement to help with the acid or another remedy besides puls that will better suit her symptoms/ current imbalances?
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I'm sorry to hear about Sundae's continued vomiting. :(

Has she changed in any way other than the sporadic overnight vomiting?

Have you used any remedies other than Puls?
Only change is she seems to want to put anything and everything in her mouth and eat it. She doesn’t alert us when she has to go out for a potty break, her poop is a little strange. I added a teaspoon of pumpkin to her dinner tonight. She is only vomiting in the middle of the night. She is very playful with Fudge during the day. I gave her the Puls twice, that is the only remedy I have used on her.
Two options for you at this point are to work on her varied, fresh food diet, use various probiotics, etc. based on how she does with these changes.

Or you can individualize to find a homeopathic remedy based on her symptom clues.

Although the mushroom eating seemed to be the trigger, I suspect that the "new" symptom of overnight vomiting is really an acute flare-up of her chronic dis-ease.

Does that make sense?
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