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I yo dog with sudden diarrhea


Community Member
Feb 4, 2023
My 1 yo Havanese woke up at 4am to vomit the leftover of his 5 pm dinner There were 2 more vomits with white foam at 5 and 5:30 am. Since 6 am Darragh had 4 episodes of the explosive diarrhea with some pink mucus. In First 3 episodes he passed a lot of liquid, the 4th one was with some very loose stool. i didn’t notice any gas or bad smell. Darragh is raw fed and his last normal stool was about 7 pm Yesterday.

I keep Darragh fasting on water with Jackson Galaxy Happy Tummy. At this moment he is on 24 h fast. Should I try to start him on the bland diet now? He refused to drink the broth.
FOR HOW LONG can I withdraw the food from him? His weight is 13 lbs.

I gave him a few doses Ipec 6. My choice of the remedy was based on the presence of both diarrhea and vomit, absence of smell, diarrhea was fast, watery and gushing.
Puppy is very quiet and unhappy, though is wagging his tail still.
The holistic vet appointment is tomorrow at 10 am.
Thank you.
Hey Elena!

I'm super sorry to hear about the vomiting and diarrhea.

Great choice with the Ipecac!

One of the other members in Bermuda just chose Ipecac as well (for the same symptom indications). Also for a 1 year young small pup.:dog2:

Did Darragh's BEAM change after the Ipecac? If it didn't, maybe consider a dose of Ars alb 30c.

If possible, bring a stool sample with you to the vet tomorrow.

Please let us know how he does.
Thank you Dr.Jeff. There were no change in Darragh’s BEAM yesterday. He ate a little of bland chicken/rice mix, had both diarrhea and vomit at 3 am and again a very loose stool at 5:30 am. He drinks very little but lick the ice. I gave him one dose of Ars Alb 30C this morning. The only change I see now - his nose Is NOT dry and hot any more.
We will see the holistic vet in a few hours but I should I consider a good probiotic and GI support. for Darragh. I love Adored Beast. Should I start from the Wolf or Fido Flora?

I forgot to mention a few days ago prior to the diarrhea I found the tick buried in the puppy’s neck and took him to vet to remove it. It was very small , sat deep in the skin and my puppy is very hairy. The vet tech didn’t save the tick, said it was dead. We will do the testing in 2 weeks but I started Darragh on Colloidal silver 1/2 tsp twice/day.(Sovereing Silver Bio active Silver Hydrosol 10ppm). Can the tick bite and GI upset somehow be connected ? Thank you.
We will see the holistic vet in a few hours but I should I consider a good probiotic and GI suppor

Should I start from the Wolf or Fido Flora?
Maybe nothing new for now (to allow proper evaluation of the Ars). Then The Wolf, then when that runs out, Fido's Flora, then a soil-based probiotic, Visbiome, Probio Defense (Xymogen), etc.

Can the tick bite and GI upset somehow be connected ?
Yes! The tick bite, like other stressors, can imbalance equilibrium. Symptoms (like his GI distress) are a result of that imbalance.
Hello Dr. Jeff,
Ars.alb 30 C worked much better the Ipec 6. The puppy’s BEAM is definitely improved tocompare with yesterday‘s lifeless state. . He had more energy, a better mood to and improved appetite today , especially in the first 3/4 of the day ( right now he looks exhausted). He ate twice the smaller portions of the bland diet and went for a short walk. His stool is a little more dense but still is loose and bright yellow/orange color but I think the remedy is working.
Should I repeat a dose and if yes, when? Or just wait and see?

Our vet who is new for me recommended to get back to Darragh’s regular diet which is mainly Steve’s raw beef and the chicken necks but I’m hesitant to do it now.
Best regards,

I would say not to redose the Ars UNLESS symptoms get worse again. I'm not the homeopath, but was always taught to watch and wait. I believe the body cannot react to the remedy unless it "needs" it. Great work you're doing; he'll be fine soon:)
Just a quick update. Still a lot of running flatulent diarrhea yesterday very late night - after 9 pm he went out 3 times before finally falling asleep. Darragh was quietly slept through the night till 6 am but he still had the same watery stool at 6 am. i noticed some straining as well.
So, this, to me, would be an indication for a redose of Ars 30c. It won't hurt, and it should once again relieve his diarrhea. If symptoms persist regardless of the new dose, I'd say to consult a homeopathic vet and get an overview of his whole presentation.
Yes! As we discussed on Monday Elena, re-dosing on relapsing is a good idea.
Thank you Dr. Jeff, Aruna and GinnyW for your help and the suggestions.
Darragh is doing much better, he had the formed stool twice yesterday and this morning. His BEAM is much much better I , didn’t quantified it yet but he was very enthusiastic in his agility class yesterday and has a good appetite.
I continue Ars 30c gum application as Dr. Jeff advised. He is still on the chicken/rice 1:1 bland diet. I added just 1 nugget of his regular Steve’s Raw beef this morning. Hope it’s not too early. I ordered Medicus bland diet as a transition
to his regular raw but I’m not know how quickly I will get It. Today is the 6th day of being on the bland diet and I don’t know for how long I can keep him like this without harming him.

Again thanks everybody.
Good work Elena!! Darragh's one lucky pup to have you as his guardian.
I added just 1 nugget of his regular Steve’s Raw beef this morning. Hope it’s not too early. I ordered Medicus bland diet as a transition
to his regular raw but I’m not know how quickly I will get It. Today is the 6th day of being on the bland diet and I don’t know for how long I can keep him like this without harming him.
IMHO you are fine to continue what you're doing since his BEAM is better (does it continue to improve?). @Dr. Jean Hofve what say you?
Sounds like you're on the right track, and dosing with Ars appropriately. I'd consider a capsule or two of plain Metamucil or psyllium to see if we can slow down the diarrhea a bit, if prebiotics/probiotics are not working fast enough. Also think about the flower essence Happy Tummy, which will help re-balance the energetic levels.
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