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How to support the body after getting the Three year Rabies Vaccine


Feb 4, 2023
January 4, 2023 - Three Year Rabies Vaccine:

How to support the body after getting the three year rabies vaccine? Which protocol is the best?
I have heard of four options. Thuja, Lyssin, Rebalancer by Adored beast and Vaccine Solution by Jackson Galaxy.

1. Thuja - Recommended by Dr. Jean Dodds recommends thuja 30C and lyssin 200C as part of a rabies vaccine detox for dogs.

2. Lyssin - Lyssin 200C is a homeopathic remedy that can be used to neutralize the side effects of the rabies vaccine in dogs123. It is recommended to use Lyssin 200C for two weeks or until your dog returns to normal if your dog experienced problems with the rabies vaccine1. Thuja and Lyssin can be given the day before, the day of, and the day after the vaccine to help blunt any adverse effects of the rabies vaccine

3. Rebalancer by Adored Beast - Given twice a day. Not be used more than 10 days.

4. Jackson Galaxy Vaccine Solution - Give 3 to 5 drops, 4 times a day in food or on their fur. Given two days before the vaccine and then three or four weeks after the vaccine.

Can you explain which pre-treatment is better and why?
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  • Oct 28, 2023 by Dr. Jean Hofve - Jackson Galaxy Vaccine Detox Remedy
I just realized I've really been selling Jackson Galaxy's Vaccine Detox Remedy short! While answering a forum question, I couldn't remember what all was in it. So I looked up the formula and was surprised to see how broadly applicable it is!

BlackberryCleansing of others' negativity, energetic toxins.
Crab AppleDignity; self-possession; cleanliness; detoxification; recovery
DiatomsRepatterning cellular energy; letting in the light; deep regenerative healing
DolphinBrings high vibrational healing to all levels
LotusMaster healer; balances all chakras; accelerates insight
PineappleChakra opening; cleanses meridians
SalmonberryPhysical tonic; spinal alignment and structural balancing
Schwedler MapleCreates natural and balanced healing state of grace
Sea LettuceEmbracing and healing the shadow; disperses and eliminates toxins
Sedona StormCleanses and rebalances on all levels
Self-HealHealing from within; sense of wholeness
SpongeAssists digestion; filters & cleanses impurities from mind and spirit
As you can see, this essence provides tons of support for healing of any kind. It might be something to consider for prevention (maybe once or twice a week) as well as a complementary treatment for any chronic disease. Hmm, think I might start taking it myself!!

Who knew? ?
"correct pre-treatment"
There is NO correct or right pre-treatment, nor is there a right diet, or exercise, etc.

Thuja's testing and most use was for smallpox vaccine.
Lyssin is made from rabid dog saliva.
Others often suggested are Hypericum (for punctures), Ledum (bites).

The basis of homeopathy is individual treatment, so I rarely suggest any remedy fits all situations.

Personally, I do not recommend any homeopathic "just in case" treatments for vaccines or even pre-surgery. I do not disagree with someone's choice (and many homeopathic veterinarians, though fewer % of human homeopaths) to give one of the above remedies. Any remedy stimulates the body, pushes the vital force. If it just happens to match an individual's reaction to the vaccine, then good is done. If the dog is sensitive to the remedy, one dose will merely create a few temporary symptoms.

Good for you, Lilly, to look at the different essences in the combos. I do suggest flower essences because they are very gentle and their energy field does not have to be individualized to be effective.

Another strategy is to do energy healing on the vaccine in the syringe (Reiki and other methods "take the bad out", or shift the energy to helpful for this individual), then on the injection site, then on the whole body until there is no pulling for more.

Most important is to do a great physical before the vaccine, checking all the symptoms on your master symptom list, BEAM, and all the early warning signs. Then observe after the vaccine for any changes. And to do your best to build vitality prior to the vaccine, or move, or house rehab, or new addition to family, etc. Best food, best exercise, lots of love, no fear on your part, etc.

The years between the vaccines are probably more important than anything you do at the time of the vaccine. Completely healthy and balanced individuals generally tolerate any "poisoning".

Dr. christina
Maybe I should have said. How to support the body after the rabies vaccine is given?
So after the vaccine given: I can give Thuja 30 C ? or Just the Flower essence ?
Take a dose of homeopathic Thuja Occidentalis 30C immediately after vaccination (at least within 2 hours), and then every 12 hours for a total of 3 doses (more is not necessary and may negate the benefits). Homeopathy is able to head off many adverse vaccine effects, including those that may appear months or years later. Thuja is available at many health food stores and online.
Strictly speaking - and what Dr. Christina was getting at - is that homeopathy works on a given subject ONLY insofar as the characteristics of a remedy match the symptoms of the subject: no symptoms, no remedy needed. Symptoms not matched to a remedy - no beneficial effect, and possibly an adverse reaction.

The best support is dazzling good health BEFORE the vaccoination. Yes, of course you should continue to support health throughout and after any such insult. But there will be no help from a remedy that is not called for by the particular subject and his particular symptoms.

Throwing remedies by rote is useless, and an insult to proper homeopathic treatment. One cannot treat what isn't there... Practitioners who do not respect this are poor examples of homeopaths, no matter what great talents and protocols they may employ in other respects. And it's not that hard to learn, at least enough to follow "first, do no harm..."
  • Oct 28, 2023 by Dr. Jean Hofve - Jackson Galaxy Vaccine Detox Remedy
I just realized I've really been selling Jackson Galaxy's Vaccine Detox Remedy short! While answering a forum question, I couldn't remember what all was in it. So I looked up the formula and was surprised to see how broadly applicable it is!

BlackberryCleansing of others' negativity, energetic toxins.
Crab AppleDignity; self-possession; cleanliness; detoxification; recovery
DiatomsRepatterning cellular energy; letting in the light; deep regenerative healing
DolphinBrings high vibrational healing to all levels
LotusMaster healer; balances all chakras; accelerates insight
PineappleChakra opening; cleanses meridians
SalmonberryPhysical tonic; spinal alignment and structural balancing
Schwedler MapleCreates natural and balanced healing state of grace
Sea LettuceEmbracing and healing the shadow; disperses and eliminates toxins
Sedona StormCleanses and rebalances on all levels
Self-HealHealing from within; sense of wholeness
SpongeAssists digestion; filters & cleanses impurities from mind and spirit
As you can see, this essence provides tons of support for healing of any kind. It might be something to consider for prevention (maybe once or twice a week) as well as a complementary treatment for any chronic disease. Hmm, think I might start taking it myself!!

Who knew? ?
@LillyH sounds good to me too! LOL.
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