I have a dog who has both cystinuria and, according to ultrasound done in June, a small mass on the spleen. He has been treated by a holistic vet and also now a homeopathic vet. Homeopathic vet has taken him off of most of his supplements (mushrooms, biosuperfood (blue green algae/spirulina) and Chinese herbs(strong liver detox, we just stopped it, yunnan baiyo, and crystal stone formula, to dissolve crystals and all stones), as per muscle testing with a muscle testing machine. My dog is, thank god, doing very well, but I am nervous about stopping the herbs that prevent reformation of stones. I understand that doing too many things can confuse the body and I definitely want to keep the spleen happy, but am edgy about dropping the stone former for so long. Any thoughts appreciated. Has anyone worked with a muscle testing machine? Versus muscle testing with the body. Thank you. This dog started with Phosphorous, then went to Thuja 1M, and will next receive Silicea 1M in a month. He has no symptoms other than sometimes licks one side of his groin and has developed staph infection on his skin there that we are not trying to suppress