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Homeopathic Remedies and Vegetable Juices Organon 261

Keely Parr

VIP Member
Mar 1, 2019
Good morning:

In organon 261 it states not to use vegetable juices such as parsley when treating pets homeopathically with chronic diseases. He expounds that it could be an obstacle to cure. As I am currently giving Karma parsley juice for his anemia while also using nux vomica I am wondering what your thoughts are on this.

Thank you,
The reference to parsley is actually footnote 260 on the same page as organon 261.

Wow, fantastic that you have gotten so far in your reading of the Organon!

Good work Keely!! :snowman: :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Wonderful question about how many foods Hahnemann prohibited.

This was based on his knowledge that these foods, especially coffee, can act as medicines and potentially interfere with remedy action.

However, observations over the years show that this effect is the exception and not the rule.

Yes, if Karma is overly sensitive (susceptible) to any of these foods, then they could interfere with treatment.

Bottom line is to not worry (too much). It's best to focus on feeding whatever he will eat and tolerate.
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