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Homemade recipes for Bella's kidney disease - "what's your take?"


Community Member
Oct 13, 2023
I was wondering what your opinion is of the homemade recipes I had a nutritional veterinarian create for me last summer 2023, when Bella was found to be just outside of the normal range of kidney levels (SDMA), as I was told this was early stage kidney disease by my regular vet. The date will show as July 2023 because there have been some re-calibration based on lab results, Bella's likes/dislikes, and a product reformulation. If need be, I can also share some of my notes from my 1st consult with the nutritionist vet, since I recall she had her own opinions on lowering protein (I believe due to phosphorus but I could be wrong). Note, I was also warned to prevent diet drift as can happen when a pet owner strays from the recipes. The vet was aware Bella does like occasional lettuce, fresh blueberries, and had no issues with that. But she has been strict about not veering too far off course. Thank you!


These diets, with lightly cooked ingredients, and minimal use of canned salmon, look fine to me.

Personally tho, I stick with a raw meat-based diet with heart, kidney and phosphorus binders (phosphorus can be more toxic to kidneys than protein) like Aventi, for most kidney challenges.

Cat diet expert @Dr. Jean Hofve may have more to say.
These diets, with lightly cooked ingredients, and minimal use of canned salmon, look fine to me.

Personally tho, I stick with a raw meat-based diet with heart, kidney and phosphorus binders (phosphorus can be more toxic to kidneys than protein) like Aventi, for most kidney challenges.

Cat diet expert @Dr. Jean Hofve may have more to say.
@Dr. Jeff thank you for your feedback!
These look okay for late-stage kidney disease. However, I'm not sure why there's extra calcium because BalanceIT is already complete. It's phosphorus, not protein, that contributes to progression of kidney disease..

However, there is NO justification for a reduced protein or phosphorus diet in the early states of kidney disease. The old rule (that I still follow) is that cats should eat their normal high protein, high moisture diet until the BUN creeps up to 80 or 90.
You're welcome Daysha!

And I was thinking about Bella last night when I was feeding Archie (my pup) his raw meat + Aventi.

BTW-His last SDMA was 22, but his BEAM is 9+!
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