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Going on vacation for 5 days & flea question.


Jun 24, 2021
I’m going on vacation for 5 days and have decided not to let my indoor/outdoor cat go outside while my cat sitter looks after my two cats. We’ve been dealing with fleas, reading the Fleas Be Gone book, and cleaning and treating the home. I haven’t given my cats chemical flea medicine; instead, I comb them twice a day. I comb my indoor/outdoor cat, Junior, as soon as he comes home from being outside. I’ve also been cleaning the house extensively.

I was considering giving him Epiffro/Virbac flea medicine before I leave to continue controlling the fleas, especially since my cat sitter won’t be able to flea comb them due to fear of the cats. Since Junior won’t be going outside and bringing in new fleas, I’m contemplating skipping this medication.

I would appreciate your advice on whether or not to give him the flea medication since I won’t be here for five days to comb him, and I’m unsure if any potential flea eggs will hatch on him or if anything in the environment will affect him. I will comb him thoroughly before I leave. I hope this makes sense. Thank you!!

@Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Jeff
I would like to add that I combed Junior yesterday and this morning when I combed him again he had 3 fleas on him (two babies). And this is without him going out so there is still a problem with fleas and I don’t want it to get our of control while I’m out of town when no one can comb him or properly clean/treat the home. I hate to give him flea medicine, but please tell me if there is another option at this point? 😥 Thank you

@Dr. Barbara @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Jeff
I’m unsure if any potential flea eggs will hatch on him
Nope, they won't. Most of the flea lifecycle occurs in the environment.

Do you have any flea traps with flashing lights?
get our of control while I’m out of town when no one can comb him or properly clean/treat the home. I hate to give him flea medicine,
Are you able to pick up any rugs and do a through DE + vacuuming before you go?

Maybe these people can help:

I have the light traps. They don’t flash but the bulbs are on. They aren’t catching any fleas though. What do you mean do a DE?
Diatomaceous earth sprinkled on the carpets let it sit for ~1 hour then vacuum it up.
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