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GABA for car anxiety?


Community Member
Jan 3, 2021
I have not had luck using homeopathic remedies for Blossom for car anxiety . She is so calm in the house but in the car still nervous,and I was wondering if anyone has used GABA, the supplement, not the drug Gabapentin, for car anxiety? How much would a 51 lb dog get and I need it to work for about 8 hours and would the dose have to be repeated? I have 400 mg capsules and thought I would try it. I have used some lavender lately, a few drops on the air vents which seems to help but I need a surefire plan for a day trip I need to take Blossom on. I have tried Gaba on myself one night and slept well but next day was groggy and unfocused but pretty relaxed all the next day. I think that when I give her Denamarin she is also calmer but not enough and can that be also given with the GABA if I decide to try the GABA? She is putting her paws up on the dashboard and probably needs to be harnessed in the back seat but do not know how this restraint would affect her anxiety either right now since I don't think she likes to be "trapped."
I was just looking around on youtube and saw Dr Karen Becker has a stress formula and I looked at the ingredients and for Blossom's weight it worked out to 75 mg GABA along with some other calming herbs so maybe I should try that. I also saw a video on you tube of a vet suggesting melatonin 2 mg per 20 lbs body weight so I could use 5 mg or so every 12 to 24 hours. I will have to give the above a try before my trip. I can try the melatonin tomorrow at breakfast and then try a car ride several hours later. I should also get a lower dose GABA since my bottle is 400 mg capsule and see what works best.
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