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Feral’s ear is hurt. Photos included. What can I give her?


Community Member
Jun 24, 2021

I just discovered my favorite little feral’s ear just now like this. I asked my small group of caretaker helpers if they noticed it and no one but me as so I’m thinking this is fresh. What homeopathic medicine can I give her? I have Arnica and hypericum. Would any of these work? They are both 30 C. Of course I will have to put it crushed in a little bit of liable treat like churu. I hope to hear back today so I can give it to her tonight. Thank you so very much! I don’t know what happened to her ear. It looks like there’s a little hole in it. Could it be a an insect bite? Maybe another cat?

@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve @annahagopian





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In addition to arnica and hypericum perforatum, i also have hepar sulphuris, aconitum , arsenicum álbum, silicea (all 30 c) and sulphur 200 ck. Thank you
Were it I, I would go with Hyp, although Arn is great, too. But instead of mushing it into food, dissolve a pellet in a bit of water, perhaps 2 ounces or so. Then succuss (that means rap the container/bottle on a hard surface, or stir it if in a glass) the solution ten times, and give some - a few drops, in the mouth. That's very likely all you will need, but save the solution in case you see need for more. To me it looks as if it's healing already: cats and ears heal quickly:)
@GinnyW she is feral. There is no way I can put anything in her mouth. Thank you for the advice.
When a homeopathic medicine is needed and is a good match, it seems to work well through food. Most ferals can be well treated, as can wildlife when dose is in food, especially for acute problems.
Great photos. I am not sure you even need to treat this wound as it looks clean and not affecting the cat.
Watch the cat next time you feed and note if he is rubbing the ear, holding his head at an unusual angle, or otherwise not himself. Many ferals and wildlife have wounds that they totally ignore.

Hypericum could be used as it can help with puncture wounds. I would just wait and watch.

Dr. Christina
When a homeopathic medicine is needed and is a good match, it seems to work well through food. Most ferals can be well treated, as can wildlife when dose is in food, especially for acute problems.
Great photos. I am not sure you even need to treat this wound as it looks clean and not affecting the cat.
Watch the cat next time you feed and note if he is rubbing the ear, holding his head at an unusual angle, or otherwise not himself. Many ferals and wildlife have wounds that they totally ignore.

Hypericum could be used as it can help with puncture wounds. I would just wait and watch.

Dr. Christina
@Dr. Christina This is great to hear. You bring so much peace to potentially stressful situations for me with your valuable knowledge as I try to help all the ferals in my neighborhood. They are so precious. I will keep an eye on her. Her name is Lil B for Beatrice. I tell everyone about HA like the gospel!
Thank you so much for spreading the word about HA.
Start them with the free stuff and then keep sharing how we help lessen your stress and save money, too.
Dr. Christina
Hi, I agree, this doesn't look like it needs any treatment.

If she allows touching, you *could* take a warm damp folded washcloth and clean it off real quick, but even that is probably more than what she needs.

Pretty cat! Looks healthy!
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