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Feline Asthma 6 year old feline Sir Frederick


VIP Member
Dec 28, 2020
Fredrick indoor outdoor kitty(came in from the wild Nov.1 starving and 5.5 lbs coughing and 58 breaths a minute. Fred, now app 13 pound.
Raw diet, work in progress),
Attached Jan. xrays and blood work.
Treated a local vet Nov Dec for lung worm including a series of Prednisolene 5 mg, and Rehki, reflexology, and lots of love.
The weather in northeast Pa. heat and humidity, beginning in June flared up his breathing to 58 breaths per min, resting breaths.
Started Prednisolene 5 mg. series June 10th.....
Fred stays in air-conditioning when the heat and humidity flares. His BEAM falters during heat and humidity, and better on days low humidity.
Aug 5th have televisit with Dr. Jeff.

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Hey Sharon-

Did you have other questions in addition to what we discussed on Monday?

Regarding his Jan. labwork, it is definitely compatible with asthma or another allergic manifestation.

It looks good but this urine is quite dilute. Is he a big water drinker?

Also, sorry that I didn't see your post before now. Thanks @aruna for pointing it out.
Urine: I would describe Sir Frederick as not a water drinker.
So with his raw diet, and I feel it needs adjusting.....
mostly grass feed ground beef with Krisities canned food added, a bit of ground up egg shells.
Sometimes will eat cooked chicken when included in the ground beef.
As of now the only green is sprouts and grass he is eating outside.Fred doesn't like the pureed vegetables,

My concern is the high protein beef diet, and urine is quiet diluted in his blood work. Though I put plenty of water in the 4 or 5 times a day meals.
Fred BEAM is good, except when heat and humidity start.
Sir Fred has come a long way in 8 months, from starving 5 1/2 lbs to 13 lbs, and now has a belly.
The month of June's heat and humidity trigger his feline asthma, 58 resting breaths.
so Fred is back on Prednisolone 5mg. He stays in the air-conditioning when the humidity and heat starts in northern PA.
Hmm, supplements...

His bloods look great except for the eosinophils, which are the immune cells indicating an allergic response of some kind (like to lungworms, intestinal parasites, fleas, etc.). Or just from asthma.

I'd therefore suggest general support for allergy that includes enzymes which can help dissolve parasites.

Pet Health and Nutrition has some good ones in their allergy protocol:

They also offer a 10% discount to HA! members. You can find the code (and lots of others as well) on the partner page after you log in.
Sir Fred"s order from Pet and Animal arrived last week. Respiratory Tonic, herbal blend glycein extract, and Daily Multi Plus blend that includes Digestive Enzymes and probiotic formula, multigrandular formula and a bunch of herbs. I spoke with I very nice lady, recommended the above. No discount yet, they are working on that.
Do you recommend anything else????

Fred's come a long way from starving. His BEAM is good except when the humidity and heat days occur.,
Fred's asthma, Fred doesn't cough, no mucus. Major symptom, Rapid breathing, 58 breaths a minute, when he is moving around outside,Resting breaths 35.
Presonolone 5mg.
Fred stays in the air conditioning on hot days. ??
That's all I know today.
I have search the Forum a number of times, using Feline Asthma, and couldn't find anything.
Hi Sharon-

Great news that Sir Fredrick's BEAM is good and that he has been able to gain weight. Is he now a bit chubby?

If you have an ionbox, that could help. As could working with a vet homeopath.

Has Dr. Amy tried reducing his pred. dose at all? If so, what happens?

Also, try looking for respiratory and asthma resources over in the member area at the main site.
Hi Sharon-

Great news that Sir Fredrick's BEAM is good and that he has been able to gain weight. Is he now a bit chubby?

If you have an ionbox, that could help. As could working with a vet homeopath.

Has Dr. Amy tried reducing his pred. dose at all? If so, what happens?

Also, try looking for respiratory and asthma resources over in the member area at the main site.
Dear Sir Fred is a bit chubby. hehehehe.... 13 lbs, up from 51/2 lbs in Nov. when he came to us starving and coughing.
Just looked at the Ionbox info yesterday. It is on my list. thank you

Dr, Amy wanted to give the pred dose another month. Dr. Amy wanted to see how Fred's breathing did when heat ad humidtity subsided.
As of now, Fred still having 58 breaths per minute with the heat and humidity when Fred following us around outside. and hunting. 35resting breaths. I am going to call her next week.

Dr, Jeff Day 4 of extract: Is it possible the extract, may be helping????
Maybe getting up 30 drops. Putting a drop each of the little balls of farmed raised beef.
Thank you
How long is the usual time if an extract helps???????
Also the heat has calmed down a day or so.
Supplements can take up to 6 weeks.

Which extract do you mean Sharon?
Dr. Jeff, you suggested Pet and Animal company,.
The lady at Pet and Animal recommended Respiratory Tonic, Elecampane Root, Licorice Root, Mullein Leaf, Thyme Herb, Marshmellow Root, Ginger Root......so that extract I have been introducing to Fred for the last 4 days.

I haven't started the Daily Multi Plus, also recommended, Fred's a bit picky eater, so was working on getting him happy with the extract.
. Digestive Enzymes and Probiotic, Mutliglandular formula, nettle leaf, dandelion leaf, alfalfa leaf, ginkgo leaf,ashwagandha root, chia seed, broccoli sprouts, barley grass juice powder.
thank you2
You may remember I've made extracts for years, and most everything in these 2 items, I have made stuff with or know about. But thank you for the time line of the extract....
but Fred does seem a bit frishker and just dod a "fly by" down the hall.
Dr. Jeff, by the way Fred sits on the chair next to me, AND he listens and has his eyes open during your Monday nigh webinars.....My daughter thinks he is paying attention to "what I am going to do to him next" hehehehe.
Hi Sharon-

Yes, Maria and Phil have some great products (which Fred may already know about since he listens so intently)!

Please let us know how he does with them.
Hi Sharon, how is your kitty doing with his asthma? Were you able to find some help/relief with homeopathic treatment? I have an asthmatic cat too.
for all you with asthma kitties I have a great kitty story.
Isis developed sudden severe asthma at age 5 the day he was given too many vaccines (even a FIP). After 1 1/2 years of many meds, the quality of life was not good. His symptoms were specific for Thuja and in a month he was off the meds, had one final bout of symptoms, given a higher potency of the Thuja and never had more asthma till died at 20 ish. His few skin issues resolved with a few doses of different remedies.

Dr. Christina
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