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Energy, cancer, and susceptibility

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hi @everyone-

Many of you already know that we break almost every problem down to energy. In holistic medicine we know this as the Qi, Prana, and Vital Force that "fuels" and helps guide our pets' bodies.

In conventional medicine, at this time, it is seen only as physical energy molecules like ATP and NAD which are produced by the powerhouses of the cells (the mitochondria).

Most dis-eases are probably related to mitochondrial function. The better the function and energy, the higher the vitality,

When this fuel runs low, or is imbalanced, every organ system and cell is affected.

Like the immune system (which keeps our pets from getting cancer in the first place, and which can help reduce it).

My understanding of recent research is that conservation of cellular energy is key. This has been shown in some cells so far, but not in animals.

However, we see it clinically every day. Things like the Therapeutic Sniff Walk, Connection-Happiness-Engagement, etc. increase energy and the body's ability to do its' job.

This great New Yorker article starts to connect the current science of energy with happiness and vitality:

Energy and medicine- Energy, and How to Get It

Here's Dr. Picard applying the energy framework to mind-body medicine:

Here's a great article from last year that starts to help connecting mitochondrial energy with exposures throughout life (and susceptibility to dis-eases):

Here's a bit from the article:

Postnatal mitochondrial dysfunction was reported for the
offspring of obese mothers, especially in organs with high
energetic requirements, such as the heart,107 skeletal mus-
cle, 108,109 liver,110 hypothamalus,111 pancreas,112 and adipose
tissue.113 Indeed, mitochondrial dysfunction is common in
foetal and postnatal tissues due to different maternal stress-
ors, 50,114,115,116,117,118 resulting in an increased predisposition

for CVD,119 non- alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD),120
obesity and type 2 diabetes, 121 making clear that mitochon-
drial function can be modulated in the foetal stage, with those
alterations likely to persist in postnatal life. 29

Exciting stuff! Onward to applying it to animals!

I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts about the energy which makes the difference between life and death.
As Robert Peng says in the wonderful short video on the page below, Qi (Chi, Vital Force, etc.) helps us all be vital, balanced, and can help change the world:

I urge every body to watch the video.
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