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Emotion Code - volunteers needed!


VIP Member
Oct 2, 2017
Hello everyone! I am currently completing my Emotion Code certification and I would love to do this using volunteers from our Holistic Actions membership group (both animal and human)! *I am asking for volunteers on this forum with Dr. Jeff's permission to do so*. I have been doing Emotion Code and Body Code work for awhile now with a lot of success while really enjoying helping people and animals heal so I've decided to get my certification. I need a few more animal and human volunteers and all of these sessions are free. I will be doing all sessions by proxy so they can easily be done over the phone or by email. I've included more information on the Emotion Code (and Body Code) below so please feel free to ask any questions that you may have or let me know if you would like to volunteer in the comments below. Thank you!

What is the Emotion Code?
Emotion Code is a form of energy healing. Using the subconscious mind and muscle testing, it helps to identify and release trapped emotions from negative past events from a person's life and even the lives of their parent's, grandparent's, and ancestors before them that have been inherited through each generation in order to bring health and balance back to the body.

What are Trapped Emotions?
Trapped emotions are vibrating emotional energies that can get stuck anywhere in the body and distort the normal energy field of the body wherever they are located, causing emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual imbalance and symptoms. Since our bodies are vibrating energies, trapped emotions can distort the body's natural vibration which can in turn impair the tissues of the body making it possible to affect the body physically (ie. pain, illness, dis-ease). Symptoms of trapped emotions can vary greatly from person to person and can include anxiety, depression, physical pain, feeling disconnected from others and much more. Since trapped emotions can negatively affect the body in so many different ways, it's important to properly identify and release them in order to help the body heal.

What happens during an Emotion Code session?
A session will be done only if permission has been given (if the session is being done on an animal, permission needs to be given by the owner) and will take place over the phone or by email, whichever is easiest for you. Once permission has been given and a connection has been made, I will act as the proxy and use muscle testing on myself in order to get answers from you or your pet's subconscious. You can have a session no matter where you are in the world. In order for a session to qualify for certification, approximately 4-10 trapped emotions need to be released. I muscle test quickly so a session can be done in under 15 minutes if you're short on time. If time is an issue for you but you would like a longer session, email sessions work just as well and can happen at any time as long as I have your permission to do so. Please feel free to tell me if there is an emotional, mental, or physical issue you would like to address or a negative event in your life or your pet's life and I can release trapped emotions related directly to that issue or event. The session that we have is completely confidential and you don't have to share anything you would prefer to keep private. Since these sessions are for the purpose of completing my certification, they are completely free. If you would like to incorporate a Body Code session into your Emotion Code session just let me know (these sessions will be closer to an hour). These sessions are a space for healing and compassion in order to help you and your pet(s) live happier, healthier, and more balanced lives.

Does Emotion Code work on animals?
It works on animals in the same way it works on people. Even though an animal can't talk, its body understands what is happening on an energetic level and its subconscious can give me answers the same way a person's can. Animals tend to respond quickly and positively to this kind of energy healing (in my opinion because I think they are so open, free of judgement, and full of love). They are very sensitive to their surroundings and the energies around them which means trapped emotions are quite common in animals and can affect them just as much as they affect people. My four dogs were all rescued from terrible situations which meant a lot of trapped emotions for each one so they each get their own sessions and they really enjoy their them and have benefited from them physically and emotionally.

What is the Body Code?
Body Code incorporates Emotion Code along with a large range of Mind Maps covering the main areas of imbalance in the body to make it easy for the subconscious to quickly tell us what is imbalanced so it can be properly released. The Body Code is much more in-depth which makes it possible to pinpoint more specifically what is going on in the body and help make even more healing possible. The Body Code covers six main areas of imbalance:

Energetic - trapped emotions, mental, offensive energies, post-traumatic, miasms *discovered by Hahnemann*
Circuitry - acupuncture meridians, disconnections, chakras, and other systems in the body
Toxicity - heavy metals, chemicals, electromagnetic, environmental, dental, etc.
Pathogens - fungal, bacterial, viral, mold, and parasites
Structural - misalignment of the skeleton, organs, glands, connective tissue, and other systems
Nutritional/Lifestyle - foods, herbs, nutrients, magnetic fields, outside needs, etc.

I really enjoy using the Body Code and have gotten amazing healing results for my family, friends, and clients. If you would like more information on this just let me know!


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2017
Hi Jenna,

This sounds so interesting and possibly very helpful for chronic conditions that are difficult to resolve. I would love to volunteer myself and my cat Sera if you feel we are appropriate candidates. I plan on attending tonight's seminar and can't wait to hear more. I have never heard about Emotion Code before so I look forward to learning how you came across this modality and its history.



VIP Member
Oct 2, 2017
Hi Joan! I'm so glad this resonated with you and I would love to do a session for you and your cat Sera! Please email me with some information:

- whether you would prefer an email session or a phone session

- any issues that you and Sera are experiencing and would like to address during the sessions

- if you like to do a Body Code session as well as an Emotion Code Session (it's also free of charge but will take closer to an hour per session if done by phone)

- your age and Sera's age (I only ask because this may be pertinent information during the session)

I look forward to seeing you on the webinar tonight and talking about how I came across this healing modality and its history. See you tonight!
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Sep 22, 2017
dear jenna-   both ella pickle and i would love to volunteer .....   parroting what joan wrote, if it seems appropriate to you....   thank you so much for this....   jennifer and EP


VIP Member
Oct 2, 2017
Hi Jennifer! Thank you for volunteering! I would love to work with you, Ella, and Pickle.

Please email me with some information:

– whether you would prefer an email session or a phone session

– any issues that you, Ella, and Pickle are experiencing and would like to address during the sessions

– if you like to do a Body Code session as well as an Emotion Code Session (it’s also free of charge but will take closer to an hour per session if done by phone)

– your age, Ella's age, and Pickle's age (I only ask because this may be pertinent information during the session)

I look forward to hearing from you!

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Jenna did a session for me and I could really feel energetic stuff going on in my body. I didn't know what time she was doing it, but when I compared the times across time zones later on, I found out that I felt the sensations during the time she was doing the session! Very cool. I'm not usually sensitive to this kind of thing and other people have worked on me with no noticeable effect. (I just remembered that I also had a slight detox headache at that time, which I forgot to mention!) I found Jenna super to deal with. She provided excellent info and feedback after the session, and was great at answering questions.

PS Jenna if you need any more animal volunteers, you are welcome to work on Popcorn (sheep), Tricks (cat) or Trouble (cat). Tricks has just started on homeopathic treatment, Popcorn will be starting when the remedy finally shows up, and Trouble is not on anything at the moment but is generally quite irritable and sensitive, which I think is related to vaccinosis from when she was a kitten

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017

Great to hear Merryn and fabulous healing work Jenna!!

I look forward to seeing you both online soon.

Dr. Jeff


VIP Member
Oct 2, 2017
Thank you for the kind words Merryn! I really appreciate it! It was wonderful working with you. Yes I would be happy to work on Popcorn, Tricks, and Trouble. I will email you and we will get sessions set up for them as well. Have an amazing weekend!



Hi Jenna,

I would be happy to volunteer myself (health challenges) or my new puppy Pono (separation anxiety). We have a lot in common! I am recently emotion code certified and MM follower/practitioner. Let me know: [email protected]
Robin Miller


VIP Member
Oct 2, 2017
Hi Robin! Yes we do have a lot in common and I love connecting with fellow MM followers :) I sent you an email and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Talk to you soon!



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2017
Thank you to Dr. Jeff and Dr. Christina for bringing this sharing/caring community together and giving Jenna a place to share as well. Jenna is a truly gifted and knowledgeable resource and I'm so glad to have the opportunity to learn more from her. Our sessions were on June 3rd. I wanted to wait a few days since the sessions Jenna did for me and my cat Sera before writing something about it. I'll share some highlights from our sessions:

We did a two hour phone session which included me and Sera. Jenna worked with Sera first. As Jenna began looking into Sera's issues, something came up that I hadn't thought to mention to Jenna. Jenna found an issue in Sera's leg. It exhibits as an intermittant trembling. As Jenna asked which leg it was, Sera emerged from her hiding place outside and stood directly in front of me as her leg trembled. She was showing me the problem so I could verify for Jenna which leg it was.

Nothing unusual happened during my session but my stomach began talking as Jenna was clearing some things. In the past, this has been a normal part of the energy healings I've had. My stomach likes to join in and and let me know all is good. Not wanting to go into too much detail about my issues, something that stands out that I feel comfortable sharing is my year long bout of shingles. This is a condition which has been spreading to cover my entire body with no signs of stopping. While I've been able to deal with the swelling, pain and itching, the fact of enduring the heat of the upcoming summer with this condition was really bumming me out. Since my session with Jenna, incredibly, it appears that the condition is receding very noticeably and quickly. 4 days since our session! Yeah! This is the main reason I wanted to wait to write my thoughts about Emotion Code and Jenna's work. I wanted to give it a little time to see the trend in this healing.

These first sessions have proven to be a godsend to both me and Sera. Sera, whose back has been incredibly painful from years  of arthritis and very sore to the touch, is so much better. I can massage her much more easily, she is more agile and so much more comfortable. While this is my subjective opinion, the changes would seem to me to be obvious to anyone. Her coat is also fluffier, which to me says quite a lot about her health.


VIP Member
Oct 2, 2017
Joan thank you so much for taking the time to write about your experience! Reading this makes my heart so happy :) I absolutely loved talking to you and connecting with you on so many levels and I am so happy for you and Sera! One of my favorite parts of our session was when Sera showed you her leg...it never ceases to amaze me how open and intuitive animals are. I can't wait to talk to you again soon!


Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Thanks so much Joan and Jenna.

It's awesome to see this community growing and connecting!

We all have so much to share and I'm incredibly grateful to everyone here. It's really an honor.

Thanks also to Anthony for helping bring us together.

Dr. Jeff


Jenna, thank you for the great session that you did for Louie (my Corgi) and me last week! I've done sessions with other energy workers and what I most appreciated about our time together is how patient-focused and generous that you are. Louie dropped into a deep sleep as you worked on him and he snored peacefully. I felt waves of energy as you worked on my heart. I appreciated the chance to experience your gifts. You are a kind, special soul! Thank you.


VIP Member
Oct 2, 2017
Thank you so much for your kind words Sharon! I really enjoyed working with you and Louie and hearing Louie's adorable snoring in the background during his session lol. I love that you felt that beautiful energy and I'm looking forward to working with you and Louie again very soon :)

Have an amazing day!



Sep 22, 2017
yesterday, ella pickle had an amazing healing session with jenna.   during the session ella pickle would vocalise and look deeply in. as response to what she was feeling.   during the heart wall clearings of which there were many, she was in a deep sleep, eyes twitching and body moving... strongly.    our home was filled with the beautiful healing light...

jenna taught us through her descriptions what was being healed, giving tangible to what we were feeling...

i was impressed with the details of the process... circling back around to the primary thread until it was resolved or as resolved as it could be in that particular moment..

ella pickle's event back in 2016 has always had lots of unknown and mystery cloaking it.... this session helped me see what may have contributed to her susceptibility... even a few confirmations of what may have contributed....   this is deeply soothing and empowering to us.. we are so grateful...

after our long generous session, ella pickle and i walked to the lake.   her tail was like a flag, fully up and expressive.  she has not had her tail this high,  in years.. even before the 2016 event....      ella pickle recently had a new does of remedy and has seemed younger and more present, after our work with jenna on this walk i could see that she was now lighter.... both physically and energetically!!!  amazingly lighter...   and she was not tripping on the front leg she was turned away from....   this was one of the aspects that had asked for re.alignment in the session with jenna... both front legs.

we wake this morning grateful for all the ways love and healing show up in this mysteriously exquisite life...   we are grateful for jenna, her gifts so generously shared, and the tangible healing we are experiencing today, along with a new friend to walk this journey into what really heals.   THANK YOU!!!<img src="https://www.holisticactions.com/wp-content/uploads/hm_bbpui/35089/vta6h4c733ader3p38i3vzlesmswptrb.jpeg" alt="" />




VIP Member
Oct 2, 2017
Jennifer and Ella...I can't tell you how much reading this warms my heart. It was such an amazing session with so much beautiful and healing energy and I'm so grateful that our paths have crossed and I can help you both on Ella's healing journey. I'm very much looking forward to working with you and Ella again and I am beyond happy for you both because it is so deserved. Give Ella a big hug from me and my furry pack :)



Sep 22, 2017
an ella pickle report


since the recent dose and working with jenna, ella pickle continues to improve daily.   yesterday she did her best work with a little girl who remembered in her session that she deeply missed her grandmother... ella leapt onto the table putting her head on the body of this sweet little girl, while she sobbed... this is something she would do so often before the events of 2016....   thank you jenna and dr. jeff for helping ella find her true essence and live from that amazing place!!!


VIP Member
Oct 2, 2017
That is amazing Jennifer!!! I love that Ella can be such an amazing support for others and do what she loves! That little girl must have felt so much comfort because of Ella simply laying her head on her...that is so beautiful. To help Ella do what she loves and help her help others makes my heart so very happy for Ella and all of the people that are lucky enough to come into contact with her. Thank you so much for sharing! Sending lots of love to you and Ella Pickle &lt;3




Dec 30, 2021
Hi, Jenna! If you're still looking for volunteers, or if you have a website to look at rates, let me know! I'm curious about this energy work. I'm certified in some as well - Reiki, animal communication - and continue to study others like Scalar wave, but I rarely feel like I'm the best one to work on my own fur baby. And with Reiki, I have to do distance healing most of the time even if in the same room because Django gets weirded out by mama's hands channeling something that isn't mama.

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