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Elevated phosphorus in a dog with a UTI


VIP Member
Jun 17, 2020
Hey Lori. Thanks so much for introducing yourself. How exciting that you get to play with lots of pets and their parents.

It's wonderful to see you here, :)but I'm sorry about your pup's renal challenges. :(

Her varied, raw diet sounds fine to me. You'll just need to give it along with a phosphorus binder like Epakitin or Phos Bind based on her phosphorus levels after IV fluids.

I have lots more to say about this important topic, and I'm glad that we're speaking soon. I also have one request.

For you to start a kidney disease thread in the medical challenges folder so others who have pets can find and browse it more readily.

Also, as a 501c3 you get a 50% discount on monthly or annual membership.

One last question that we can discuss in your new thread, is that I wonder how she's been for the past few weeks/months? Especially her BEAM.

I look forward to interacting more about your pup over in the other folder.
Hey Lori. Thanks so much for introducing yourself. How exciting that you get to play with lots of pets and their parents.

It's wonderful to see you here, :)but I'm sorry about your pup's renal challenges. :(

Her varied, raw diet sounds fine to me. You'll just need to give it along with a phosphorus binder like Epakitin or Phos Bind based on her phosphorus levels after IV fluids.

I have lots more to say about this important topic, and I'm glad that we're speaking soon. I also have one request.

For you to start a kidney disease thread in the medical challenges folder so others who have pets can find and browse it more readily.

Also, as a 501c3 you get a 50% discount on monthly or annual membership.

One last question that we can discuss in your new thread, is that I wonder how she's been for the past few weeks/months? Especially her BEAM.

I look forward to interacting more about your pup over in the other folder.

Ok, this is great, I love belonging to this. So in answer to your question above, this all started a couple of weeks ago, and she has had good days and bad. I was giving her echinacea and goldenseal thinking she may have an infection, I dont believe in antibiotics. I have had her for 2 years and always drank a ton of water, then she throws up saliva ( very slimy) after. Where do I find the medical challenges folder, Im sorry, not quite familiar with the site yet, but I will learn. If you can point me in the right direction. Then do I just repost?
I found the phos bind and Epatikin on Pet Meds. I will need to start her on something when I get her home after flushing out kidneys?
I dont know dosage. Not sure if Pet Meds require a perscription?
I dont know dosage. Not sure if Pet Meds require a perscription?
Hi Lori!!

One of my pups just started on phosbinder and epakitin and phosbinder from RxVitamins for Pets. I found both in Amazon without prescription. And the starting doses are on the side of the bottles.

The PhosBinder we mix with her food or give it via syringe +water, if she eats food that we haven't mixed it in.

Here is the link to the dis-ease challenge forum (I think...if I copied it right :)


So I picked her up today. Still want to keep her on raw diet. She has a UTI but phosphorus levels high. Along with the proteins that are lower in phosphorus, I will be giving supplements recommended on this forum. I used Young Living oregano oil over her kidneys tonight with a warm compress, and giving her vitamin C and cranberry as Dr Jeff recommended, until my other supplements arrive. Maybe I am wrong but I have such a bad thing about antibiotics. I dont take them and hate giving them to my dogs.Here is the bloodwork from today

Hi Lori-

Great news about your pup's normal kidney values!

Thanks so much Nova for sharing your experiences with the phos. binders.

What do they use at Yale as a phos. binder?

Lori, regarding the high phosphorus, is the vet internist checking for chronic Bully kidney dis-ease with an ultrasound or a parathyroid problem?

Also, I'd appreciate if you re-upload a fresh copy of her blood test results. If you have a copy of the urine tests, please include those as well.

BTW-I have asked Aruna to transfer the kidney, cystitis and phosphorus part of this discussion into the medical challenges folder.
Hi! We usually see sevelamer used as a phos binder. Is it used in animals?
Also, thank you for recommending Phos bind, my girl is back to her old self again, with energy and a smiling face
You're welcome Lori, that's wonderful news!

Did your vets ever come up with an answer? Did the PTH test come back?
Hi Dr Jeff,

I was re-reading this article. So you typically supplement animals with anemia secondary to kidney disease with iron supplementation?

Yes, with food sources of iron like red meat, liver, which is in Rena-GO, and Amino B-Plex.
You're welcome, N?ova.
In our appointment today, it was recommended to start ferrum metallicum 6c. From my understanding of the call, the 6c works on a physiological level and can help with iron deficiency.

We are able to get 6c online but not for ~10days. My local homeopath has 30c available. Should we start that instead or wait for the 6c? Does the 30c work the same way? And how and how often should we give it?

We were thinking about this for the human toddler too that was recently found to have low ferritin levels!

Thank you all and for this super useful and fun forum!
The 30c works more energetically and has less primary physiologic action.

Edge of the Woods or Whole Foods may carry ferrum as a lower potency ("X") cell salt. This would also be great.
Hi! I called the grocery stores and a few other places but they didn't have the 6c available. It seems that it is best to wait for the 6c to arrive.

It is very interesting the physiological vs energetic work the remedies can do.

When working with a remedy physiologically, do you usually dose standing like qd or follow beam and symptoms?

I *think* we are adding it on bc signs like Toshi licking the sidewalk and eating dirt. Along with likelihood she has low iron bc of kidney dis-ease.

Thank you again!
An add on question :). Ferrum phos vs ferrum metallicum. I was reading a blog post elsewhere that says to use ferrum phos vs metallicum for low ferritin in children. Would either work for low iron/ferritin bc they are ferrum or does the phos/metallicum make a big difference?

I know in drugs sometimes the salt matters but usually it doesn't (or at least that is what we are taugh ;)

Morning Nova-

1. Dosing depends on the situation but yes, in general low potencies which can have more of a physical effect, are used daily or even more often.

That said, even low potencies can have strong energetically stimulating effects.

2. Any remedy can be used to stimulate red blood cell production. In this case, use Ferrum metallicum vs. phosphoricum.
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