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Electro acupuncture


VIP Member
Aug 14, 2017
What are the pros and cons of electro acupuncture vs dry needles? Are there specific reasons to use one approach or the other? Buxton has lumbo sacral stenosis and electro acupuncture has been suggested. The vet who I usually go to has always used dry needles but I’m not able to get another appointment until the end of the month.
Thank you.
Great question, Debbie.
I will check with our TCVM experts.
Dr. Christina
Hey Deb!
What are the pros and cons of electro acupuncture vs dry needles?
Great question. There are subtle physiological differences, but I think it primarily depends on the individual vet's experience and preferences.

This article may help (it says better "quick" pain relief with electroacupuncture):

Hey Deb!

Great question. There are subtle physiological differences, but I think it primarily depends on the individual vet's experience and preferences.

This article may help (it says better "quick" pain relief with electroacupuncture):

Thank you, Dr. Jeff!
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