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Dr. Harvey's Canine Health Miracle Dog Food


Jun 5, 2023
I'm relatively new to this forum and Holistic Actions. My 10 yr old pit bull female spayed pup was diagnosed with kidney disease. It seems like an early stage. I switched her to cooked human food and added Dr. Dobias's supplements along with mushroom extracts. She is drinking less and her fur looks better. My question is about the food. I am vegan so I'm not thrilled buying meat but I will not go back to feeding her kibble and canned dog food. Is Dr. Harvey's miracle dog food acceptable if I still add fresh meat? I get her turkey and duck. She has some allergies to other meat including chicken and beef. The dog food has lots of grains in it so I was not sure if it's ok. I am not feeding her grains, I feed her meat and organic vegetables using Dr. Dobias's recipe maker and I vary the vegetables for her. I try to get all organic but I can't always find organic meat. I thought the dog food might be a nice thing to have on hand to make food quicker on some days. Dr. Harvey has the other mix with no grains in it and I wondered if that would be a better choice? My pup is slightly overweight and still has some weakness in her back end. Thank you for your advice.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Is Dr. Harvey's miracle dog food acceptable if I still add fresh meat? I get her turkey and duck
other mix with no grains in it and I wondered if that would be a better choice?
That might be better to help her lose weight. Also, maybe call Dr. Harvey's to ask if they know the Phosphorus and glyphosate levels of both.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
YW Ann! ? :thumbsup::snowman::dog2:?

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
You are doing a great job .

Would freeze dried foods be acceptable to you? There are more and more brands available so you can personally communicate with each to see the conditions of the animals they harvest. You can then find ones that are raising the cows/chickens most sustainably. I would rotate several brands, so if one goes out of business or is bought out and changes quality, or the taste changes, you will still have several your dog loves to eat.

For the fresh meat, one environmental and humane source is the meat killed by hunters. Often they do not want much of the deer/elk/bird, etc. You can pay the butcher a small fee and get a lot of great meat from an animal that was happy until the last moment, and basically organic.

Dr. Chambreau

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