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Dog was excited about raw food, last two days, not eating it.


Community Member
Jun 22, 2023
Hi I’m wondering if you can help me. My Golden, Sophie was started on raw food as per your suggestions. She’s had OC Raw lamb….The first week, she loved it and was so excited to eat it. I made this switch as Dr Jeff felt it would be helpful especially as she is supposed to get her first rabies vaccine tomorrow and he thought it would raise her vitality, which it has up until now. Her Beam I would say is great—I just don’t know why in the last two days she is eating some of the food and then stopping. She goes back and forth almost skiddishly as if she’s afraid of it. I have to get this rabies vaccine as she is going to stay at her breeders house next week when we’re away. Any thoughts?

Thank you, Jackie
First, since something is going on that may indicate lowered vitality, is there anyway to delay the Rabies vaccine? They do not "expire" and really are good for at least 5 years.

One reason we suggest feeding a variety of fresh foods is that all of us get bored, some sooner than others.

1. Try feeding some food from your fridge and see if the same behavior happens.
2. Try a different brand or protein.
3. Try feeding two smaller portions in a row. If eats one, then maybe she is satisfied and is trying to please you by trying to eat more.
4. keep a very positive thought in your mind next meal.
5. Contact an intuitive/animal communicator

also, is anything else is going on in the household - you are getting ready for a trip?

Dr. Christina
I’d like to delay the shot, am going awsy and the breeder is asking for proof of the vaccine. I just gave her some of the kibble I had since there was nothing else. She ate it right away….And yes, we are going away this week. She is staying with the breeder…..Thank you!
If she is eating other things, would you think that it would be ok to get her the shot in a couple of days? I’m really at a loss as to what to do but will mention delaying the shot to the breeder, though I don’t believe that she’ll allow us to leave the dog with her without it.
Dear Jackie,
Do you have any other varieties of the OC Raw? In my experience, some animals go off the lamb; I'm not sure why. I would try turkey or chicken, as those have been the best received by my patients. If that doesn't make a difference, I would lightly cook the food. Perhaps the raw texture is not appealing to her. I understand that she seemed to like it at first, but the texture does change as it sits in the fridge.

It also possible that Sophie simply doesn't need as much food as you are offering. As Dr. Christina suggested, feed a tiny amount at a time. We can't tell if your girl is a bit chubby! Dogs self regulate a lot better with raw food than they do with kibble. The starch in kibble seems to make them want to eat more.

I would try not to give kibble. The high starch content, and the free radicals produced due to extrusion both decrease the nutritive value of the food.

If you must give the Rabies shot, then you must give it. As any vaccination produces a contaminated puncture wound, it is appropriate to give Ledum 30C immediately after the vaccination and repeat it 12 and 24 hours later.
I hope this is helpful,
Dr. Sara
Dear Jackie,
Do you have any other varieties of the OC Raw? In my experience, some animals go off the lamb; I'm not sure why. I would try turkey or chicken, as those have been the best received by my patients. If that doesn't make a difference, I would lightly cook the food. Perhaps the raw texture is not appealing to her. I understand that she seemed to like it at first, but the texture does change as it sits in the fridge.

It also possible that Sophie simply doesn't need as much food as you are offering. As Dr. Christina suggested, feed a tiny amount at a time. We can't tell if your girl is a bit chubby! Dogs self regulate a lot better with raw food than they do with kibble. The starch in kibble seems to make them want to eat more.

I would try not to give kibble. The high starch content, and the free radicals produced due to extrusion both decrease the nutritive value of the food.

If you must give the Rabies shot, then you must give it. As any vaccination produces a contaminated puncture wound, it is appropriate to give Ledum 30C immediately after the vaccination and repeat it 12 and 24 hours later.
I hope this is helpful,
Dr. Sara
Hi Dr Sara: Thank you—I appreciate your suggestions. We won’t give the kibble but got her done of the “gently cooked” food that she loved prior to starting the raw diet. As for your suggestions about the Ledum, I was going to follow Dr Jean’s protocol that suggested icing the area, using calcium such as Tums immediately before the shot and thuja 30 c in three doses…..is there a way to clarify that this would support her immune system? I’m anxious now and want to postpone this rabies shot, though I’m not too sure about cancelling our vacation, how that would all play out. Sophie’s health is the priority here….
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