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Different pupil size in feline with hyper-pigmentation in one iris


Community Member
Oct 13, 2023
Good afternoon: I noticed my 14.5 year old domestic short hair Maya's pupils were of varying size today, which is a new symptom. In 2020, at a wellness exam, my notes show our vet took a picture of Maya's left eye which had a spot around 3PM to 6PM (I had raised the question of the spot initially). The dr said it was likely normal but could be melanoma and we would keep an eye on it. In 2021, I had another vet come to my home to give Maya a chiropractic exam and we discussed her eye as well. I was told I could consult with a local vet ophthalmologist and if it was melanoma, it is usually painless in the pet. I wanted to start with asking the HA community for any experience or advice 1st about the different pupil size. Maya is typically a very strong and happy kitty, and is acting normal. Attached is a photo from today on her cat perch where if you can zoom in you can see the size difference of the pupils, and a photo from last Christmas in her cat basket that is a clearer shot of her pigment spot in her left eye. Thank you!


Hey Daysha!
very strong and happy kitty, and is acting normal.
That tells me that this may just be a transient symptom secondary to her zoomies and knocking in to something, a bug, etc.

If her BEAM drops (whether or not the symptom persists) you may want to get her in for a vet exam and bloodwork next week.

BTW-Do you have any B12 or propolis in the house?
Hey Daysha!

That tells me that this may just be a transient symptom secondary to her zoomies and knocking in to something, a bug, etc.

If her BEAM drops (whether or not the symptom persists) you may want to get her in for a vet exam and bloodwork next week.

BTW-Do you have any B12 or propolis in the house?
@Dr. Jeff Thank you! I do not have propolis, but B12, I may have a B complex. What do these things do for kitties?
What do these things do for kitties?
Great question! Like all supplements, they support the body's natural healing process.

In this case, especially neurologic and immune support.
Great question! Like all supplements, they support the body's natural healing process.

In this case, especially neurologic and immune support.
@Dr. Jeff wow, that is cool! Do you recommend any particular brands or can I research these on the HA Forum? Also, just an update, I had a vet over to my house last night related to copious vomiting for Bella, and I had her look at Maya's eyes. They appeared to be normal to her. I did notice it was still off the next day after I posted this initial post, but she appears to be OK now.
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