I want to advocate for retaining as many of Elliott's loose teeth as possible. He has several missing & loose incisors. The front teeth that he does have serve the important function of holding his tongue inside of his mouth. I want to see if I can do focused work on those teeth to help them set more securely, the upper ones are especially wiggly. Referencing the Modified Triadan Numbering System, on his upper left #201 & #202 are very loose + a long length of roots are prominent. On the lower left #302 & #303 are loose, #301 is missing & #304, the canine, is broken, half of the tooth is missing. On the upper right #101, #102 are missing. I will try to include a photo of the area. My questions are: Is it necessary to deliberately remove these loose teeth & isn't it true that in their current state that they don't present any potential problems & that they would fall out of their own accord, easily & naturally without any complications or the need for veterinary attention? I want to be prepared for tomorrow when the hanging by a thread-super loose molar #309 will be addressed, I want to be able to make a solid, clear cut request to the vet before Elliott's oral surgery appointment. Thank you!