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Darwin raw food diet for kidney disease


Community Member
Oct 13, 2023
@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve I wanted to ask about your opinion of Darwin brand Intelligent Design kidney support raw food diet. I also wanted to share a little about my experience with Bella, my kidney kitty who I continue to explore as time permits (going through testing phase with my spouse currently for a heart transplant for him down the road), ways to support Bella and her well-being. I recall sharing that one of the ways HA has helped me is to loosen up the reins of my mind and be open to all possibilities. I almost wonder if the universe has been trying to tell me something though! LOL. Back story: For over 13 years Bella and her sister saw a vet that was over an hour one way that I loved. During the pandemic, I decided due to their age and increasing anxiety with the long trip, to find a local vet. I decided on a local vet's office that had a natural vet that seemed to have good reviews/expertise. But, because of the vet office covid vaccine policies, I reluctantly dropped them off outside the office and spoke to the vet over the phone. I regretted not being there with my kitties when they met their new vet. So much so that as the pandemic dragged out and the vet's policies did not change where I couldn't even meet the dr out in the parking lot, I decided to resume the long trek one state over and the kitties were good troopers. This year I returned to the local vet, and had a wonderful experience in January with the director of the practice, who from my review of their website, was not a natural vet, yet we had a great experience, Bella and I. However, I decided once I had Bella's annual exam with this vet, I would resume trying to meet this natural vet that I never did a few years ago to hear her views on supporting Bella's health in perhaps over modalities. Well...I have had my appts with this vet cancelled multiple times recently and finally, last week after I spoke to the office manager twice, I confirmed the dr was back at work and they would see me today at 9AM. I brought Bella there this AM and right off the bat, when the receptionist asked me again, what was my name, and again which pet was it...something wasn't right. Sure enough, they admitted I was not on the schedule but they would squeeze me in. After almost an hour wait, I was ushered in to meet the dr and........honestly my opinion was there was not a good vibe going on. The dr even seemed to deflect on me as if it was my error in the scheduling SNAFU (not so). Anyways, the tone didn't start off well but I did my best to remain open and things leveled out.

Here are my questions for you: I told her about my nutritional journey since Bella's kidney disease diagnosis (at this point it is still early stage), and how I nutrition has evolved, and I resumed feeding Primal raw after having home cooked a vet nutrtionist calculated home cooked diet. The vet said she didn't think highly of Primal and instead recommended the Darwin Intelligent Design. Also, she recommended I stop giving Purina calming care to the cats as though the probiotic is great, the overall product wasn't the best. I could see that it may not be needed and won't oppose giving that up. She also cautioned me about what Dr. Judy Herman had recommended, which was using both Standard Process Renafood AND Aventi kidney complete as I may be doubling up on supplements. She said choose one and I asked her recommendation and she said she had none. Do you have a recommendation? I realize getting multiple opinins will arise from each person I interact with in Bella's care community, and HA has taught me to try things out and see how things go, and what seems to make Bella happy. Thanks!

Hey Daysha!
going through testing phase with my spouse currently for a heart transplant
OMG!! It's a wonder that you have time or energy to do anything else.

I hope the transplant goes smoothly.

the tone didn't start off well but I did my best to remain open and things leveled out.
Good work! Tho I'm sorry that the vet visit was not optimal.

Do you have a recommendation?
I see Renafood and Aventi as complements and also tend to use them together.

multiple opinins will arise from each person I interact with
Hey Daysha!

OMG!! It's a wonder that you have time or energy to do anything else.

I hope the transplant goes smoothly.

Good work! Tho I'm sorry that the vet visit was not optimal.

I see Renafood and Aventi as complements and also tend to use them together.

@Dr. Jeff Thank you! I look forward to seeing what @Dr. Christina and @Dr. Jean Hofve have to say. Also, I went to my pet store tonight as the vet yesterday suggested Laxatone for ease of hairballs. Is there anything better I can give Bella because I read the ingredients and I don't think ingesting petroleum is safe. Dr. Herman, Bella's homeopathic vet, was aware of these symptoms, but for the time being is there something that can help Bella pass it out of her body through her poo and not her little esophagus? She does groom herself a lot.
Not laxatone. ARe you brushing several times a day? That may help.

So wonderful that you have learned how to advocate, sort out the different options since no one has the right answer - only her response help.

eeding Primal raw after having home cooked a vet nutrtionist calculated home cooked diet. The vet said she didn't think highly of Primal and instead recommended the Darwin Intelligent Design.

I believe it is best to rotate foods - we have many that have been suggested here. I like Medix foods by the woman veterinarian who started Herbsmith decades ago. Also, I would do as many meals of fresh food from you - cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented broths & milks, fish, eggs, etc.

Also, she recommended I stop giving Purina calming care to the cats as though the probiotic is great, the overall product wasn't the best. I could see that it may not be needed and won't oppose giving that up.

I agree - do not like their products. Also, I would rotate your probiotics as well.

She also cautioned me about what Dr. Judy Herman had recommended, which was using both Standard Process Renafood AND Aventi kidney complete as I may be doubling up on supplements. She said choose one and I asked her recommendation and she said she had none. Do you have a recommendation?

Consulted with a vet who uses a lot of SP products, Dr. Ramelmeier, who I am staying with. She recommends - Feline renal and Feline enteric and not the Adventi. That was from muscle testing. both Renafood and adventix have a lot of vitamins, so there may be an overlap. continue the renafood only until getting the other two, if you go that direction.

Dr. Christina
Hi Daysha! I do not have a good opinion of Darwin's. I wrote a whole post on my newsletter (you can subscribe for free! 😁 ): Little Big Cat News Alert!

I agree to drop the Aventi, though really there is no conflict between Renafood and Aventi. But definitely keep some sort of probiotics--they are very important for kidney issues. Just not Purina, the ingredients are poor quality. I personally prefer Renafood to Feline Renal for cats, but either is fine.

Petroleum by itself is 100% safe. It's a large molecule than cannot be digested, and passes through the intestines without being absorbed. Laxatone and similar products contain a lot of additives, but my cats have always tolerated (and sometimes enjoyed) regular Vaseline. Just give it a couple hours apart from food, since it can interfere with nutrient absorption from food.
Hi Daysha! I do not have a good opinion of Darwin's. I wrote a whole post on my newsletter (you can subscribe for free! 😁 ): Little Big Cat News Alert!

I agree to drop the Aventi, though really there is no conflict between Renafood and Aventi. But definitely keep some sort of probiotics--they are very important for kidney issues. Just not Purina, the ingredients are poor quality. I personally prefer Renafood to Feline Renal for cats, but either is fine.

Petroleum by itself is 100% safe. It's a large molecule than cannot be digested, and passes through the intestines without being absorbed. Laxatone and similar products contain a lot of additives, but my cats have always tolerated (and sometimes enjoyed) regular Vaseline. Just give it a couple hours apart from food, since it can interfere with nutrient absorption from food.
Thank you, Dr. Jean. @Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff what probiotic do you recommend for Bella (kidney issues) and her sister Maya (healthy kitty)? I'd like to replace the Purina (I stopped giving it to them) with something else than. <3
Dr. Jean what do you think about Azodyl or Felix's Flora?

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